Cheats Left 4 Dead 2 You can use it to make it easier for you to complete the various missions in this game.
For those who don't know, the game Left 4 Dead 2 is a survival genre game with a zombie theme.
Left 4 Dead 2 game offers the experience of playing against zombies with First Person Shooter gameplay (FPS).
So, for those of you who want to try playing the Left 4 Dead 2 game using cheats, you need to read this article to the end!
Because below we will summarize the most complete collection of Left 4 Dead 2 cheats for 2023.
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Left 4 Dead 2 Cheat Collection

Before entering the cheat collection, you must first know how to use this cheat. Here are the steps to use it:
- Enter the Main Menu of the Left 4 Dead 2 game
- Then select "Options"
- Open “Keyboard/Mouse”, then activate the “Allow Developer Console” feature
- When the game has started, click the (~) button on the keyboard
- Then enter the words "sv_cheats1" and click Enter
- And Left 4 Dead 2 cheats are active
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Here is a collection of Left 4 Dead 2 cheats:
Cheat Codes for Tools
- z_spawn zombie: to spawn zombies
- z_spawn spitter: to spawn spitters
- z_spawn jockey: to spawn a jockey
- z_spawn charger: to spawn a charger
- z_spawn mob: to spawn a zombie horde
- z_spawn boomer: to spawn boomers
- z_spawn hunter: to spawn hunters
- z_spawn witch: to spawn witch
- z_spawn smoker: to spawn smoker
- z_spawn tank: to spawn a tank
- z_spawn [Infected name]: spawns special infected
Cheat Codes to Get Weapons

- sv_infinite_ammo [0 or 1]: unlimited ammo cheat
- give health: life cheat (restores life)
- give ammo: bullet cheat (refill bullets)
- impulse 101: get bullets for main weapon
- give gun: brings up a double gun
- give pistol_magnum: spawns a magnum
- give autoshotgun: brings up an auto shotgun
- give shotgun_chrome: brings up the chrome shotgun
- give pumpshotgun: spawns a pump shotgun
- give shotgun_spas: brings up shotgun SPAS
- give smg: brings up SMG
- give smg_silenced: brings up silenced SMG
- give rifle_ak47: spawns an AK-47
- give rifle: spawns M16
- give rifle_desert: gives combat rifle
- give hunting_rifle: brings up hunting rifle
- give sniper_military: brings up a sniper rifle
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Cheat Codes for Performance

- buddha [0 or 1]: cheat invulnerable, can be attacked but not killed
- sb_friendlyfire [0 or 1]: sets whether bots can cause fire damage or not
- z_pounce_damage [number]: sets the amount of damage to survivors
- sv_noclipspeed [number]: sets no clipping mode speed
- sb_openfire or open_fire: makes allies keep shooting
- z_health [number]: changes zombie life
- z_speed [number]: changes the zombie's speed
- tongue_range [number] : sets the maximum distance at which Smoker's tongue attacks
- z_witch_burn_time [number]: sets the time before the witch burns to death due to fire
- z_witch_allow_change_victim [0 or 1]: sets whether the witch can change targets or only focus on survivors detected first.
Cheat Codes for Modes and Upgrades
- god [0 or 1]: activates god mode on all teams
- noclip: activates no clipping mode
- upgrade_add incendiary_ammo: upgrade incendiary ammo
- upgrade_add explosive_ammo: upgrade explosive ammunition
- upgrade_add laser_sight: upgrade laser sight
- director_stop: disable all wanderers, mobs, specials, bosses
- thirdperson: third person view
- thirdpersonshoulder: changes the over the shoulder third person view mode
- crosshair [0 or 1]: controls the crosshair
- thirdperson_mayamode: controls set fixed camera in third person platform or third person shoulder mode
- firstperson: disables third person view
- sv_cheats: disables all cheats
- map [map name]: move map
- changelevel [map name]: changes level
- kill or explode: commit suicide
- quit: quit the game
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So, that's our discussion this time regarding the Left 4 Dead 2 cheat collection.
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