Tech & Gadget

Terms and Conditions for Monetizing Facebook to Get Dollars Quickly

Published by
Artaz Gang

Terms and Conditions for Monetizing Facebook to Get Dollars Quickly

With increasingly competitive competition social media (sosmed) dalam meramaikan pengunjung mereka, developer menawarkan banyak cara menggiurkan – salah satunya yakni monetisasi.

And as if not wanting to be left behind, Meta with their mainstay social media, namely Facebook, juga “menganut” skema ini. Nah buat Vicigers Those who are curious about how to monetize it, let's check it out!

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Monetization on Facebook

Monetization on Facebook. Source: Pixabay (Free Image)

Seperti kurang lengkap rasanya jika kamu rajin beraktivitas menggunakan sosial media dan berbagai platform digital lainnya, namun tidak bisa mendapatkan keuntungan selain “dopamin”.

With the advancements nowadays, you can really make money just by being on social media! This is what is now more commonly known as monetization.

Through this scheme, not only can you make money from social media activities, but the income you receive will also be in Dollar exchange rates!

It is no wonder that many people are trying to become creators on various social media platforms. Of the various options available, one that many are looking for is Facebook monetization.

Facebook Monetization Requirements

Facebook Monetization Requirements. Source: Unsplash (Free Image)

Before going into the main discussion, it would be good if we first discuss some of the eligibility requirements that you need to fulfill to be able to monetize Facebook:

  • Monetization requirements

Make sure you have fulfilled it, so that Meta can pin the eligible status and send you a monetization invitation. This is what you need to be able to carry out the process:

  • Comply with Community Standards;
  • Have 500 followers for at least 30 consecutive days;
  • Minimum age 18 years;
  • Do not post content that is solely focused on children's consumption.
  • Monetization requirements

Not only that, you also have to activate some of these features first as one of the sources of income that you can get from the monetization scheme:

  • Grup Langganan: Salah satu wadah monetisasi yang bisa kamu aktifkan adalah Grup Langganan. Mudahnya, ini merupakan fitur “subscriber” seperti yang ada di YouTube. Namun bedanya, Grup Langganan hanya dapat diakses oleh pengguna yang sudah bergabung – biasanya setelah melakukan pembayaran sebagai bagian dari “member”;
  • Iklan In-Stream: Ini adalah jenis iklan yang memang sengaja dimasukkan oleh sang kreator di dalam konten-kontennya. Mungkin orang-orang lebih familiar dengan istilah konten “endorse”. Facebook memberikan kesempatan bagi para kreatornya untuk memasukkan jenis iklan seperti ini di dalam konten mereka;
  • Branded Content: This is a type of content that the creator intends to promote a brand through an official collaboration scheme with the brand's official party, whether it is a product or service;
  • Langganan Penggemar: Ini semacam penanda bagi para fans yang sudah “berkontribusi” hingga taraf tertentu untuk mendukung kreator kegemarannya. Para pengguna/fans yang memiliki penanda ini umumnya akan mendapatkan semacam pengakuan eksklusif, baik dari Meta maupun dari sang kreator tersebut.

How to Monetize Facebook

How to Monetize Facebook. Source: Unsplash (Free Image)

Now let's go straight to the main discussion, namely how to monetize. Facebook so you can make money. Make sure you pay close attention to the following method:

  • To do this, make sure you have a Creator Studio Page. Facebook or profiles that have activated the Professional feature;
  • Selanjutnya, kamu juga harus mengaktifkan opsi “Dasbor Profesional” untuk bisa memulai monetisasi;
  • Jika fanspage kamu sudah eligible (memenuhi berbagai syarat yang sudah dijelaskan di atas), nantinya akan ada opsi “Monetisasi” yang akan muncul di menu “Dasbor Profesional” fanspage/profil kamu;
  • Tap on the Monetization tab, and then select the information you want to access.

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So that's how Facebook monetizes. And if you need to top up in-game currency or other gaming micro and macro transactions only at VCGamers Marketplace yes!

Artaz Gang