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Overwatch 2 Mid Season 11 Patch Note Update Summary

The Overwatch 2 Season 11 patch note update launched on Tuesday, July 9, bringing many rewards to the gameplay
Overwatch Patch Notes
Overwatch 2 Characters. Source: Gameranx/Google

On Latest Overwatch 2 patch note update, they brought many changes to the gameplay of this game. What are they? Come on, read this article to the end to find the answer.

Blizzard as game developers Overwatch 2 has advanced the release of the latest mid-season patch notes for Overwatch 2 Season 11.

This update brings a lot of content, such as collaboration with Transformers, the Summer Games 2024 event, and several changes to the gameplay.

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Below we have summarized the hero changes and other additions in this patch, let's take a look!

Also read: Overwatch 2 Characters: Hero Roles and Coming Heroes

Latest Overwatch 2 Patch Note Release Schedule

Overwatch 2 characters
Overwatch Heroes 2. Source: Nintendo

The patch released for the mid-season of Overwatch 2 Season 11 launched on Tuesday, July 9 at 11:00 WIB (19:00 WIB) yesterday. 

Initially this update was expected to come out in two weeks, but Blizzard decided to release it earlier.

PC users can preload updates via the Battle.net client, so you can download all the files first.

Also read: Overwatch 2 Characters for Beginners, Become a Master in 5 Minutes!

Changes in Overwatch 2 Patch Notes

Overwatch 2 Heroes
Hero Overwatch 2. Source: VCGamers

Here are the complete patch notes posted on the official Overwatch 2 game forum:

General Update

Introducing Player Surveys

After the match is finished, you will be invited to participate in a web-based survey which you can complete on your PC or using a mobile device by scanning the QR code on the screen. 

This is your opportunity to tell the developer about how you enjoy Overwatch 2 and help identify areas where the game can be improved.

Audio Updates

When shooting enemies with Base Health, Sheilds, Armor, or Overhealth, makes a clearer sound cue about the type of health you damaged.

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Hero Updates


  • Flat armor damage reduction increased from 5 to 10 per projectile.
  • Enemy health bars are now displayed when they are at the Low Health threshold.


  • Tank's role becomes passive
  • Ultimate generation reduction increased from 30 to 40%.
  • Knockback resistance reduced from 50 to 40%.

D. Va

  • Maximum duration increased from 3 to 3.5 seconds.
  • Explosion damage increased from 4 to 5.5 (from 126 to 153 maximum damage with direct impact).


  • Overhealth gained per target increased from 35 to 40 HP.
  • Delay before Overhealth begins to drain increased from 1 to 3 seconds.

Junker Queen

  • Overhealth increased from 150 to 175 HP
  • Wound damage self-healing multiplier increased from 2 to 2.5x

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  • Knockback damage increased from 25 to 30
  • Stomp damage increased from 60 to 75
  • Duration reduced from 5 to 3 seconds.
  • Lifesteal increased from 60 to 100%.
  • Damage reduction increased from 30 to 40%.
  • Allies now only receive half the value of the lifesteal effect and damage reduction.


  • Duration increased from 3.5 to 4 seconds
  • Armor bonus increased from 225 to 300.
  • Pummel damage increased from 60 to 65.


  • Maximum health increased from 1400 to 1600.
  • Barrier regeneration rate increased from 140 to 160 health per second
  • Wall impact damage increased from 275 to 300.


  • Area damage after activation increases from 30 to 45 damage per second.
  • Recovery time reduced from 0.55 to 0.4 seconds.
  • Cooldown now starts immediately upon use, rather than after a short delay.


  • Impact damage increased from 40 to 80 (total 120 damage).


  • Secondary shot charge time reduced from 1 second to 0.85 seconds.
  • Maximum health gained increased from 500 to 700.

Wrecking Ball

  • Auto recharge time when transforming reduced from 2 to 1.6 seconds.
  • Ally Overhealth transfer ratio increased by 50% (Use up to 50 Overhealth per target to give allies up to 75 HP).


  • Health increased from 200 to 225.
  • Duration increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds.
  • Health increased from 200 to 225.
  • Duration increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds.
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Passive Role Damage

  • Now only half effective against Tank heroes (10% healing reduction).


  • BOB now gains the Tank role passive ability.


  • The fall range of the primary shot has been scaled from 25-35 meters to 20-30 meters.


  • Explosion damage reduced from 30 to 0.
  • Blast knockback radius increased from 6 to 8 meters.
  • Knockback increased by 11%.



  • Duration of effect on Tank heroes reduced from 3.5 to 3 seconds.


  • Allies no longer see a “Destroyed” UI when the Healing Pylon is damaged.


  • Ultimate cost reduced by 10%.
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Bug Fix


  • Fixed the rank progress bar UI not showing progress for Bronze 5.
  • Fixed voice and text chat not working on PC with console players.
  • Fixed in previous update – Weekly and Daily Challenges would reset to 0 after relogging for some players.
  • Fixed in previous update – Screen tearing on PlayStation® 5 during big fights.
  • Fixed in previous update – Season 11 Voice Lines can be heard by anyone at any distance.



  • Fixed Deadeye's gradual target tracking when revealed by Infra Sight.

D. Va

  • Fixed an issue with Self Destruct hitting targets behind barriers or collisions.


  • Fixed teleporting to Echo when the clone ends making the “Swift Step” ability broken for the rest of the game.


  • Fixed exploit with Lifeweaver tree hiding Symmetra turrets in payloads.


  • Fixed Roadhog's weapon model/placement being mostly higher using the 'Kaiju' skin.
Also read: Abilities and Tips for Playing Using Brigitte Overwatch 2

So, that's a summary of the updates on the latest Overwatch 2 patch notes. Don't forget to stay updated on games, tech and gadgets only at VCGamers News!

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