This time we will discuss the best electric Pokemon from each generation (gen). This is suitable for those of you who like parties like Lt. Surge, the Vermillion Gym Leader.
The appeal of the Pokemon franchise cannot be separated from this electric type, you know. Yep, the famous mascot: Pikachu, also has this type. So, without further ado, let's get straight to the discussion!
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The 9 Best Electric Pokemon of Every Generation
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Now let's get straight to the main discussion, namely Pokémon the best electric type of every generation. Actually, the formal name of this type (and also the translation) is Electric. But the essence is the same.
The electric type itself is considered strong against the water (water) and also air (flying) types. Meanwhile, this type will be very weak if it encounters a ground type. So, it's not that difficult to memorize the electrical type strong-weak scheme.
You could also say that this is a 'privilege' for this type - seeing as Pikachu also has a strong electric type. Seeing this fact, it is not surprising that the electric type is chosen by many trainers out there!
And on this list, there will be nine in total Pokémon according to the newest generation of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet). Here's the presentation:
Miraidon (Gen. 9)

In gen. 9 there are legendary Pokemon as well as mounts in Pokemon Violet: Miraidon. Of course, as an 'electric motorbike', this electric type combined with a dragon (Dragon) is very suitable for him.
Regieleki (Gen. 8)

For genes. 8, there is nothing worth mentioning other than the legendary from the giant Pokemon 'family': Regieleki! This electric type Pokemon is the newest member of the Regi set introduced to the public.
Tapu Koko (Gen. 7)

Tapu Koko is here for the best seventh generation electric type. Like the two previous Pokemon, this Pokemon is also legendary. However, the difference lies in the dual type combination which is so special!
Heliolisk (Gen. 6)

Unfortunately in the genes. 6, Game Freak as the developer doesn't pay much attention to electric types, let alone legendary levels. So, the only choice fell on the 'normal' Pokemon: Heliolisk (Electric/Normal type).
Zekrom (Gen. 5)

Although there is much debate over the title of best electric Pokemon in gen. 5, but Zekrom was still able to win by consensus. Like Miraidon, Zekrom is a legendary Pokemon with the Dragon/Electric type!
Magnezone (Gen. 4)

Similar to gen.6, this entry also includes 'normal' Pokemon. But at least it's more powerful: Magnezone. As the final evolution of Magnemite, this Pokemon has characteristics that are almost pseudo-legendary level!
Manetric (Gen. 3)

Gen. 3 also lacks cool electric Pokemon. Just like genes. 6, two generations ago there was an electric type legendary... So, the only one worthy is Manetric, the electric lion evolution from Electrike.
Raikou (Gen. 2)

Well in genes. 2 returns to the electric legend: Raikou! One of these three legendary dogs is indeed suitable to be on this list. It's suitable, to be able to catch it in the game you really have to make an effort...
Zapdos (Gen. 1)

And finally there is the lightning bird from the first generation, namely Zapdos. As one of the three legendary bird Pokemon, its Special Attribute is also very capable of strengthening electric moves!
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