When Vicigers' friends enter the last zone, you will actually be Booyah a little bit. For survival in Free Fire in the last zone is not easy to do.
So, we have some survival tips on Free Fire in the last zone that you must know to get Booyah.
When you enter the last zone, it means you will face a formidable opponent. But it's hard to survive in Free Fire in the last zone because most of the players in this circle are very skilled and experienced.
Check out the surviaval tips in Free Fire on the last zone that you must know to get the highest position.
How to Survive in Free Fire Until You Get Booyah
Avoid Using Weapons

To survive in Free Fire in the last circle, you have to play safely and carefully. Avoid firefights by not using weapons and try to hide your position until there are only two players left alive on the battlefield.
If the last zone shrinks in the open ground, you should use some smoke grenades to confuse the enemy. Smoke grenades are especially useful in the last zone.
You can use them to fake movement, position, cover when you heal an ally or reload ammo, or even blind an enemy when you know their position.
Stay Close To The Edge Of The Zone

Players in the last zone often gather in the center of the circle. Because of this, you often encounter more players and have to engage in more fights when you're in the middle area.
To survive in Free Fire longer and stay safe in the last zone, you should stay near the edge of the white circle. Find a safe corner with enough cover to avoid too much fighting.
If you can hide and stare at one position, don't expose yourself to the enemy. Only fire when needed because the sound of a gun in the last play zone can attract the attention of all players who are still alive.
Then, you will become the target of all the survivors in the last circle who are trying to get Booyah or at least be in the top 10.
Use Surfboards

Surfboard in Garena Free Fire can help you improve your mobility which is very important in battle royale mode, especially in the last zone.
Using a Surfboard is one of the survival tips in Free Fire to stay alive in the last zone, because it helps you move faster and more agile.
Enemies can't lock on your aim and shoot you as you move quickly with this tool to dodge bullets and clutch in one-on-four situations.
Play Defensive & Be Careful

In the last zone, you have to play carefully and stay defensive. When you play too aggressively, you have more chances to be killed in successive fights.
In chain battles, you don't have much time to heal your HP and react to all opponents at the same time.
Also read: How to Use the Free Fire Safe Zone to Win Matches
Plus, you need time to reload and get ready for the next battle. Prepare well and play with caution or you may end up losing Booyah regretfully. Always loot enough medkits to keep your HP bar full before the intense battle in the final zone.
Keep Rotating To Avoid Headshot Shots

If you stand still to settle down, you'll probably be targeted without smelling the risk of a headshot by the enemy. You have to keep rotating in your position to make it difficult for snipers to kill you with headshots.
Also, keep changing your position after each battle. Holding position after battle makes you an easy target for all players in the final zone.
This is one of the survival tips in Free Fire in the last zone that Vicigers friends should know and remember carefully.
Survival in Free Fire in the last zone is a bit difficult to do, especially if you live alone and have to face a full team.
Also read: 5 Best Free Fire Wukong Character Combinations for Beginners
Maybe you will be Booyah by paying attention to survival tips in Free Fire as you mentioned above. Stay careful and good luck until you get Booyah!