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The Best Jean Genshin Impact Team for DPS and Support

One of Jean Genshin Impact's best teams or comps for DPS is Xiao and Zhongli. These three characters are very suitable to use.
Jean as Albedo Genshin's team

Jean Genshin Impact is one of the weaker characters. However, there must be a way to build a team to overcome these weaknesses.

Jean Genshin Impact is a 5-star Anemo Sword character. He is a versatile character who can easily fit into any team.

Due to the nature of his Elemental Skills and Elemental Bursts, people usually run them as sub-DPS or main support. However, with the right team, he can definitely become a prime DPS. 

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In this article, VCGamers will present the best Jean Genshin Impact team for high DPS and support.

List of the Jean Genshin Impact Team for DPS

This is Jean's main role in the team. He can control cc with his elemental skills, launching nearby enemies to deal damage. His explosive healing component increases his ATK stat, which is huge and can keep a team full even in the most difficult content.

Keqing + Chongyun + Diona

Jean Genshin Impact

Keqing's Charge Attack DMG is maximized through Chongyun's Cryo's Superconduct reaction. By bringing Chongyun to C2, players will be able to take down Keqing's burst CD.

Diona's job is to protect and give the Cryo Resonance team extra crit. Jean's job is mob control and healing, due to his nature as Anemo, he will not remove Cryo applications on enemies. In addition, Jean also serves as a battery for Keqing's explosion.

Eula + Raiden + Rosaria

Jean Genshin Impact

The core of Jean's team was Eula's Elemental Burst and Superconduct reactions. In the right combo, his explosions can deal an insane amount of Phys damage.

Raiden Shogun is the support and prime mover of the team, providing the Electro app to trigger Superconduct. She also increases Eula's burst with her Elemental Skills and can become a damage dealer on the field when Eula is on cooldown.

Rosaria primarily serves as a DPS Sub in this comp, acting as Eula's battery. He also unlocked Cryo resonance for the team. Furthermore, if you have Rosaria at C6, she can reduce the enemy's physical Res to boost Eula even further.

Jean's job in this comp is to spin and reduce the RES of enemy elements. He can also fire his blasts occasionally to heal when needed.

Xiao + Chongyun + Zhongli

Jean Genshin Impact

Xiao is the main DPS of Jean's team. His drop attack deals AOE Anemo DMG while his Elemental Burst allows him to spam repeatedly. Chongyun's elemental skill lowers Xiao's burst cooldown.

Zhongli's main goal is to protect the team and increase their ATK by triggering the Tenacity of the Millelith set effect.

Jean served as a battery for Xiao's Elemental Burst. Apart from that, he also activated Anemo resonance to increase movement speed and reduce CD for Xiao.

Diluc + Xingqiu + Xiangling

Jean Genshin Impact

The team is primarily focused on Diluc triggering Vaporize from Hydro application Xingqiu. Xiangling is there for the Pyro resonance and some additional damage. Jean's role is to rotate with Venerer set to reduce enemy Pyro res. Xiangling is the main DPS, triggering Melt from Kaeya's support.

Also read: Xiao Genshin Impact Full Review, Best DPS Anemo 2022

Rosaria + Fischl + Bennett

Jean Genshin Impact

In this superconductor lineup, your main combo is to trigger the superconductor continuously with Rosaria and Fischl off the field for an extra boost of Phys damage. Rosaria's crit rate increase was quite useful, meanwhile Fischl serves as a battery and Electro enabler.

Also read: Noblesse Oblige Genshin Impact User Character Recommendations

Bennett is probably the best support for this comp, because he can increase damage for the whole team. Furthermore, he can also provide Pryo for Melt if needed.

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