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12 Most Popular Characters in the Anime Akame Ga Kill! Do you have a favorite?

Akame ga Kill! is an anime produced by Square Enix and is an adaptation of the manga by Tetsuya Tashiro.
Akame doesn't kill
Akame doesn't kill. Source: Ani-One Asia/Youtube

Akame ga Kill! is anime which was produced by Square Enix and adapted from manga by Tetsuya Tashiro.

This anime, which was released in 2014, has a total of 24 episodes and is broadcast via Sakura Tokyo MX, MBS, and BS11.

The story in this anime itself focuses on a village youth named Tatsumi who goes to the capital to earn money. However, he instead discovered major corruption in the area.

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He is then recruited by a group of assassins known as Night Raid to help them fight against a corrupt government.

For those of you who have never watched the anime, let's get to know the 12 most popular characters in the anime Akame ga Kill! in the article below!

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12 Most Popular Characters in Akame ga Kill!

To promote the second part of the anime, a joint exhibition was held at the Akihabara Gamers center from October 11 – November 9.

In this exhibition, a vote for the most popular characters in Akame ga Kill! done. Who are the characters in the top 10? Here's the list!

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Esdeath. Source: Ani-One Asia/Youtube

The first ranking of the most popular characters is Esdeath, a high-ranking imperial general.

Due to Night Raid's dangerous movements as an assassin unit, he was later appointed as the leader of the Jaegers under direct orders from Honest the prime minister.

Esdeath is known to like Tatsumi because of his skills, cheerful nature and warm smile that steals her attention.


Chelsea. Source: Ani-One Asia/Youtube

Next, in second place is Chelsea who is a new member of the Night Raid unit, Najenda.

He has a mischievous nature, but this may just be part of his acting. Chelsea also has a cold and calculating side which she often uses to analyze situations and people around her.

Even though she was doubtful at first, Chelsea finally showed good intentions to help Night Raid members become more realistic.

He often uses hiding methods when fighting, waiting for his opponents to get close and killing them with one blow.

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Akame ga Kill - Mine Characters
Mine. Source: Ani-One Asia/Youtube

Third place is Mine from Night Raid. He nicknamed himself a “Sniper” and was known as a sharp-tongued but intelligent member.

Mine is described as someone who has a cold, temperamental and aggressive nature. He also gets angry easily and is rude towards people he doesn't know well.

He often teases Tatsumi, who is the newest member, by saying that Tatsumi won't last long.

Even though he looks cold on the outside, he is known to have a warm heart and is kind to those who know him.

Mine uses a rifle-shaped Teigu called Roman Artillery: Pumpkin which can fire in three modes.


Akame. Source: Ani-One Asia/Youtube

In fourth place, there is Akame who is a character anti-heroine from the manga series Akame ga Kill! as well as one of the main characters along with Tatsumi.

Initially, Akame and her sister Kurome were sold to the empire to be trained as assassins.

He eventually defected to the empire after being sent on a mission to assassinate Night Raid's leader.

Akame is a very serious and cold-hearted person. This was due to the harsh training given by the empire.

However, it was later discovered that he was socially awkward but cared deeply for his colleagues.

Being under the tutelage of Gozuki who is one of the four Rakshasa Demons, Akame becomes one of the strongest members of Night Raid with impressive fighting skills.


Akame ga Kill Characters - Round
Round. Source: Ani-One Asia/Youtube

Ranked fifth most popular character in Akame ga Kill! occupied by Bulat who is a member of the Revolutionary Army from Night Raid.

He has a calm nature and good manners, although he often refers to himself as someone who is passionate and hot-blooded.

Bulat was once one of the imperial soldiers who trained under the supervision of Gensei who was a member of an assassin group called the White Brows Association.

Known as one of the strongest people in the empire, he managed to rise through the ranks to become one of the highest ranking officers and was nicknamed the "100 Man Slayer Round".


Kurome. Source: Ani-One Asia/Youtube

Next, in sixth place is Kurome who is a former Jaegers member and Akame's younger sister.

Trained together with her sister to become an assassin, Kurome was sent to a different group of assassins with Akame and had to separate them.

He is known by his seniors as one of the strongest people with adequate fighting skills and is the most talented member of the Group of Terror.


Akame ga Kill character - Sheele
Sheele. Source: Ani-One Asia/Youtube

Again occupied by members of the Revolutionary Army from Night Raid, in seventh place is Sheele who is also a TeiguExtase user.

She has a careless nature, where Sheele often loses her glasses or falls while carrying out her duties.

Even so, he is a good person and always cares about the people around him. This warm nature will change drastically when Sheele is on a mission to kill someone.

He uses a giant scissor-shaped Teigu called Cutter of Creation: Extase as his weapon.

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Akame ga Kill character - Leone
Leone. Source: Ani-One Asia/Youtube

In eighth place is Leone who is one of the oldest members of Night Raid. He is tasked with gathering information and confirming the targets that Night Raid will kill.

Leone has a relaxed and cheerful nature and is considered an older sister figure to Tatsumi and the other young members of Night Raid.

He uses a Teigu shaped like a belt named Lionel. When activated, Leone's speed, reflexes and strength will increase.

Apart from being skilled in fighting, Leone also has spying and manipulation skills that easily influence other people.


Characters of Akame ga Kill -Lubbock
Lubbock. Source: Ani-One Asia/Youtube

The ninth most popular character in Akame ga Kill! occupied by Lubbock of the Revolutionary Army Night Raid division. In the imperial territory, he disguised himself as a bookstore owner.

His cheerful and optimistic nature is quite visible during battle, where he likes to tease his opponents and brag about his abilities to them.

Lubbock is known to be extremely loyal to Night Raid, where he refused to betray them despite being tortured by Shura.

Seryu Ubiquitous

Akame ga Kill character - Seryu
Seryu. Source: Ani-One Asia/Youtube

Next, in tenth place is Seryu who is a member of the Jaegers and a former imperial police officer.

Even though she looks like a kind, loving person, Seryu actually has a psychopathic, sadistic, and unstable side where she enjoys killing people she considers evil.

She is a young woman who has a strong sense of justice and is the owner of the Teigu “Hekatonkheires”.


Akame ga Kill character - Tatsumi
Tatsumi. Source: Ani-One Asia/Youtube

It is quite surprising to know that Tatsumi, who is the main character in this anime, is actually in eleventh place.

A young warrior who left his village in search of income but instead discovered the truth about their corrupt empire. He was then recruited as a member of Night Raid.

Tatsumi initially did not have a Teigu and used a short sword as his main weapon.

Even though he initially appeared to have a slightly arrogant attitude, Tatsumi slowly changed for the better after successfully uniting himself with his Teigu.

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Akame ga Kill character - Najenda
Najenda. Source: Ani-One Asia/Youtube

Ranked 12th most popular character in Akame ga Kill! achieved by the leader of Night Raid, Najenda. He was a former general of the empire.

Najenda has a quiet, sharp-minded and level-headed nature. He ruled this group gently but also firmly when necessary.

His years of experience as a general have shaped him into a reliable leader.

Najenda is often mistaken for a man because of her appearance, she even has the nickname "The Hunk of the Rebellion" given to her by her friends.

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So, those are the 12 most popular characters from Akame ga Kill based on voting on the Akihabara Gamers page. Who is your favorite character?

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