Mobile Legends Bang Bang New Logo. (Source: Moonton Official Website/Google)
roam is the hero position in the game Mobile Legends who has the task of helping teammates in each lane. When playing as a roamer, players are required to rotate from one lane to another.
Tank and Support Heroes usually fill this position. However, recently there has been a unique innovation made by pro players where they use assassin heroes such as Helcurt for roam.
So, in this discussion, we will review the tasks of roam heroes, and recommend roam heroes that are relevant for use this season. For further information, see the complete review below!
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Roam comes from English which in Indonesian means "wandering around". Based on this, it can be interpreted that a roam hero is a character whose job is to explore the map to help teammates on other lanes.
Apart from helping the enemy in each roam lane, he also has the task of helping to gank, securing important objectives such as lords and turtles and detecting enemy presence.
Specifically, roam heroes are divided into several types. You can see further explanation regarding the types of roam heroes below:
Damage roamer is a roam hero role that is currently popular. One of the Mobile Legends characters that is often used as damage roam is Helcurt, Natalia, and Saber.
These three heroes are basically assassin heroes who are more suitable as junglers. However, currently these three heroes are often used as roamers.
As damage roamers, these three heroes certainly have much weaker endurance than defense roamers. The three heroes as mentioned above are more suitable for embroidery kill gameplay.
Because if you are in an intense battle, these three heroes do not have as good endurance as tank heroes. Therefore, use damage roamer to scare the enemy.
The use of the damage roamer hero skill set must be timely and on target. When using damage roamer you don't need to be too enthusiastic about killing enemies. The main task of damage roam users is to make the enemy's blood thin and steal the opponent's tower.
This is different from the aim of using a damage roamer hero who wants to split towers and get lots of kills. When using a defense roamer, the main goal of the game is to strengthen the team's defense.
The task of the defense roam hero is to provide space for teammates to disrupt enemy rotation, zoning, and help the team to farm comfortably.
Apart from being defensive, defense roamers must also have the skills to look for opportunities to launch counter attacks. Generally, roam defense heroes have crowd control abilities. An example is Tigreal, Akai, Atlas, Johnson, and many others.
Healing roamer is a hero who has roaming abilities as well as the ability to heal teammates' HP. Using the Healing Roamer makes teammates last longer during battle.
Apart from that, the presence of Healing Roamer also allows teammates to play more aggressively. Even though the Healing Roamer is equipped with defense items, sometimes they are still quite soft when hit by a gank. Playing Healing Roamer requires good positioning so that your opponent's hero is not easily caught.
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Carrying out roam hero duties is not an easy thing. You could say that being a roamer requires a lot of sincerity and sincerity.
How could we not be willing to stand at the front, die for our colleagues, and be ridiculed when we accidentally get a kill.
So it could be said that a roamer's job in general is to be sincere and steadfast. However, in particular there are at least 10 important roamer tasks that you need to know, here are the complete explanations:
As the word roam means, when trying out this role you have to actively explore the map, open bushes, and provide information on enemy positions to teammates.
This method allows the team to make better decisions. The important point that must be roamed in the early phase is the bushes around the buff. Make sure the jungler can get two buffs safely. After that, roamers can go to the mid or gold lane.
Whatever type of roam hero is used, the main task of a roamer is to protect teammates. Roamers must look at the map at all times in order to make the right decisions.
This decision relates to when is the right time to help a friend who is in distress or look for an opportunity to ambush a soft enemy.
This third task requires roamers to change lanes quickly. This method is important for a roamer to prevent enemy domination of one lane.
This task is related to protecting Turtle and Lord, which aims to prevent the enemy from getting superior gold and buffs. Apart from securing the tank, you also have to help the jungler during the momentum of the Lord and Turtle contest.
Stealing enemy buffs is one of the tasks of a roamer. Apart from ensuring that the conditions around the buff are safe, roamers can also start the buff search process first. This way, when one team's jungler comes, all you have to do is steal it with a battle spell.
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Roamer must be able to be the initiator in teamfight. Especially if the roam hero you use is a defense roamer type. If you use a damage roamer hero, you should not initiate a teamfight, because you will easily die when you approach a crowd of enemies. Initiate when you use a roamer hero who has crowd control and disable skills.
You can do this task in many moments. For example, when helping the marksman hero on the gold lane, when the jungler takes buffs, during turtle or lord contests.
When carrying out this task you don't need to use skills or hit the enemy. You pacing around your teammates is enough to make your opponent afraid. Zoning really helps teammates to get rich, especially gold laner heroes.
The point is not to commit suicide carelessly in the enemy tower. You have to do the feeder at the right moment. Don't do this carelessly because you could get punished by Moonton. Do a feeder when your teammate is pressed, be willing to die so that your weak friend lives.
You can also use feeders during the split tower moment. However, you need to know that when you feed on the tower, your teammates should understand. Because sometimes when playing solo rank, some of your teammates don't realize your sacrifice.
Many people think that a jungler is someone who deserves to be called a leader. But actually the roamer is a true leader.
Roam hero users must carry out leadership duties both inside and outside the game. Roamers must provide direction and strategy to the team, especially during teamfights.
Apart from that, roamers can also use additional blessings such as encourage, conceal, and so on to support one team's heroes in the game.
That's a brief review of the tasks of roam heroes and the various types of roamers in Mobile Legends.
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