Fire Emblem Engage has many characters with a total of 35 playable character for 26 story chapters in this game.
Game released on January 20, 2023 for consoles Nintendo Switch This is the 17th installation of the Fire Emblem series.
With so many interesting characters with a variety of unique powers, many people are curious about who the most popular character from Fire Emblem Engage is. Are you also curious? Come on, check out the article!
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10 Most Popular Fire Emblem Engage Characters
When it was first released at the beginning of last year, Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream held a poll to determine the most popular character according to fans. Here are the rankings!
10. Ivy

Ranked as the 10th most popular character in Fire Emblem Engage is Ivy. He is the son of King Hyacinth and Crown Princess Elusia.
Ivy is one of the three mage units that can fly in this game, along with Hortensia and Zelestia who are her sisters.
9. Veyle

Next up is Veyle, a mysterious girl who travels alone throughout the Elyos region in search of her long-lost brother.
You will meet this character shortly after the fight in Florra Mill Town where Alear was captured by a Corrupted. Veyle appears and defeats the Corrupted.
Despite becoming close afterwards, Veyle refuses to travel with him because he has his own destination.
8. Pandreo

The next most popular character is a royal soldier from Solm named Pandreo. He is a retainer of Fogado and is the older brother of Panette.
Pandreo's mother was a corrupt nun who did not care for them while his father was a drunkard.
Because of this, his sister ran away from home followed by her parents not long after. Pandreo later became a church leader before meeting Prince Fogado and joining the Sentinels.
7. Celine

Céline is the Princess of Firene and the daughter of the current queen of Finere, Ève. He is also the younger brother of Crown Prince Alfred.
When Elusia invaded Firene, Ève sent Alfred to Lythos to ask for help from Queen Lumera.
Before Alfred returns, the queen gives Céline the Ring of the Caring Princess and tells her to flee the castle after learning that Elusia is after the ring.
When he met Alear, he then unsealed the Ring of the Caring Princess which awakened Calica inside. With this power, Céline uses it in battle.
6. Sommie

6th place was achieved by Sommie, a mysterious animal who lives in a temple in Somniel's Grotto. Players can change Sommie's name as desired later.
5. Yunaka

Yunaka is the 5th most popular character in the Fire Emblem Engage game. He first meets Alear and her squad while heading to the temple that holds the Ring of the Dawn Maiden.
According to him, he heard the ring talking to him and told Yunaka to deliver it to the Divine Dragon.
Long story short, the ring was lost and was used by one of the bandits who attacked him. After successfully capturing it with the help of Alear, Yunaka then joined the army.
4. Alcryst

The next most popular character is Alcryst, the second prince of Brodia and son of King Morion. He is also the brother of Prince Diamant.
When news of the Divine Dragon Alear reached Brodia, King Morion sent Alcryst and his retainers to meet them.
At the border, Elusia has multi-attacked Brodia so Alcryst has to be very alert. When he met Alear, he fired a warning shot at him.
After Alear introduced herself to the young prince, Alcryst immediately apologized for attacking them.
3. Alfred

In 3rd place is Alfred who is the son of Queen Eve and the older brother of Princess Céline.
His father taught Alfred how to use a spear before he died. As a child, Alfred suffered from many illnesses that made him suffer personally.
When the violence initiated by the Corrupted began to attack Firene, Alfred was sent to Lythos to get help from Queen Lumera.
Unfortunately the queen was killed in the war. Alfred then asked Alear for help to fight the invasion and she agreed.
2. Diamant

In second place is the Crown Prince of Brodia and the eldest son of King Morion, Prince Diamant.
He spent much of his childhood receiving lessons and training from his uncle as the successor to the Brodia kingdom.
Diamant was the first to welcome the Divine Dragons and their entourage to Brodia Castle when his sister Alcryst returned.
1. Alear

Alear is the main protagonist in the game Fire Emblem Engage and ranked first in voting for the most popular character.
As an Avatar, their name, gender, and birthday are determined by the player. He is a Divine Dragon and the son of the Divine Dragon Monarch Lumera.
1000 years before the events of this game, he was also rumored to have participated in the war against the Fell Dragon Sombrond.
After the war, he fell asleep in Somniel for several years and was worshiped by the people of Elyos as the Divine Dragon before finally awakening in the present.
Also read: Fire Emblem Engage Strategy for Beginners
So, that's a list of the 10 most popular characters from the game Fire Emblem Engage. Is your favorite character on the list above?
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