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65 Terms in Mobile Legends and Their Meanings, Complete!


There are many terms in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang what has been known so far. But, of course, there are not a few players who don't know the terms in Mobile Legends that are commonly used by other players.

Beginner players may sometimes get confused when playing the game released by Moonton because there are terms they don't understand.

You need to know the terms in Mobile Legends. So, you can know your communication with your teammates well. It's not funny if communication with a teammate doesn't work just because you don't understand the term, right?

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So, therefore we will review dozens of terms in Mobile Legends. This is of course very necessary for novice players.

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Later, you can understand the intent and purpose of the terms in Mobile Legends that are expressed by teammates and opposing heroes.

The use of terms in Mobile Legends is very common. Players usually know that.

Don't let you not know those terms. Try to know these terms so that your communication with a team will get better and you can win together with your teammates.

Terms in Mobile Legends and their complete meaning

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You must know the terms in Mobile Legends. You need that so you can play and communicate properly.

Here are the terms in Mobile Legends that you need to know. Let's look at 65 Mobile Legends terms you need to know. By knowing these terms in Mobile Legends you will understand better when playing games on your team.

  • An Ally Has Been Slain: One of the heroes who is your teammate is killed
  • An Ally Has Slain Lord: One of your teammate heroes kills the Lord
  • An ally has slain the Turtle: One of your team members killed Turtle in the game.
  • AFK : AFK stands for Away From Keyboard. That is, you are still in the Mobile Legends game but you don't play the game.
  • Assist: You participate when a teammate kills.
  • Buff: Buff is a way to improve heroes.
  • Bugs: Bugs indicate error conditions or program errors that occur in Mobile Legends when you are competing.
  • Burst Damage: The next term in Mobile Legends is Burst Damage. This term is used for a hero who can give all of his damage.
  • Map blind: Map blind pinned to teammates who are judged not to pay attention to the map and make the team lose the game.
  • Carry: The role of someone who uses a certain hero with the task of dealing a lot of damage to the heroes of the opposing team.
  • Critical Chance: Critical Chance is a condition where the higher your Critical Chance, the higher your critical attack.
  • Critical Attack: Critical attack is the amount of critical damage you use.
  • Damage over Time (DoT): Damage over Time is greater than Burst Damage. This damage can appear in a certain time.
  • Double Kill!: This term in Mobile Legends means your hero kills 2 heroes at once.
  • Early Game: A term in Mobile Legends that indicates the start of the match.
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  • Enemy has been slained: This means that a member of your enemy has been eliminated.
  • Enemy Double Kill!: Hero from the enemy team eliminates 2 heroes at once.
  • Enemy Triple Kill!: The hero of the opposing team eliminates three heroes at once
  • Enemy Maniac!: The opposing team's heroes eliminate four heroes at once
  • Enemy Savage!: The opposing team's heroes eliminate five heroes at once
  • Enemy has slain Lord: One of the opposing team's heroes eliminated the Lord.
  • Enemy has slain the Turtle: The opposing team's hero kills the Turtle.
  • Enemy Killing Spree!: Opponent Hero does Kill Sreak 3 times.
  • Enemy Megakill!: This means the opposing hero does a Kill Streak 4 times
  • Enemy Unstoppable!: The enemy hero does a Kill Streak 5 times
  • Enemy Monster Kill!: The enemy hero does a Kill Streak 6 times
  • Enemy Godlike!: The enemy hero does a Kill Streak 7 times
  • Enemy Legendary!: The enemy hero does a Kill Streak 8 times
  • El Clasico: A term that describes a match between 2 big teams who become rivals.
  • Farming: Efforts to increase the level, unlock skills, add gold, and the like.
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  • Feeding: Actions taken to give gold to the opponent by deliberately eliminating the opponent's hero.
  • First Blood: The first kill in the Mobile Legends game.
  • Ganking: Ganging up opponents to win the lane by attacking and narrowing the space for the opponent's heroes.
  • GB MMR: How to quickly increase player stats in Mobile Legend.
  • Godlike!: Kill Streak 7 times
  • Jungling: The process of leveling up, getting gold, or getting buffs from jungle monsters in their respective areas.
  • KDA: Graphical data viewed with reference to Kill, Death, and Assist (KDA).
  • Kill Streak: Kills in a row without dying even once
  • Killing Spree!: Hero does a Kill Streak 3 times
  • Legendary!: Hero does a Kill Streak 8 times
  • Lifesteal: The ability to regenerate HP without issuing skills. But only using basic attacks.
  • Maniac!: A term in Mobile Legends when a hero eliminates four heroes at once
  • Megakill!: When the hero does a Kill Streak four times
  • Monster Kill!: Hero does a Kill Streak 6 times
  • Metagame: How to play in a game that follows the flow of changes in an update.
  • Matching Up: The process of pairing you with other gamers, or usually known as matchmaking.
  • Midlaner: Midlaner hero that fills the middle lane on the map. Namely heroes with roles as Mage and Tank.
  • Ngeroll: Doing annoying things to channel pranks.
  • Nerf: Reduced hero status.
  • Nuke: A term for a hero skill that has enormous burst damage.
  • Offlaner: A hero who is in the upper lane and can defend the turret without the need for other players to accompany him.
  • Poke: The term for long-range and safe skills or attacks.
  • Revamp: The term to show old Mobile Legends heroes who get new abilities
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  • Rework: Rework to give a new atmosphere.
  • Savage!: Eliminate up to five heroes at once
  • Solo: Doing various activities alone.
  • Spell Vamp: The hero's ability to regenerate HP by issuing active skills towards the opponent.
  • Safelaner: Herro who becomes Support and faces offlaners from the opposing team.
  • Macro Skill: The ability to manage the situation in the match.
  • Triple Kill!: Eliminate 3 heroes at once
  • Thumbs Up: A term commonly used to give an expression to a team hero who plays very well in the game.
  • Unstoppable!: Condition when the hero Kill Streak 5 times
  • You have besides an enemy: You have eliminated an enemy hero.
  • You has been slained: You have been eliminated.
  • Zoning: Strategy to keep your distance from your opponent's heroes.

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