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The 5 Best Tank Champions in League of Legends for 2022

There are several Tanks in the best LOL games that you can use in 2022 to win matches easily.
League of Legends
League of Legends. Source: VCGamers

Using the Tank champion in the game League of Legends this will help you get victory easily. VCGamers has summarized the 5 best.

Tanks play an integral role in shaping the gameplay in League of Legends. Tanks in League of Legends have the toughest job. They need to establish themselves in a way where they can delay the game long enough for the adc to farm.

In addition, they are required to win their lane. Otherwise it's likely that the game will end very quickly.

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While there are some tank killing items like the Kraken Slayer, Lord Dominik's Regards and Mortal Reminder, smart tanks can last long enough for the friendly adc to wipe out entire foes. They need to fly kites and also keep an eye on everyone so the back line isn't open to surprise attacks.

However, there are some tanks that can do more than just serve as meat armor in League of Legends. Some of them can also deal significant damage and provide a lot of balance to the game in League of Legends.

Therefore, this gives a lot of impetus to find the top five best tanks that can dominate the game in League of Legends.

It is important to note that some popular names like Darius and Renekton are not on the list as they are mostly fighters. Therefore, building tank items on them is a reduction in their ability to dominate the game.

List of the Best Tank Champions in League of Legends



Amumu is probably the definition of a meat shield in League of Legends. The Amumu can permanently reduce the physical damage it takes and thus make it one of the best tanks in the game.

There's no point in building up any item damage to him however, as his only role is to absorb as much as he can for the rest of the team.

The problem with this champion, however, is that he is only good as long as people come to him in person. If the players knew how to fly him, he would likely do nothing for the team in terms of tanking.



Shen is one of the best tanks in League of Legends in terms of soaking a large amount of damage. Shen's main mechanic revolves around “Pyrite Blade.

Shen has the ability to remember it, dashes to it and creates an area of effect around it which reduces incoming damage. Shen's entire playing style relies on the efficient use of the Spirit Blade.

In addition, Shen can also teleport to allies using his ultimate at any time and thereby provide them with a shield. This is one of the strongest skills in the game because it helps change the course of the fight.

However, the problem with Shen is that, while he can tank a lot, his damage isn't as high as some of the other members on this list. However, the fact that he made it into the top 5 speaks for what this character is capable of.



Maybe a bit surprising to see Nasus is third on the list, and many might argue that he should be number one. This was due to his Sucking Attack.

Every time Nasus kills an enemy with this ability, he builds a stack. The more he did this, the stronger he got to the point where he became an unkillable monster.

However, this also means that Nasus relies heavily on good laning and farming. Because of that, if one wasn't good at taking the final strike then the Nasus would never be that strong.

He is one of the few infinite scale champions in the game and will only get stronger. However, it can also be shut down by a smart and coordinated team or a skilled top laner.

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Tahm Kench

Thank you

Belittle Tahm Kench is probably the biggest mistake a player can make. This Champion is the one who brought the idea of gray health to the game and thus made it incredibly annoying to deal with.

Being aggressive with him doesn't work out too well because early on in the game he's hard to kill in 1v1 situations. Also, his ultimate can deal massive damage and thereby help balance the team.

As such, this makes him a pretty good top laner. Additionally, his second ability, Abyssal Dive, allows him to teleport to target locations and provide team support. This gives him more utility compared to Shen as it is a basic skill instead of being the main one.



If there was one champion who could possibly play every role in the game then it would be the leader of the Ionian underworld, Sett. As mentioned in the in-game description, he really is a Boss.

Sett is a champion who can do insane damage even if he's on a tanky build. This is thanks to his second skill, Haymaker, where he can store incoming damage as Grit.

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Upon releasing, he gains a shield, and enemies in the surrounding area take a large amount of damage. It can shoot squishy champions who are not at full health.

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