Roam is a hero position in the Mobile Legends game whose job is to help teammates on each lane.
6 Best and Strongest Mobile Legends Heroes
For ML game lovers, choosing the right Mobile Legends hero is the main key to achieving victory. But, with
Phoveus Revamp Appears Cooler and More Damageful
Once often the target of being banned during draft picks, now Phoveus is rarely sought after by Mobile Legends players. Until finally Moonton
Build the Best Items and Emblems for Granger ML
Granger is an ML marksman hero who is more often used to fill the jungler role. This month Granger just got
126th MLBB New Hero Leaked, Assassin Who Can Susanoo!
In February 2024, Moonton released two new heroes on the Advance Server, namely Chip (Tank) and Zhu Xin
Most Complete MLBB Zodiac Skin: Change Every Month!
The Zodiac MLBB skin is one of the choices of many MLBB gamers. Since getting a revamp, the features are amazing and the price range
The Worst Aldous Build 2024 to Play Safely in the Early Game
Aldous is the sickest fighter hero in 2024, this Mobile Legends hero depends on the number of stacks and builds used. Because
Build the Sick Body to Face Meta Season 32
Badang's existence in season 32 of the Mobile Legends game has completely submerged. In the last few months, I rarely met Badang players
Lesley's Sickest Build 2024, One Shot Enemy Dies
There is the best build to make Lesley have the worst damage in 2024. This item recommendation can cover Lesley's shortcomings
The sickest Harith Gold Lane build
Harith is a Mage hero who is currently often played on Gold Lane against marksman heroes in Mobile games
Build Cici Tersakit 2024, Ready to Carry the Team
There are several Cici build options that make her the hero with the worst damage in 2024 in the Land of Dawn. Seasons
The Most Painful Helcurt Roam Build 2024
Helcurt is an assassin hero who has recently become popular as a roamer. Even though roaming with the correct build Helcurt revamp
Recommended Cool Mobile Legends Squad Names
Are you looking for a cool name for your squad in Mobile Legends? If yes, you need to read the article
Starlight Skin Leaks June 2024
After receiving a revamp from Moonton in patch update 1.8.78, in June 2024 Helcurt is predicted to receive the Starlight skin.
Build Harith Role Jungle and Mid, Make Enemies Auto Suren
Since his release in 2018, Harith has become a mage hero who is feared by the enemy because of his consistent damage from early, mid and late.
Build Hero Lunox Lane EXP Painfully
Lunox is a hero who is flexible enough to be used on various lanes such as Gold, EXP, Mid. etc.
5 ML Dyrroth Hero Skins and How to Get them at Cheap Prices
Dyrroth is an ML role fighter hero who has 5 skin choices that you can use to fight on Land
The Worst Martis Build 2024 for Jungler Role and EXP
Martis is a hero with good early damage. If you use the right build, Martis will be the sickest hero
Recommendations for the 5 Most Powerful Cici Counter Heroes
Cici is the last fighter hero to be released at the end of 2023. Since its release, many Mobile Legends players have
50+ Best Viral Short Scary ML Names
For those of you who want to look different and make your opponents nervous, choose a scary ML name that is short and goes viral