Aloha Vicigers! In order to survive and survive in game battleground, the players PUBG (Player Unknown's Battleground) equipped with weapons and attachments, to become a winner then get Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
Players are given weapons to survive and fight against enemies. Games this is games where the players must be able to survive and survive.
Of course, many of these weapons are inspired by weapons in the real world. Therefore, because these weapons are inspired by the real world, of course, equipment and accessories or attachment-it's almost the same.
Well, attachments here it serves as a tool to complement their weapons. There are many kinds of attachments this is like scope, muzzle, choke, and also magazines.
These various kinds of complementary weapons certainly have their respective uses and roles. And from each type of complementary weapon, there are many types as well.
As in magazines, which has a type extended and there are quickdraw or extended quickdraw. Then anything anyway Miscellaneous attachments magazines and muzzle which is in PUBG Mobile this? come on, see the explanation below!
Attachments Magazine

Magazine attachments is an accessory that functions as storage and speed toreload bullets in PUBG guns Mobile.
Currently there are three types magazines in PUBG Mobile which have their respective functions. Here are three types magazines in PUBG Mobile :
Extended QuickDraw Mag (Magazines)

This type is one magazines the most sought after by PUBG players Mobile. Attachments this serves to increase the amount of bullet storage in weapons,
An example is the M416 AR weapon without attachments this, the bullets only amounted to 30. But if items these are paired, then the number of bullets in the current weapon reload to 40.
Extended QuickDraw mag (Magazine) functions not only to increase the number of weapon bullets, but the speed when reloading changes to be very fast.
Extended mag (Magazine)

Extended mag (Magazine) has a function similar to magazines previously. It's just type magazines this is only to increase the number of bullets in the weapon, and will not give the effect of speeding up time at the time reload.
QuickDraw mag (Magazine)
QuickDraw mag this is items which can shorten or speed up the process reload on guns. However magazines this does not increase the number of bullets in the weapon.
As a note, Magazine attachments has no effect on weapon recoil in PUBG Mobile, and only serves to multiply bullets and speed up reload weapon.
Muzzle attachments
Function suppressors is to muffle the sound and reduce the sparks on the weapon when shooting. With a muted voice, it will make your position safe so it's not easy to find out.
Suppressors it is available for AWM, Kar98k, M24, MK14, SKS, as well as other similar weapons including pistols. Each weapon has suppressorseach.
Flash hiders
As the name implies, muzzle this one has a function to reduce the spark in the weapon. Apart from what was previously mentioned, Flash Hide has another function to degrade recoil weapon.
Muzzle this is available for weapons such as the M416, AKM, SCAR-L, S12K, M16A4, as well as other similar weapons. Each weapon has Flash Hiderhis own.
Compensator has a decrement function recoil guns up to 25% from recoil the beginning of the weapon. With use muzzle this one, can make the weapon more stable when used.
Muzzle it is available for M16A4, SCAR-L, AKM, S12K, M416, and other similar weapons. Each weapon has Compensatorhis own.
Chokes serves to reduce the spark on the weapon. Muzzle This one is also available for special weapon types shotgun and also a gun. For example Shotgun S868, Shotgun S1897, and Pistol Sawed-off.
Muzzle attachments this last one is muzzle which is specifically for use of this type of weapon shotgun. This duckbill serves to minimize sparks when shooting and to make it easier shotgun which uses duckbill when shooting long distances. Attachments this one is available for S12K and S1897 guns.
Those are the types and functions of each attachments. Immediately open PUBG Mobile-you and feel the sensation of using attachments now!
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