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Collection of the Most Iconic Hogwarts Legacy Beasts, So Cool!

The 4 coolest Hogwarts Legacy beasts version of VCGamers News that you must know and also really like!
Coolest 4 Beast Hogwarts Legacy version VCGamers
4 Coolest Hogwarts Legacy Beasts version VCGamers. Source: Official Site

Potterheads (as fans of the Harry Potter and Wizarding World franchises) must be very happy when they have to talk about beasts Hogwarts Legacy!

Yep, there are so many fans of these magical animals that they even made their own series of novels and film adaptations!

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So it's natural that their existence is also not missed by the developer Hogwarts Legacy!

So for those who are curious about the various beasts that appear both in novels, Harry Potter movie, as well as the game, let's see the article this time! Let's just slide!

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Coolest Beast Hogwarts Legacy

So, let's just go straight to the main discussion of this article regarding the 4 types of beasts in Hogwarts Legacy the coolest! Are there any of your favorites? Here is the exposure:


Hogwarts Legacy Beasts: Unicorns
Hogwarts Legacy Beasts: Unicorns. Source: VCGamers

At number four there is a magical beast that has appeared in movies, novels, and games, namely the Unicorn.

Without having to follow the storyline Harry Potter, it seems that many people already know about this mythological animal.

Yep, the general description of a Unicorn is a horse but with the existence of a single pointed horn on its forehead.

In the film series itself, the Unicorn is only shown once in its first installation (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) in the scene where Voldemort drinks the blood of the poor creature to extend his life. Horrible huh!


Thestrals. Source: VCGamers

Then there are the Thestrals. Unlike the Unicorns above, Thestrals are original creatures written by JK Rowling, the author of Harry Potter.

Thestrals also appear more frequently, both in the films and in the novels, as an integral part of the story plot.

Overall, Thestrals resemble winged horses with a distinctive shape and predominantly black color. At first glance, his stature appears to be poorly fed – scrawny, just bone and skin.

However this is inseparable from his lore which states that Thestrals are invisible to ordinary people.

Only those who have witnessed someone dying can see the true form of a Thestral. This is even darker...


Hippogriff. Source: VCGamers

At number 2 we have the Hippogriff. For this one beast, surely many people already understand. This half-horse and half-eagle animal has a very important role, not only in the Harry Potter story lore itself, but also in the game.

The hippogriff plays an important role in the third Harry Potter novel, entitled "Prisoner of Azkaban". Yep, the Hippogriff assisted by Harry et al., can be used by Sirius Black (Harry's godfather) to escape from being chased.

It's no wonder that eventually Hippogriffs also get a special place in Hogwarts Legacy. Yep, one of its main missions, entitled The High Keep, involves players riding a Hippogriff! Very cool!


Phoenix. Source: VCGamers

And in the first place, what else if not the most suitable Phoenix to occupy it? Yep, this bird that is synonymous with red feathers with the element of fire is said to be immortal and will not die!

Its existence in Harry Potter story lore is also very significant. The only Phoenix shown is named Fawkes: it belongs to Dumbledore the headmaster.

In the second series entitled The Chamber of Secrets, Fawkes plays an important role by helping Harry defeat the Basilisks the snake king, as well as returning the main character's entourage back to Hogwarts! This is a new pet bird!

Also read: How to Solve the Hogwarts Legacy Door Puzzle Across the Castle

That was the 4 beasts Hogwarts Legacy coolest. How are you Vicigers? Are there any of your favorites among the four? Or do you even have other recommendations? If so, leave a comment in the column provided, OK!

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