Aloha Vicigers! clothes or outfits in Player Unknown's Battlegrounds is an accessory item that can be used by players or characters in the game PUBG Mobile.
PUBG Mobile provides several items of clothing accessories that vary and vary in each seasons or every season.
This clothing suit for PUBG characters has a very diverse theme. Clothing accessories set in PUBG Mobile this is something that players are really looking for and interested in PUBG Mobile.
Have clothing accessories on PUBG Mobile is something that is very important for the players PUBG Mobile. Selection of clothing accessories suits in PUBG Mobile will support styles or the appearance of the player character in the game PUBG Mobile.
In addition, it has a wide variety of outfits for different characters cool in PUBG Mobile this is a matter of pride for the players.
Therefore, it's no wonder why there are always free events selling items such as skins and clothes for free.
styles or the appearance of the player character PUBG Mobile surely it will look very cool if players have various kinds of clothes for characters.
Selection and use of cool clothing at PUBG Mobile this will also increase the level of confidence in the player playing PUBG Mobile.
In addition to increasing self-confidence or confident, Players will become more enthusiastic about playing if they have the same clothes cool and variations used by the characters while playing PUBG Mobile.
Player PUBG Mobile has various ways to get many sets of clothing accessories that can be used while playing PUBG Mobile.
Set of underwear accessories PUBG Mobile This can be obtained by players for free (not paid) or can also be obtained through purchases using UC PUBG Mobile, as well as various other purchase transactions.
PUBG Mobile of course it will continue to present more and more kinds of clothing suits for interesting characters in each seasons or the season, and also certainly will be hunted by the players PUBG Mobile to make the character even more interesting.
Outfits dreamer in PUBG Mobile
In 2020 ago, PUBG Mobile organizes design contests around the world viz PUBG Mobile Global Outfit Design Contest 2020. This contest is one of several worldwide design contests organized by PUBG Mobile, where the contest involves a global community of players.
Titled contest Outfit Design Contest this, produced several sets of clothing accessories from contest winners which of course varied and cool, is also the dream of the players PUBG Mobile.
One of the outfits for PUBG characters resulting from PUBG Mobile Global Outfit Design Contest 2020 is a suit of clothing accessories “Daydream” or “Dreamer” which is one of the design works by なー, one of the participants PUBG Mobile Global Outfit Design Contest 2020 from Japan.

Clothing set titled "daydream / Dreamer” is one of several clothing design works that won the jury's choice PUBG Global Outfit Design Contest 2020.
This “Dreamer” outfit carries a different theme cute nan anti-mainstream and very different from some clothing accessories or suit themes outfits other.
This outfit is also a winner in PUBG Global Outfit Design Contest 2020 of which it consists Valorian Sets, Cool Sets to Be Hot, and Galaxy Messenger set.
clothing or outfits “daydream / Dreamer” is of course highly anticipated and in demand by the players PUBG Mobile. The good news, a suit or outfits This “dreamer” is available for release and will accompany loyal players PUBG Mobile from 10 to 31 July 2021.
The clothes for this PUBG character will also become one later rewards or prizes in design contests PUBG Mobile Global Outfit Design Contest 2021, which will next be held from July 10 to August 25.

Now,, What are you waiting for? Come on, get a suit or outfits “Dreamers” in PUBG Mobile! Do not miss!
Also read: The All New PUBG Outfit Design Contest 2021