Although the energy has been drained because of the previous match, but finally Team Liquid managed to pass Qualifier The International (TI) 11 2022. Victory Team Liquid on will be the closing match for the Lower Bracket as well as the finalization of the 20 teams that will compete in The International 11 later.
Do you want to know what a review and brief analysis of the Team Secret VS match looks like? Check out the following article!
Also Read: Team Secret Passes The International (TI) 11 2022 Qualifiers!
Final Lower Bracket Last Chance Qualifier The International (TI) 11: Team Liquid VS
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Before starting, you need to know the previous performance of these two teams. previously lost against Team Secret with a score of 0-2. Meanwhile, Team Liquid managed to defeat Vici Gaming with a score of 2-1.
In terms of player stamina, the players from Team Liquid seem quite exhausted when compared to the team. But like a match, both teams must continue to give their best to be able to reach the last position in The International 11.
Without further ado, here's a recap of each Team Secret VS match:
Also Read: Complete Schedule, Venues, and Format of The International 11 Dota 2
Game 1

Team Liquid
iNsania: Disruptor
MATUMBAMAN: Lifestealer
zai: Venomancers
Boxi: Clockwerk
m1CKe: Pangolier
Virtus. pro
RAMZES666: Razor
gpk: Primal Beasts
DMs: Visages
Yamich: Tiny
Xakoda: Skywrath Mage
Also Read: Prediction of Heroes Used at TI 2022
In terms of draft, Team Liquid has better heroes than Lifestealer and Venomancer are great on every lane. For midlaners, m1CKe (Pangolier) really benefits as it turns out midlaner is a gpk (Primal Beast)
Meanwhile, might be a little less suitable and seem forced. Tiny-Visage to be offlaner, while Razor occupies safelaner. Even though in terms of skills they can outperform Team Liquid, their damage dealers take time.
During the game, it was clear that Team Liquid managed to dominate Midlane and Offlane. Meanwhile, Safelane must be handed over to so that Lifestealer can farm and gank more freely.
In the early game (0-15 minutes), the three highest networth rankings are held by Team Liquid. MATUMBAMAN (Lifestealer) already has Armlet of Mordiggian, m1CKe (Pangolier) with Diffusal Blade, and zai (Venomancer) with Wraith Pact.
Not long after, at 19.54 minutes, MATUMBAMAN managed to get Aegis. With items that are already very strong in Mid-game, there is a deadly duet combo with Clockwerk using Infest + Hookshot + Wound.

As if they wanted to outperform Team Secret, all members used Smoke of Deceit at 29.11 minutes to gank towards the toplane. But again, the first thing they encountered was the Clockwerk – Lifestealer combo.
Even after the buyback, still lost against Team Secret. Until finally, at 30.10 minutes, issued a “GG Call”, and the first game was won by Team Secret.

Game 2

Team Liquid
iNsania: Disruptor
zai: Beast Master
Boxy: Tusk
m1CKe: Queen of Pain
Virtus. pro
RAMZES666: Chaos Knight
gpk: Morphling
DM: Timber
yamich: Clockwerk
Xakoda: Dazzle
In short, if talking about the Draft, the two teams are equally strong. But if asked to choose, the writer prefers the draft from Liquid. They can lurk, escape the Power Cogs with ease.
In the early game (0-15 minutes), Team Liquid's game is very solid. They often gang up on Ramzes (Chaos Knight) to slow down their farming.
From the Midlaner side, gpk (Morphling) only has Hand of Midas, while m1CKe (Queen of Pain) already has a Witch Blade. The game has started hard for
A moment of early defeat came at 17.20 minutes. initiates team fight. Unfortunately, Disruptor with its Static Storm and Kinetic Field managed to withstand's attacks. Team Liquid lost Tusk, but Virtus pro lost four players.
18.50 minutes, Team Liquid took Roshan's chance. tried to "contest", but the result failed and the first Roshan was taken by MATUMBAMAN (Lina).
During the Mid-game, Team Liquid played very neatly. They clear lane because they can split push easily. At 28.43 minutes, MATUMBAMAN managed to secure the second Aegis and was ready to do the last fight.
Last War

At 31.20 minutes, there was a last war on the top lane Tower tier-3 belonging to There was a blunder from Chaos Knight managed to hit the Temple of Queen of Pain and trapped. only backed up by Shallow Grave Dazzle.
One by one Team Liquid members attack Walrus Punch is issued, Primal Roar is released, Queen of Pain jumps into the base and emits Sonic Wave, overthrowing all damage dealers from
Final Game: Team Liquid Passes The International (TI) 11 Qualifiers!

The last war made do a "GG Call". With the “GG Call” from, Team Liquid officially became the 20th and last team to enter The International (TI) 11 2022 tournament.
That's a review and a little analysis from the author about the Team Liquid vs match. Congratulations to Team Liquid and the supporters!
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