The Sims 4 Money Cheats for PC, Xbox, Mac, and PlayStation 4
Published by
Fikri Basrizal
If you are currently looking for a money cheat The Sims 4, then here you will find it. Because we will summarize it for you here.
Playing The Sims 4 will be even more exciting if you have a lot of money and other skills. However, if you have limitations, then using cheats is the way out.
So, for that reason, here is the most complete The Sims 4 money cheat!
Before entering the cheat code, you must first enter the code 'testingcheats true', if it is active, then enter the cheat code.
money (amount of money): Gives you a certain amount of money, for example "Money 900000"
kaching: Add money by $1000 Simoleons
motherlode: Increases money by $50,000 Simoleons
rosebud: Increases money by $1000 Simoleons
Career and Aspiration Cheats
Before entering the cheat code, you must first enter the code 'testingcheats true', if it is active, then enter the cheat code.
aspirations.complete_current_milestone: Complete the selected Sim's aspiration goal
careers.add_career 'x': Add career (replace x with desired career)
careers.promote 'x': Promote or increase career level (replace x with career or job name)
careers.retire 'x': Sim retires from work (replace x with career or job name)
Love Cheats
Before entering the cheat code, you must first enter the code 'testingcheats true', if it is active, then enter the cheat code.
relationships.create_friends_for_sim: This cheat will create a new sim that is automatically friends with an existing sim
modifyrelationship 'name of sim 1' 'name of sim 2' 100 ltr_friendship_main: Make sim 1 and 2 have a positive friendship relationship 100% (enter the full names of sim 1 and sim 2 that you want to increase friendship into single quotation marks)
modifyrelationship 'name of sim 1' 'name of sim 2' -100 ltr_friendship_main: Make sim 1 and 2 have a negative friendship relationship 100% (enter the full names of sim 1 and sim 2 that you want to increase friendship into single quotation marks)
modifyrelationship 'name of sim 1' 'name of sim 2' 100 ltr_romance_main: Make sim from 1 and 2 have a positive love relationship 100% (enter the full names of sim 1 and sim 2 that you want to increase their romance into single quotation marks)
modifyrelationship 'name of sim 1' 'name of sim 2' -100 ltr_romance_main: Make sim 1 and 2 have a negative love relationship 100% (enter the full names of sim 1 and sim 2 that you want to increase the romance in single quotation marks
Cheats to Build at will
Before entering the cheat code, you must first enter the code 'testingcheats true', if it is active, then enter the cheat code.
FreeRealEstate On: Build buildings anywhere
FreeRealEstate Off: Destroys any building
bb.moveobjects on: Free to move any object as you like without being limited by the layout
bb.enablefreebuild: Free to build anywhere
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement: Unlock all items that must be obtained through the career level
Cheats for Sim's Need, Satisfaction, and Mood
Before entering the cheat code, you must first enter the code 'testingcheats true', if it is active, then enter the cheat code.