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Here's the Latest The Forest Cheat, Check it Out Now

The Forest cheat that you can use is to type developermodeon to activate the Command System.
Cheat The Forest
The Forest Cheats. Source: YouTube/ Geeker Mag.

Here's the Latest The Forest Cheat, Check it Out Now

Cheats TheForest could be a secret weapon for those of you who want to play casually without having to bother fighting mutants or collecting building materials.

Well, in this article, I'll reveal a secret trick so you can enjoy The Forest in an anti-mainstream way—no sweat, no fear!

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GameplayThe Forest

Cheat The Forest
Gameplay The Forest. Source: YouTube/Cottonbudding.

play TheForest Using cheats is like having superpowers, you can explore the map without fear of being eaten by mutants or running out of building materials.

Imagine, when you are against Cannibal or Armsy, you don't need to hide because you're already using God Mode. Want to make a magnificent base? Just activate Unlimited Resources, then build as much as you want!

Cheats make gameplay more relaxed, suitable for those of you who want to enjoy the story or look for spots. aesthetic photo without any disturbance.

But be careful, using too many cheats can make the game less fun. For example, if you never feel the thrill of running away from mutants or struggling to collect wood, the challenge is lost.

It's better to use cheats sparingly, for example to skip the boring part or unlock hard to get items.

The Forest Cheat List 

Cheat The Forest
The Forest Cheats. Source: YouTube/RobinKing.

No need to be afraid of dying or running out of building materials, just activate this cheat and become the best survivor. OP on this mysterious island!

Basic Cheats & Gameplay

  • faststart on / faststart off → Skip the plane crash scene.
  • survival on / survival off → No need to eat/drink anymore.
  • speedyrun on / speedyrun off → Super fast sprint!
  • save → Auto save game so you don't lose progress.

Enemy & Defense Cheats

  • invisible on / invisible off → Characters can walk on water without getting wet (except in rain).
  • killallenemies → Kill all enemies around (but can respawn again).
  • enemies on / enemies off → Turn cannibals & mutants on/off.
  • killclosetenemy → Kill the nearest enemy.
  • killendboss → Finish off the final boss instantly!

Building & Item Cheats

  • buildermode on / buildermode off → Wake up mode + god mode, all items are available.
  • buildhack on / buildhack off → Unlimited resources & build faster.
  • buildallghosts → Auto complete all blueprints that have been placed.
  • cancelallghosts → Delete all blueprints.
  • addallitems → Get all items (except story items).
  • addallstoryitems → Get all story items.
  • itemhack on / itemhack off → Unlimited items!
  • additem 77 → Get a live rabbit (put it in a cage to keep it safe).

Environment & Weather Cheats

  • cavelight on / cavelight off → Make the cave brighter.
  • heavy forcerain → Heavy rain.
  • forcerain sunny → The weather is sunny.
  • cutdowntrees 10 → Cut down 10 trees (number can be changed).
  • cutdowntrees 100% → Cut down ALL the trees!
  • grass 10 → Mow grass within a radius of 10.

Hardcore Cheats & Extras

  • godmode on / godmode off → Can't die + unlimited stamina.
  • energyhack → Endless energy & stamina.
  • rawmeatmode → If it dies, all save file data is deleted (be careful!).

How to Use Cheats

Cheat The Forest
How to Use Cheats. Source: Steam.

Want to play TheForest with cheats so you don't die easily or have abundant materials? It's really easy! Follow these steps:

  • Open the game TheForest, then wait until the Title Menu appears (the main menu before entering the game).
  • Type developermodeon (without quotes) on the keyboard. If successful, it will say “Developer Console Enabled”.
  • Press the F1 button on the keyboard, then the Command System (box for typing cheats) will appear.
  • Now you can type the desired cheat (example: ironforest for God Mode). Don't forget to press Enter to activate the cheat!
  • Cheats are now active, now you can explore without fear of running out of resources or dying stupidly.

Cheats can only be used in single-player mode. If you want to turn off cheats, just restart the game. That's it, it's really easy, right? Now you can focus on exploring caves or building cool bases without any obstacles.

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