Still Wakes The Deep, Petroleum Engineering Simulation Game!

Still Wakes The Deep

If Vicigers are looking for a game horror and a thriller that is different from most, Still Wakes The Deep really worth trying! The reason is, this sim is truly unique and very original!

With its themes and location settings, The Chinese Room as the developer has succeeded in packaging this game so nicely! So, for those of you who are curious about what the game is like, let's take a look at the review!

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Still Wakes The Deep

Horror and thriller game Still Wakes The Deep
Horror and thriller games. Source: Official Site

If you hear about the horror genre combined with thriller, many gamers have not yet "did it" first. There are not many gamers out there who can enjoy both of these genres, especially when combined.

Connoisseur horror and thrillers, generally for "adrenaline junkies" who like the sensation of getting excited! Spooky and scary nuances are their daily food!

In fact, the two genres themselves only have quite subtle differences. Horror in horror games is generally caused by mystical creatures, such as ghosts, demons, demons, monsters, etc.

Meanwhile, thrillers are generally caused by other humans, such as being chased by maniacs, criminals, jump scares, and so on. And imagine if the two were combined, I'm sure you will be afraid to go back alone!

Also read: Gameplay Alone in the Dark: Horror Game Released This Month!

Details Still Wakes The Deep

The horror and thriller look
The horror and thriller look. Source: Official Site

Now let's go straight into the details about this game. Still Wakes The Deep itself has first-person gameplay which is packed with a tense narrative.

Players will be given the opportunity to control a protagonist named Cameron "Caz" McLeary. He was an electrician who worked on an oil refinery off the coast of Scotland.

The time setting used in this game occurs in the winter before Christmas Day, or to be precise in December 1975. This is an important plot in the future progression of the story.

As the story goes, the protagonist is trapped in a condition that makes him unable to return home to his family. This gives him a dilemma and also appears as a background for the beginning of the storyline.

Long story short, for some reason, Caz finally had to be fired. However, when he was leaving the drilling location, a phenomenon occurred which meant that activities there had to stop completely!

All the existing facilities were destroyed, and a strange figure similar to a large monster was seen rushing in! People also changed, as if they became like zombies!

Like it or not, Caz really has to leave that location! So can you accompany Ca to find a way to save himself? Please try it yourself!

Also read: 5 Scariest Horror Video Games!

Still Wakes The Deep release

Still Wakes The Deep Gameplay
Still Wakes The Deep Gameplay. Source: Official Site

Looking at the explanation above, this game is really suitable for gamers who enjoy horror! Players will be presented with an authentic experience of gameplay which is very similar to the simulation (sim) genre.

In fact, if the developer is interested in changing the horror and thriller design of this game into a sim, it seems like that's fine! But their decision to make it like this was also the right one!

And even though this game was only released in mid-June on the 18th, they have already received quite good reviews from various parties!

With interesting graphics and story plot, it will be very difficult for anyone not to be tempted to play this game until the end! So, it's really mandatory for those of you who are curious to try it!

Also read: The 5 Best Indonesian Horror Games With Download Links

For those of you who are interested in playing this game via Steam, make sure to top-up your wallet cheaply and quickly VCGamers Marketplace yes!

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