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5 Best Genshin Supports For Ayaka, The Deadliest Team!

There are several Genshin Impact Support characters that you can use for Ayaka in the game to maximize her abilities.
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Ayaka never disappoints with her DPS prowess, but there are only a few of Genshin's best support characters to make her team unbeatable.

Kamisato Ayaka is going back in Genshin Impact update 2.6 coincided with the release of his brother Ayato. Officially, he'll be back in the second half banner.

Ayaka is best known as a DPS thanks to her crazy explosions and elemental multiplier skills. Apart from being the team's main damage dealer, he is not very flexible with other roles. To maximize her potential and survivability on the battlefield, you need to know who is the best support for Ayaka.

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To help you prepare Ayaka's best team, see Ayaka's 5 best Genshin supports below.

List of the Best Genshin Support For Ayaka

Kamisato Ayaka is a true DPS; his elemental and explosive skills have insane multipliers that mainly focus on dealing damage. Apart from being a main damage dealer, Ayaka is not flexible with other roles.

Players should pair it with great supports that can increase their damage output and survivability on the field.


Support Genshin

One of Genshin's best supports for Ayaka is the tiny and witty Mondstadt bartender, Diona. He can be a decent healer who can offer teammates a very strong shield, especially when you equip him with the Sacrificial Bow.

It's also not difficult to build Diona as her healing and shield damage absorption reduces her HP.

In fact, players can also build them up for damage in Cryo mono team with Shenhe and Ayaka. Since Diona has such a great blend with all of these units, she can really contribute to boosting the entire team's Cryo damage buff with Shenhe's Quills.

Players can focus on key ATK%/Cryo DMG Bonus/Crit stats on artifact sets in Genshin Impact to build damage in mono Cryo teams.

You can build up Diona for damage while running mono Cryo team with Ayaka and Shenhe. Since Diona has such a good mix with these two characters, she can contribute damage with the help of Shenhe's spikes and cryo damage bonus.


Support Genshin

For those of you who are wondering “Do Ayaka and Shenhe fit together?”, Shenhe started to be called the best support for Ayaka after she was introduced to Genshin Impact.

While other characters are usually paired with Ayaka for better battery life, Shenhe can offer Ayaka buffs while also contributing a decent amount of energy.

For the unknown, Kamisato Ayaka can trigger Icy Quills Shenhe which scales well with Ayaka on the court. In addition, Shenhe's elemental explosion can reduce the enemy's resistance to Physical and Cryo attacks.

In particular, one of Shenhe's passive talents can deal a 15 percent Cryo damage buff to characters who are in his elemental explosion zone. This can secure Shenhe's ranking in the list of the best passive talents in Genshin Impact as well as the best choice for Ayaka's freezing team.


Support Genshin

The next best support for Ayaka is Mona. He is also the ideal character in the frozen team consisting of Ayaka. You can use this witch as a buffer for princess Kamisato's DMG blast. Mona can also take advantage of the omen debuff resulting from her explosion to get this.

Since you'll need her explosions for each rotation, Mona's build, including her choice of weapon sets and artifacts, should focus on energy replenishment stats.

This character can also fulfill the role of Hydro's applicator with his elemental skills. This move can be considered a blunt attack and also doesn't free the frozen opponent.


Support Genshin

Kazuha is absolutely a top choice to pair up with Ayaka thanks to her amazing skills. He and Venti are both Anemo assassins and are usually compared when it comes to their skills. In fact, both are great to use in Ayaka's best team competition.

However, Kaedehara Kazuha was better at grouping thanks to her elemental skills. Venti actually relies a little more on clustering.

What does this mean? That is when facing single targets and ungrouped opponents, Venti can lose some of its utility. Kazuha, on the other hand, can contribute more to the team's overall DPS with unwavering debuffs, buffs, and damage from her elemental explosions.

Moreover, Kazuha blends well with the characters that are usually paired with Ayaka, such as Diona, Shenhe. You can easily get 9 stars in Spiral Abyss Floor 12 with this team composition.

Her passive gift allows Kazuha to deal bonus Elemental DMG to her team as soon as she generates a Swirl reaction.

Also read: Recommended Build for Kamisato Ayaka Genshin Impact 2022


Support Genshin

Kokomi is a premium Genshin support character who works very well with Ayaka. Its hydro application can be considered better than Xingqiu and Mona when paired with Ayaka.

The best support for Ayaka is considered to be Kokomi. He is also a premium Genshin support character who engages in the grandest battles.

In detail, Kokomi's skill duration can complement Ayaka's rotation. Also, it has a great radius that matches Ayaka's Cryo attacks, creating a powerful fusion.

Also read: The 5 Best Genshin Impact Kamisato Ayaka Teams for 2022

It is ideal to fully build Sangonomiya Kokomi for support. You can use it with the 4-piece Tenacity of Milelith and Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers. Both of these items are accessible which means it's easy for you to build Kokomi with not too expensive investment.

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