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Strongest Characters in King God Castle: Names, Tiers, and Classes

Get to know the strongest characters in King God Castle along with their names, tiers, classes, and strengths to make it easier to determine strategies.
The Strongest Characters in King God Castle
King God Castle Game. Source: Play Store

Strongest Characters in King God Castle: Names, Tiers, and Classes

There are many strongest characters in King God Castle that you can choose to win every match. Not only that, each character already has its own tier and class.

When playing this game, you have to choose a character that suits the strategy that has been determined. Then, how is the King God Castel Strongest character based on tier?

The author will provide information about the characters in the game. King God Castle this and its class.

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The Strongest Characters in King God Castle

The Strongest Characters in King God Castle
Hero Collection in King God Castle. Source: Play Store

Check out the list of the strongest characters in King God Castle which have been grouped by tier below.

Tier S

Tier S
Strategy in King God Castle. Source: Play Store

Here is a list of S tier heroes in King God Castle along with their strengths.

Name Class Strength
Asiaq support Can damage enemies with its chain to three enemies. Can cause stun effect.
Behemoth Tank When coming down from a jump it can deal damage with its waves.
Bomb Ranged Throws bombs randomly and when they explode they deal 3×3 damage.
Hans Ranged Can add 1 additional arrow for each attack.
Hela Ranged Summons 3 comets to descend and throw them towards nearby enemies.
Leonhardt Tank Can attack enemies through their shields and give a stun effect for 1.5 seconds.
Lunar support Gives a protective effect to friends.
Lyca Fighters Transform into a werewolf and go behind the opponent to stun them.
May Fighters Increases sword range in a 3×2 area and provides additional attacks for 5 seconds.
Zuo Yun Fighters When red, attack speed increases for 3 seconds.
Zupitere Ranged Summons a lightning attack and deals damage at a distance of 5×5.

Tier A

Tier A
Choose Hero in King God Castle. Source: Play Store

This list of heroes Tier A in King God Castle that you need to know.

Name Class Strength
Aramis Ranged Adds attacks to one enemy target.
Cathy Ranged Deals additional damage to one target for one second, then can redirect the attack in the opposite direction.
Daniel Fighters Gives a stun effect in the surrounding area.
Draco Ranged Breathes fire and increases its range.
Mirsyl support Deals damage to enemies and provides healing effects to allies.
Nibella Fighters Her teleportation powers can take Nibella to the furthest locations and return in the form of a sandstorm.
Rie Ranged Summons a doll to deal magical attacks to enemies.
Shelda Tank Gives an additional 30+ shield effect to himself.
Taebaek Fighters Deals an attack in a designated area and the attack can be multiplied.
Tia Ranged Tia can move to the back when the enemy attacks the front line.
Zuo Bai Fighters Teleports and delivers magical attacks to enemies in the back area.

Tier B

The Strongest Characters in King God Castle
King God Castle Game. Source: Play Store

Note the strength of tier B heroes in King God Castle to make it easier to determine strategies.

Name  Class Strength
Bardrey support Can replenish mana for allies in a 3×3 area.
Chung Ah Fighters Throwing weapons while providing healing effects to allies.
The Wind support Gives stun and attack effects to nearby enemies.
Child Ranged Can boost to enemies and can be stacked up to 6 times.
Mara Assassins Teleports to the back of the enemy and gives a stun effect.
Priya Ranged Gives a stun effect in the surrounding area.
Yeon support Throws a fireball that can bounce and deal damage to enemies.

Tier C

The Strongest Characters in King God Castle
Keep Castle from Enemies. Source: Play Store

Here is a list of tier C heroes in King God Castle and their strengths.

Name Class Strength 
Agatha Tank Reduces damage from enemies for all allies.
Albert support Gives healing effect to allies in 3×3 area.
Cain Assassins Teleport and attack the enemy (with the lowest blood).
Gidnil Tank Provides protection from magical attacks and the one who does the attack gets a debuff.
Jol Fighters Reduces damage in surrounding area for 4 seconds.
Tae San Fighters Get close to the enemy to deal additional damage.

Tier D

The Strongest Characters in King God Castle
Fight in King God Battle. Source: Play Store

List of tier D heroes in King God Castle and their strengths, among others.

Name Class  Strength
Evan Fighters Delivers an attack through his sword in 1 horizontal line in front of him.
Lily Tank Creates a golem and if it is destroyed, Lily will retreat 3 squares and replenish mana.
Neria Ranged Neria shoots arrows 4 times in a row. Nearby enemies will receive significant damage.
Rahawk Ranged Attacks the furthest enemy and reduces its speed for 5 seconds.
Ren Fighters Deals damage in a 3×3 area while gaining a shield. If an enemy dies, movement speed increases.
Rosette Tank Deals damage to one target based on the target's HP.

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Thus the discussion about the characters in the tower defense game King God Castle along with their tiers and classes. Also play similar games such as Tiny Guardians on PC or MOBILE PHONE.

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