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Team Secret Passes The International (TI) 11 2022 Qualifiers!

Team Secret has been confirmed to qualify to become the 19th team in The International (TI) 11 2022 tournament after winning over Virtus.pro!
Team Secret The International (TI) 11
Poster Team Secret Qualified The International (TI) 11. Source: Twitter/Team Secret

Team Secret struggle in Upper Bracket Last Chance Qualifier finally bear fruit. Team Secret successfully entered the Qualification to become a participant in The International (TI) 11 2022 along with 18 other teams.

Behind the satisfying results, there is a battle between TeamSecret with Virtus. pro which is very exciting. Want to know the review of this match? Here is the review.

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Final Upper Bracket Last Chance Qualifier The International (TI) 11: Team Secret VS Virtus.pro.

The match between Team Secret and Virtus.pro this time was not random. This Best of Three match will determine who will be a participant in The International 11.

Here's a recap of each Team Secret VS Virtus.pro match:

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Game 1

Draft Game 1 Team Secret VS Virtus Pro at The International (TI) 11.

Before we get started, here are the drafts of the two teams:


Crystallis: Snipers

Nisha: Batrider

Resolution1on: DarkSeer

Zayac: NYX Assassins

Puppey: Witch Doctor


Virtus. pro

RAMZES666: Luna

gpk: Tiny

DM: BeastMaster

yamich: Undying

Xakoda: Disruptor

In terms of draft, Virtus.pro is quite superior to Team Secret. They have thick heroes, strong initiators, and also disablers. But the drawbacks of this draft are few stunner, only exist tiny, Luna, and Primal Roar Beast Master.

As for Team Secret, there are some very glaring flaws. The selection of heroes that is quite thin makes Team Secret have to be able to play it safe. But in terms of stunners, Team Secret is very superior.

During the game, Team Secret was fairly evenly matched against Virtus.pro. With the combo Death Ward + Voodoo Switcheroo from Puppey and Lasso from Batrider quite annoying, they managed to outperform the team fight.

But from an objective point of view, Virtus.pro is superior. They have Tiny, Luna, and Undying who can deal strong damage through Team Secret's towers and barracks.

Until the 38th minute, it was clear that Virtus.pro was superior to Team Secret in terms of objectives.

They just need to wait for the next wave of creeps to be able to take 1-2 sets of barracks. Meanwhile, Team Secret hasn't touched the tier 3 tower at all.

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Turning Point

Team Secret The International (TI) 11
Important Moments (Turning Point) Game 1 Team Secret VS Virtus.pro The International (TI) 11.

Turning point occurred at 39-40 minutes. Condition Crystallis (Sniper) managed to get Aegis and Virtus.pro lost gpk (Tiny) and yamich (Undying). Virtus.pro lost both tankers.

This condition made all of Team Secret do a massive push towards mid. Meanwhile, the remaining Virtus.pro members also pushed mid, chasing the barracks.

Team Secret seems aware, with thin heroes, they have to focus on finishing the game as soon as possible. No half-hearted, after the Tier-3 Tower was destroyed, they didn't focus on the barracks, but immediately pushed the Tier-4 Tower!

Virtus.pro immediately teleports, retaining only one tier-4 tower remaining. Without further ado, the final battle ensued.

There was a very fierce battle. Kinetic Field and Static Field exit, Puppey launches Death Ward, Sniper spam attack, the whole team buys back.

Virtus.pro's fatal mistake is that gpk (Tiny) cannot deal potential damage to Team Secret and dies immediately.

And, game 1 was won by Team Secret.

Game 2

Team Secret The International (TI) 11
Draft Game 2 Team Secret VS Virtus Pro at The International (TI) 11.

This second game will determine whether Team Secret can immediately qualify for The International 11 or will there be a third game. Here is the draft:


Crystallis: Monkey King

Nisha: Lina

Resolution1on: Primal Beasts

Zayac: NYX Assassins

Puppy: Chen


Virtus. pro

RAMZES666: Luna

gpk: Tusk

DM: Undying

yamich: Clockwerk

Xakoda: Disruptor

Immediately, in terms of draft, the author prefers Team Secret's. they have offlaner strong, okay disabler and stunner, and most importantly basic damage sick from the start.

Meanwhile, from Virtus.pro, by physical damage, they are somewhat lacking. Their stunner is pretty good with Clockwerk around. But most of their skills are unit target.

During the game, Team Secret is very superior from every lane. Nisha's (Lina) Laguna Blade is always on point, Resolut1on and Crystallis (Primal Beast-Monkey King) are always on time.

Even in the 27th minute, Team Secret outperformed the kills as well networth up to 13 thousand gold!

Last War Game 2 Team Secret VS Virtus.pro The International (TI) 11

The 28th minute was the final minute of this second game. Team Secret focuses on attacking Tower Tier-3 in Toplane. One by one the players came to do this last war.

Combo from Team Secret starts to open. The primal beast lunged forward, Pulverized Tusk, Virtus.pro's steps halted. Even RAMZES (Luna) died in an instant with burst damage from Nisha (Lina).

Final Match: Team Secret Passes The International (TI) 11 Qualifiers!

Team Secret The International (TI) 11
The moment Team Secret passed Qualifier The International (TI) 11.

This match made Team Secret manage to secure a position as the 19th team in The International (TI) 2022 tournament. Meanwhile, Virtus.pro still has to fight in the Lower Bracket, waiting for the winner between Team Liquid VS Vici Gaming.

That's a review and a little analysis from the author about the Team Secret vs Virtus.pro match. Congratulations to Team Secret and the supporters!

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