Starlight Skin Leaks October 2024
It seems that the October 2024 Starlight Skin will again be given to heroes mage. Previously, Odette was a candidate for a mage hero who received the Starlight skin in September 2024.
Now, Zhask, who has a similar role as a mage, has been selected as a candidate to hold the Starlight skin in October 2024.
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As we know it, Mobile Legends always updates the heroes who will get exclusive Starlight skins every month. To get the skin, you have to buy the Starlight package for 300 diamonds.
Not only skins, you will also get other benefits from Starlight such as exclusive borders, exclusive recalls, exclusive eliminations, CoA, and sacred statues.
To find out more about the October 2024 Starlight skin, you can read this article to the end.
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Starlight Skin Leaks October 2024

As mentioned earlier, Zhask become a mage hero who will have an exclusive Starlight skin in October 2024 with the name "Death's Shadow".
Meanwhile, Zhask himself is currently on the rise. Proven in the draft pick, Zhask is a hero who is prioritized to be picked or banned.
Furthermore, Zhask will appear using a futuristic theme with dominant touches of turquoise and purple.
Not only the appearance, all of Zhask's skills are also bound with similar color nuances, namely turquoise green and purple.
In skill 1, for example, the Nightmaric Spawn that appears will emit a very elegant blue-green light.
Meanwhile, in his ultimate, Dominator's Descent will appear with energy particles rotating around him.
For those of you who have a taste for bright pastel colors, this Starlight Zhask skin could be the right choice.
A Glimpse of the Hero Zhask

If you already have the skin, make sure to know the hero more deeply. So, you can maximize his skills when the match takes place.
Here is a brief explanation of the hero Zhask that you need to know:
Zhask Skills
Unlike most heroes, Zhask has 4 skills that make him a very annoying hero.
Skill 1 (Nigmaric Spawn): Zhask will summon a cursed creature (Nighmaric Spawn) at a location you have specified. Later, this creature will attack every enemy around it continuously.
Skill 2 (Mind Eater): Zhask will shoot a straight beam according to the direction you specify. You can combine this skill with skill 1 to provide a double attack.
Skill 3 (Hive Clones): Zhask will spawn several insects from his body in a designated direction. Later, the opponent will be damaged and slowed if they step on the insect.
Ultimate (Dominator's Descent): Zhask will merge with the Nightmaric Spawn and gain several enhancements such as HP, damage, and faster attacks.
Tips for Saving Money When Buying Starlight Member

Normally, you can buy Stargliht Membership for 300 diamonds. However, you can use the installment method with Weekly Diamond Pass to buy it.
Meanwhile, 300 diamonds can be purchased for Rp110,000. Meanwhile, the Weekly Diamond Pass can be obtained for Rp25,000.
In one Weekly Diamond Pass subscription, you will get 30 diamonds for 7 days which if totaled can reach 210 diamonds.
So, you only need to buy 2 Weekly Diamond Passes for a total of IDR 50,000 to be able to have this Starlight Zhask skin. However, you have to be patient to get it.
So, if you want to get the Starlight skin quickly and cheaply, you can buy Starlight Membership for only IDR 76,000 at VCGamers Marketplace. The process is fast, safe and reliable.
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That's a brief explanation of the October 2024 Starlight Skin leak which is interesting for you to know. Moreover, if you are a mid lane player who really likes to use mage heroes.