Aloha Vicigers! This time, we will discuss 3 PUBG (PlayerUnknown's Battleground) skins that make us say “Gilsss!! Expensive!!" Yep!
Success in Entering the Safe Zone with These Best 5 Tricks!
In the PUBG Player Unknown's Battleground Mobile game, there are several circles that indicate players. Circle
Best Specs and Advantages of KAR98K Make Auto Enemies Go Awry!
Aloha Vicigers! The enemy is guaranteed to run wild! Fans of the game Player Unknown's Battlegrounds are certainly no strangers to this
PUBG Players Moving to Free Fire? Check out these Top 2 Reasons!
Player Unknown's Battleground or what we hear more often as PUBG Mobile and Free Fire are both games about
4 Best Tutorials on How to Get Free PUBG Skins!
Aloha Vicigers! In this article, we will discuss 4 ways to get free PUBG skins! Let's see! What
Can Healing and Shooting in Water? Check out these Best 3 Info!
Aloha Vicigers! Healing and shooting skills in the water are a must that must be mastered by fellow gamers
Important Armor Vest Turns Out! Check out these 3 Best Capacity!
Aloha Vicigers! In the world of PUBG (Player Unknown's Battleground) Mobile games, it's no wonder that items, equipment and attachments are very important
Check Out These 2 Best Historical Stories for Avid PUBG Fans!
Aloha Vicigers! For those of you big fans of PUBG, one of the online game games that has been popular lately is none other than
Bunny Jump: Check Out These 2 Best Reviews!
Aloha Vicigers! As one of the games that carries the battle royale genre, Player unknown's battle ground aka PUBG Mobile, often
The All New PUBG Mobile 1.5 Ignition!
Aloha Vicigers! The presence of the PUBG battle royale (Player Unknown's Battleground) aka PUBG Mobile in version 1.5: Ignition, of course, is no longer the case.
Only Reduces Performance, Check PUBG Mobile's Worst Weapon
Not every type of weapon available in the PUBG Mobile game offers good statistics as war capital. If the player chooses