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The 5 Easiest Minecraft Villager Jobs to Find

The 5 easiest Minecraft Villager jobs to find on any map and any Minecraft terrain spawn mode.
Minecraft Villagers
Minecraft Villagers. Source: VCGamers

This time we will review the Minecraft Villager or villagers in the game Minecraft the easiest to find.

Minecraft has a lot to cover – from the most spectacular like the Ender Dragon to the most trivial like Minecraft Villagers.

Minecraft fans, of course, know that Minecraft Villager is a Non-Player Character (NPCs). He doesn't really play a significant role in the continuation of the story of the game.

As an NPC, the Villager's main role is as a complement so that the world of Minecraft doesn't seem empty.

It would be very worrying and confusing if a universe of that size didn't have humanoid beings other than players.

But that doesn't mean Villager isn't interesting to discuss! There will be things to discuss.

By understanding these various aspects, your level of immersiveness will definitely increase later, guaranteed!

For this reason, we will discuss the ins and outs of this NPC so that you can better understand the world of Minecraft, which is so addictive. So, keep on reading the description and don't go anywhere! Check it out!

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Minecraft Villager: The Most Unique NPC

Minecraft Inhabitants
Minecraft Inhabitants.

As one of the most popular games in the world with unique and interesting gameplay, the presence of NPCs is an important element. As the name implies, players can invite these characters to interact within the game's environment.

NPC at first just a character that is silent and does not have a specific function. However, as time went on, NPCs developed and became more complex.

Now, Villagers have different functions and interactions, depending on their role.

Several interactions that players can make with these characters, such as giving certain items to increase reputation, bartering, and making other offers.

A player's reputation with Villager can also affect the price and availability of items.

Villagers also have the ability to reproduce, allowing players to create villages with larger populations.

The existence of a Villager in Minecraft is a complex element in the game that can add depth to gameplay. This character also provides uniqueness and beauty in building villages and environments in the game.

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5 Jobs Minecraft Villager

Mojang as the game developer doesn't just stop there in dressing up the NPC. These Villagers are also equipped with various professions, just like people in the real world!

There are several types of NPC Villager professions in Minecraft, such as farmer, fisherman, blacksmith, mason, and so on.

Each profession has different tasks and offers of goods, such as selling vegetables, fish or building materials. Here are some of them:


Minecraft Villager Farmer
Minecraft Villager Farmer. Source: YouTube/Eyecraftmc

As the name implies, a farmer or farmer will actively cultivate the fields. They can produce a variety of vegetation and plant products.

Players can barter lots of vegetables from the farmer. The distinguishing feature of this NPC is the straw topic it wears.


Fisherman. Source: YouTube/RagingVoidMCPE

Fishermen or fishermen will focus on aquatic resources. Yes, they will often be found in villages along the waters, both seas and large lakes. Vicigers can really get fish from them. This NPC is characterized by the little brown hat he wears.


Fletcher. Source: YouTube/Zet22

Dressed like Robin Hood, with a furry hat and a quiver of arrows on his back, Fletcher is the next job for the Villagers.

Different from farmer and fisherman, Fletcher is a craftsman who produces 1 specific product: arrows.


Villager Shepherd
Villager Shepherd. Source: YouTube/Zet22

Wearing white shirts and hats, their clothes really describe the profession they are capable of. As a goat herder, you can say that their outfit is made of wool. And of course, you can also get these animal products from them.


Villager Butcher
Villager Butcher. Source: YouTube/Zet22

Translated into Indonesian, butchers are butchers: their profession is to butcher animals for their meat. Of course the job butcher is very synonymous with the white apron worn. Vicigers can get meat from them.

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That's the discussion about Minecraft Villagers and the jobs they have. Have you met them in the game?

Or maybe you've also encountered Villagers with a different job from the one above? Please leave your comments in the column provided!

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