Monster Hunter: World. Source: Official Site
Monster Hunter World Weapon Tier List
There are fourteen types of weapons in existence Monster Hunter World, and each weapon has its own advantages and disadvantages.
And from these advantages and disadvantages, we have managed to summarize them into a Monster Hunter World weapon tier list for players. solo or multiplayer.
If you are curious about the Monster Hunter World weapon tier list, let's take a look at the following discussion!
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Playing Monster Hunter World alone is not boring, because playing solo makes boss fights feel more epic and one-on-one fights much more tense.
On the other hand, this will also force you to consider more about placement, skills, and weapon choices.
Additionally, when playing alone, it is very important to make sure you use a weapon that is appropriate for the monster you are facing.
Here is the Monster Hunter World weapon tier list for Solo players:
Co-op in Monster Hunter World is a bit convoluted compared to other games.
Because you have to enter a lobby with friends, then start missions, events, and other in-game activities together is a slightly different story.
To start co-op, be sure to complete the Jagras of the Ancient Forest introductory mission, then head to the Gathering Hub.
There will be a notice board next to a woman, the Squad Manager. Interact with her to invite friends to the session. However, PC players can simply use the Steam Group feature.
While in the lobby with a squad, using the Noticeboard or Quest Counter will bring up the normal quest screen. However, quests are limited to what the player posting the quest has.
If players do not have the proper requirements for a quest, they will not be able to start it.
Dan, setelah diposting, pemain lain dapat memilih “Gabung Quest” untuk secara resmi bergabung dalam grup.
going on an expedition is a different story. Go through the mission as usual, and don't choose to return to Astera, but choose the option to return to Camp.
Here is the Monster Hunter World weapon tier list for Co-Op or Multiplayer players:
Heavy Bowgun users have low mobility, but their simple controls, high damage, and ability to block more than make up for it.
Due to its low mobility, Heavy Bowgun users must know how to easily restrain monsters, either by giving abnormal statuses, setting traps, or other means, to deal the most damage.
Heavy Bowgun users must also have knowledge of the various ranges at which they are most effective.
The Great Sword is one of the slowest weapons in the game, but also one of the hardest.
This weapon is also relatively easy to learn; most of what a Great Sword user has to learn are the monster's move sets, not their own.
Her True Charge Slash, while difficult to time as it takes a long time to charge, deals massive damage if done correctly.
Great Sword users can also use the Tackle move while charging their attack to reduce the monster's attack power.
Dual Blades have the fastest attack speed of all the weapons in the game. Monster Hunter World.
Dual Blades offers its users stamina-packed Demon and Archdemon modes, which have different, stronger and faster move sets.
Its short reach can also make taller monsters harder to hit.
But this weapon is very fun to use, and certainly has a lot of damage potential hidden within the quick moveset.
The Light Bowgun, like the Heavy Bowgun, can deal damage from a distance.
But unlike the Heavy Bowgun, this weapon allows its user to have a lot of mobility at the expense of lower damage.
While dealing lower damage doesn't sound great at first, sheathing your weapon faster, reloading faster, and being able to reload while dodging are huge advantages of the Light Bowgun.
The Bow is capable of dealing very high damage; however, it has a high mastery limit as you must always aim at the monster's weak point while in range.
Additionally, Bow requires good stamina management for both offensive and defensive purposes.
Because it is so aim-intensive, the Bow can be a great weapon for players with an FPS background.
Sword and Shield are the most complete weapons in the game, offering both offensive and defensive capabilities to their users.
However, his highest-damaging move, Perfect Rush, can be tricky to pull off.
The Sword and Shield are also the only weapons in the game that do not require a sheath to use items such as Potions, Nulberries, or Bombs.
Long Sword users have the ability to move, deal high damage, and have long reach (as the name suggests).
What distinguishes this weapon from other weapons is the Spirit Meter mechanism.
The Spirit Meter can be filled and leveled up by performing combos that unlock the Long Sword for more moves that deal more damage.
One of these moves is Spirit Helm Breaker, a very flashy and powerful move that can split monsters.
The Charge Blade, while very powerful, can be difficult to use, especially for beginners.
There are many preparations that Charge Blade must make in order to perform his strongest move: Super Amped Elemental Discharge or the Axe combo.
But in the right and persistent hands, the Charge Blade hits like a truck. Its wielder can also protect themselves with a well-timed Guard Point.
Switch Axe gets its name from its ability to change weapon forms, from the Axe form which has high mobility and long range to the Sword form which deals high damage.
Switch Axe also has Phials, which are useful for giving status effects to monsters while in Sword form, or simply increasing Switch Axe's attack power.
While a bit tricky to learn due to the two different forms it offers, Switch Axe users can easily adapt to whatever monster is thrown at them.
The Hammer, like the Great Sword, is another heavy-hitting weapon that is relatively easy to learn.
Not only does it have high base damage, but it is also effective in paralyzing monsters, which can produce the highest damage combo, Big Bang.
While its range is shorter than other S Tier weapons, this can easily be bypassed with moves like Swinging Flying Smash, which allows you to roll above monsters, dealing continuous damage.
Insect Glaive is a great weapon for riding monsters and being an annoying fly around monsters.
True to its character, Insect Glaive also has Kinsect which collects essence from monsters.
Each essence collected serves as a buff for the hunter, further increasing their ability to deal damage.
Of course, with all that Insect Glaive has to offer, it can be a bit tricky to learn.
But with his incredible vertical mobility and ability to mount monsters, he has the potential to deal massive damage while remaining safe.
The Gunlance is the second best defensive weapon in the game after the Lance. While it doesn’t offer much in terms of mobility, it makes up for it in terms of damage output.
Its shots, in particular, are great for destroying stronger monster parts as they ignore monster armor.
Gunlance also has different shooting types which can result in different play styles.
This can be an advantage for advanced players, and difficult for newer players to learn.
To be fully effective, Lance needs knowledge of both his own moveset and that of his monsters.
A well-timed block and counterattack will protect the Lance user from a lot of damage.
With all the buffs it can provide, Hunting Horn is great in a team environment. However, in solo play, it can be difficult to use.
Her main strength is her buffing songs, but these will run out after a while—even in the middle of battle.
Using the Hunting Horn is like dancing, where you have to find the right rhythm to play.
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