Hola Vicigers! Garena Free Fire (FF) always do updates large once every 2 months in order games still interesting and not boring, including the existence of the SMG Muzzle attachment.
However, prior to its release updates big, on developers always release first in “Advance serverfor trials. There the player can join and search bugs to get diamonds free.
Updates this time scheduled for August 4, 2021. On batch updates OB29, will bring a lot of changes to games Free Fire, like a character, pet, mechanisms and much more.
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Same as updates previously, maintenance will be held from 10.30 WIB to 17.00 WIB. On patch updates 0B29 August, Free Fire released 3 attachments new ones namely SMG Muzzle, Shotgun Muzzle and AR Magazine. Attachments it was first introduced in advanced server July.

Attachments in games Free Fire is a complement to weapons. There is attachments which can be found on the map, some are already installed on the weapon.
Every attachments have different functions. There is attachments that can add range shots, there are also those that can make it easier to control the weapon. Attachments Muzzle can make the weapons we use stronger.
This muzzle will deal greater damage, the speed of the bullet that is issued will also be faster. Besides that, attachments This muzzle also serves to reduce explosive power, recoil. This muzzle makes the weapon more stable, improves damage and accuracy.
These advantages are the reason why Free Fire players still frequently use this Muzzle item.
However, attachments this one can indeed deliver damage which is big but, the sound it produces will also be big, which will make your position quickly discovered by the enemy.
In addition, if you use a muzzle, the bullets will spread quickly. The use of this muzzle does improve damage large, but stationary bullets can spread faster. This muzzle is not suitable for use with weapons auto.
SMG Muzzle falls into that category Golden attachment. Attachments this gives extra points damage constant which is quite large if the shot takes place continuously.
Attachments this can add strength attacks. Unfortunately, this SMG Muzzle cannot be installed on all SMG guns. There are only 3 SMG weapons (Sub-Machine Guns) that can be paired with SMG Muzzle, namely UMP, MP5, and Thompson.
SMG Weapon (Sub-Machine Guns) is intended for close or medium range combat. Using SMG Muzzle will increase points damage which will increase the efficiency of the battle as well.
Point increase damage This constant is very profitable for weapons close-range combat. Weapons that use the SMG Muzzle can finish off enemies quickly.
What character anyway suitable for using SMG Muzzle? Let's check this out!

Owner skills This Firearms Expert is able to increase speed reload 24% SMGs. With skills this player will not waste time for reload weapon.
Coupled with the use of the SMG Muzzle, the SMG weapon used by Nikita will become a weapon auto that hurts and never ends.

This character from Indonesia has skills Sustained Raids which can restore HP (Health Point) up to 40 points instantly if we kill an enemy with an SMG or Shotgun.
If Jota uses SMG and adds it with attachments SMG Muzzle, will make it hard to beat because this SMG Muzzle makes a very big sound, if we are hit hits from the enemy, we only need to kill the enemy, then our HP (Health Point) will be replenished.

This newest Free Fire character comes with skills Raging Reload that works we canreload weapons when making enemies knocked down even though onlyreload a few percent of capacity magazines.
Combo SMG Muzzle with this character can make the SMG weapon he uses more painful and without fear of running out of bullets.
Limelight is skills owned by Wolfrah, skills this can give extra damage when we manage to kill the enemy, and will add body damage even if it has reduced consequences damage head.
SMG weapons with attachments SMG Muzzle will get sicker and can kill more easily in his hands.
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