Do you often hear the word Thumb Up in the game Mobile Legends but don't know what it means? This term consists of two words, namely Thumb which means thumb and Up which means up.
If interpreted entirely, Thumb Oops means thumb (thumbs up) up. As is commonly known, giving a thumbs up is a form of appreciation for many things.
In Mobile Legends itself, Thumb Up often appears in several places with different types and functions. Check out the full explanation in this article!
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Thumb Up Mobile Legends
As for its use in general, Thumb Up in Mobile Legends also used to give appreciation to teammates and opponents.
You can give thumbs up to your teammates or people on the opposing team after the match is over.
This thumbs up logo is next to the heart-shaped logo next to the heroes' avatars. The heart logo itself serves to follow one of the other players.
Types and Functions of Thumb Up Mobile Legends
Not only does it appear at the end of the match, it turns out that there are several other types of thumbs that have different functions in Mobile Legends. The following is the location of the explanation.
End of Game

This one type appears after the match is over and is right next to the features follow. You can press Thumb Up if you like someone's playing performance.
This button is available for all heroes in both your own team and the opposing team so you can give a thumbs up appreciation according to the players who amazed you.
Player Profile

You may also see the Thumb Up logo when visiting someone. The logo is to the right of the username and player id.
The number below the logo indicates how many people appreciated it both after the match and when visiting the player's profile in person.
There are three other logos, namely a fire-shaped logo called Charisma. Charisma indicates the level of popularity of a player.
To increase Charisma, you can upload 1 photo, receive likes, receive comments and get a Thumb Up in the match.
While the heart logo in the middle shows a gift received by a player from another person.
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During Hero Selection
When entering the match, of course, we will choose a mainstay hero first. The Thumb Up logo usually appears above several hero avatars.
This bright blue logo indicates a recommended hero for you to choose in a match.
Avatars with this logo you usually use frequently in matches or the hero with the best performance among the heroes you have.
In Chess Game Mode

Thumb Up doesn't only appear in Rank, Classic, and Brawl game modes but also in Chess mode.
The thumbs logo is used to mark the heroes that you have to buy to complete the line-up so you won't be left out when choosing a hero.
To enable this feature, head over to the Recommended Lineup menu. Select the Line-Up that you want to form then press the menu "USED“.
Every time a hero included in the lineup appears, they will get a yellow Thumb Up marker above it.
In-Game Emoticons
You can also use it in battle as an emoticon that will appear directly over the hero.
To use it, enter the message menu under the menu "Request to back Oops“. Select the smile emotion logo and press the thumb crowned with the words “Genius!”.
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So, that's an article about what Thumb Up is, its types and functions in Mobile Legends. Hope it's useful!