Elden Ring has many weapons that you can use. And here is the tier list of the best Elden Ring weapons in 2024.
Elden Ring is an action gameRPGs which has occupied the top position since its inception.
Like other RPG games, Elden Ring also offers various types of weapons that can be used. And each type has a unique skill set and abilities.
Having the best weapons in your loadout will of course make fighting strong enemies easier.
However, choosing the best weapon might be a complicated task, that's because there are more than 300 weapons that you can choose from in this game.
So, to make it easier for you to choose the best Elden Ring weapon, we have summarized the weapon tier list.
Come on, take a look at the following discussion!
Also read: 3 Ways to Get to Volcano Manor in Elden Ring
Elden Ring Weapon Tier List

The weapons in this game consist of 5 tier lists, here is the explanation:
- S-Tier: The best weapon in the game, as it's currently meta.
- A-Tier: A very good weapon, and useful for whatever situation you are facing.
- B-Tier: A good weapon that can balance the team if you don't have the best.
- C-Tier: A weapon that is not too bad, but must be replaced with a better one once you get a weapon of the tier above.
- D-Tier: Weapons that you should avoid, only use them for emergencies or if you don't have a weapon to fill a certain role.
Also read: Strategy for Defeating Dragons in Elden Ring
Tier List S weapons

The following are the tier list S weapons for this game in 2024:
- Blasphemous Blade
- Dark Moon Greatsword
- Death's Poker
- Eleonora's Poleblade
- Erdtree Bow
- Fallingstar Beast Jaw
- Full Moon Crossbow
- Gargoyle's Blackblade
- Godslayer's Greatsword
- Golden Order Greatsword
- Lion Greatbow
- Meteoric Ore Blade
- Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear
- Moonveil
- Onyx Lord's Greatsword
- Rivers of Blood
- Scepter of All Knowing
- Sword of Night and Flame
- Winged Scythe
- Regal Scepter Search
- Dragon Communion Seal
- Frenzied Flame Seal
- Giant's Seal
- Lusat's Glintstone Staff
Tier List A weapons

The following are the tier A weapons for this game in 2024:
- Bastard's Stars
- Beastclaw Greathammer
- Black Knife
- Blade of Calling
- Bolt of Gransax
- Knight's Sword quest
- Cleanrot Spear
- Cranial Vessel Candlestand
- Crystal Sword
- Death Ritual Spear
- Devourer's Scepter
- Dragon Greatclaw
- Dragon King's Cragblade
- Dragonscale Blade
- Eclipse Shotel
- Envoy's Greathorn
- Envoy's Horn
- Envoy's Long Horn
- Family Heads
- Giant's Red Braid
- Godskin Peeler
- Golden Halberd
- Grafted Blade Greatsword
- Grafted Dragon
- Hello Scythe
- Hand of Malenia
- Helphen's Steeple
- Horn Bow
- Icerind Hatchet
- Inquisitor's Girandole
- Inseparable Sword
- Lazuli Glintstone Sword
- Magma Blade
- Magma Wyrm's Scalesword
- Maliketh's Black Blade
- Marais Executioner's Sword
- Miquellan Knight's Sword
- Morgott's Cursed Sword
- Ornamental Straight Sword
- Prelate's Inferno Crozier
- Royal Greatsword
- Greatsword Ruins
- Sacred Relic Sword
- Scavenger's Curved Sword
- Siluria's Tree
- Staff of the Avatar
- Sword of St. Trina
- Treespear
- Veteran's Prosthesis
- Wing of Astel
- Azur's Glintstone Staff
- Godslayer's Seal
- Golden Order Seal
- Gravel Stone Seal
- Rotten Crystal Staff
Also read: How to Get the Larval Tear Elden Ring
Tier List B weapons

The following are the tier list B weapons for this game in 2024:
- Antspur Rapier
- Beast Repellent Torch
- Beastman's Curved Sword
- Bloodhound's Fang
- Pata Cipher
- Clayman's Harpoon
- Coded Sword
- Crystal Spear
- Executioner's Greataxe
- Frozen Needles
- Gargoyle's Black Axe
- Gargoyle's Black Halberd
- Ghostflame Torch
- Glintstone Kris
- Golden Epitaph
- Greatbow Golem
- Great Omenkiller Cleaver
- Greataxe
- Hammer
- Ivory Sickle
- Loretta's War Sickle
- Magma Whip Candlestick
- Marika's Hammer
- Monk's Flamemace
- Nagakiba
- Noble's Slender Sword
- Nox Flowing Hammer
- Reduvia
- Ringed Fingers
- Rosus' Axe
- Rotten Crystal Spear
- Rusted Anchor
- Sentry's Torch
- Serpent Hunter
- St. Trina's Torch
- Starscourge Greatsword
- Stone Club
- Torchpole
- Troll Knight's Sword
- Vyke's War Spear
- Winged Greathorn
- Zamor Curved Sword
- Academy Glintstone Staff
- Clawmark Seal
- By the Human Queen's Staff
- Gelmir Glintstone Staff
- Meteorite Staff
- Staff of Loss
- Staff of the Guilty
Tier List C weapons

The following are the tier list C weapons for this game in 2024:
- Albinauric Bow
- Ax of Godfrey
- Ax of Godrick
- Bandit's Curved Sword
- Bloodhound Claws
- Cinquedea
- Crystal Knife
- Curved Club
- Greataxe Duelist
- Gargoyle's Great Axe
- Gargoyle's Greatsword
- Gargoyle's Twinblade
- Grave Scythe
- Grossmesser
- Hoslow's Petal Whip
- Jar Cannon
- Longhaft Axe
- Mace
- Morning Star
- Ordovis's Greatsword
- Regalia of Eochaid
- Rogier's Rapier
- Rotten Crystal Sword
- Rotten Greataxe
- Rotten Staff
- Spiked Club
- Steel Wire Torches
- Torches
- Troll's Hammer
- Warpick
- Watchdog's Staff
- Watchdogs Greatsword
- Finger Seals
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Tier List D weapons

The following are the tier list D weapons for this game in 2024:
- Alabaster Lord's Sword
- Astrologer's Staff
- Beastman's Cleaver
- Butchering Knife
- Glintstone Staff Search
- Celebrant's Skull
- Chainlink Flail
- Cleanrot Knight's Sword
- Club
- Cross Naginata
- CrystalStaff
- Curved Great Club
- Erdtree Greatbow
- Falchion
- Flail
- Flowing Curved Sword
- Ghiza's Wheel
- Giant Crusher
- Golem's Halberd
- Great Club
- Great Stars
- Greatbow
- Iron Spear
- Longbow
- Mantis Blade
- Misericorde
- Nightrider Flail
- Nox Flowing Sword
- Omen Cleaver
- Partisan
- Pickaxe
- Pike
- Pulley Bow
- Scimitar
- Serpent God's Curved Sword
- Shamshir
- Spear
- Spiked Spear
- Thorned Whip
- Urumi
- Venomous Fang
- Wakizashi
- Whips
Also read: Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, Best Weapon Tier List
That's our discussion this time regarding the tier list of the best Elden Ring weapons.
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