Nantinya akan muncul pop-up restore ke Google Drive, pilih ‘Not Now’.
Enter your WA account name.
Upload a profile photo, you can choose from Gallery or Camera.
Klik ‘Allow’ jika kamu mengunggah fotonya dari Galeri.
Klik ‘Done’.
WA Business
Install the WhatsApp application on Google PlayStore (Android) or App Store (iOS).
Setelah berada di home Welcome to WhatsApp, klik ‘Agree and Continue’.
Enter the Country Code (+62) and the WhatsApp Number you want to register.
Click 'Next'.
Konfirmasi nomor dengan klik ‘Ok’ pada pop-up.
Enter the verification code sent via SMS.
Nantinya akan muncul pop-up restore ke Google Drive, pilih ‘Not Now’.
Enter your business account name, business category and profile photo.
Upload a profile photo, you can choose from Gallery or Camera.
Klik ‘Allow’ jika kamu mengunggah fotonya dari Galeri.
Klik ‘Done’.
Klik ‘Add Email’ jika ingin menambahkan e-mail atau klik ‘Not Now’ jika tidak ingin menambahkannya.
Wait for WA to initialize.
Klik ‘Mulai’ jika ingin menambahkan katalog bisnis atau klik ‘Not Now’ jika tidak ingin menambahkannya.
Benefits of WhatsApp
Benefits of WhatsApp Source: Freepik
WA is a chat application that allows its users to communicate via chat, voice notes or sending photos or videos.
In addition, WA has a special version for WhatsApp Business for business people to interact with their customers.
WhatsApp Private
The benefits of WA for personal use include:
Instant Communication: WA allows its users to exchange information in the form of text, voice or media quickly.
Free Voice Call and Video Call: Users can also make Voice Calls or Video Calls via the internet.
Sharing Location and Documents: The presence of the location feature makes it easier for users to share their current location and the presence of the media feature for sending documents.
Chat Group: To facilitate communication, discussion or coordination with other people.
WhatsApp Business
The benefits of WA for business use include:
Professional Business Profile: With WA Business, it allows companies to create business profiles containing company information such as address, operating hours, business descriptions, product details.
Efficient Communication: With the presence of automatic chat features (bots), businesses can respond faster.
Product and Service Information: Here, you can share product catalogs, services, prices so that customers can choose what they need.
Order and Shipping Notifications: In addition, it is also used to send notifications regarding order or delivery status.