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Listen! You Can Do Stack Mobile Legends With These 10 Heroes!

stack mobile legends cover

stacks Mobile Legends simply is one feature in mobile game which is very useful to beat heroes opponent, either normal or not OP.

If you can take advantage of the features stack through attacks heroes certain in Mobile Legends, guaranteed you can fight heroes fight with buff or MOBILE PHONE any thickness.

Usually, stack will be very necessary when you face players who use heroes specialist mid and late game, because in addition to saving time, you also need to think about how to kill Turtles and Lord which has also beenupgrades at that time.

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If you master stack this, you can also directly get legendary moment kill heroes against, especially if heroes which you use AoE or CC which is ok.

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This article will discuss the details regarding stack in games Mobile Legends which are often used by player veterans and para pro player.

stacks Mobile Legends: Usability And How To Do It

As written at the beginning of this article, stack Mobile Legends is a technique for stacking damage or skills Specific passives depend on each skill heroes used.

Are you confused to see the symbol stack moment matches? You can see the top of the icon battle spells, or below bar MOBILE PHONE and where for some heroes certain. Usually when you farming buff also, you can see the icon stack appears next buff what you get.

stack mobile legends example 1

There are many ways to do this stack, including using normal attacks, skills 1, skills 2 or ultimate. Later, these attacks will be accumulated into a number that appears on the icon skill stacks heroes certain.

But, there are also stack whose function is to mark opponents like heroes Vexana and Selena who marked the opponent so that in the next attack will result damage bigger.

stack mobile legends example 2

Not only through skills or attack heroes Of course, you can also use stack through items what you brought with you matches.

Usually, an icon will appear items you use (eg Glowing Wands) which shows that skills passive items is already active and there is an indicator stack on the icon.

in short, stack This Mobile Legends is a way to collect or accumulate skills passive until later heroes that you use will get additional status attributes, such as attacks or movement speed, magic or physical damage, which regene or MOBILE PHONE, as well as shields.

When Is The Right Time For Stack Skills?

stacks Mobile Legends is better done from the start of the game. This is to anticipate the absence late game because your team plays fast, for example.

If you have a lot stack skills and there late game, make sure you have enough stack damage to beat the heroes or Lord by using stack the.

The key is timings the right one and a clear target so you know what to do kill opponent or creeps whichever.

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10 Heroes With stacks The Troublesome Version of VCGamers


stack mobile legends skills aldous

Heroes Aldous in Mobile Legends is heroes with ability stack which is very popular and always loved by player.

The reason, Aldous has the ability to collect stack whose number will double if you manage to kill creeps or heroes with skills the 1st.

For example, if you activate skills 1 for clearing the lineup minion, wait until MOBILE PHONE para minions fight a little more so Aldous can immediately collect stack about 9 points.

stack mobile legends aldous skill

You can do the same strategy when there is a group heroes fight with MOBILE PHONE which is very thin (which only one hit just died). There are different points if you succeed kill fight with skills 1 Aldous.

Points stacks Mobile Legends version heroes Aldous kills heroes this is what makes it creepy, because every kill 1 heroes, Aldous will get 10 points stack.

Imagine if Aldous could kill 2 opponents in a row, then he will get up to 40 points stack. But usually Aldous users farming creeps or minions for stack.

In essence, Aldous was in the top spot because apart from being popular, stackit is also very useful for additions shields and physical damage-his. Icon stack skills Aldous is above the icon regen.


stack mobile legends skill brody

Unlike Aldous who had to use skills 1 or basic attacks and there is an indicator stack-his, stack Brody looks instead at his opponent.

Every Brody uses an attack basic, skills His 1 or 2 and hit the target (fine minions, creeps nor heroes opponent) they will get a mark abyss mark which can be-stack up to 4 marks.

Uniquely, if you manage to hit the target with skills 1 in a straight line, the rearmost target will get multiple damage and effects slow longer than the nearest target.

stack mobile legends brody skills

Every stack abyss mark, Brody will get extra damage amounted to 200% with basic attacksits, 250 with skills Its 1, and 200 with skills its 2.

function of abyss mark the other is for damage ultimate Sick Brody. When you succeed stack abyss mark as many as 4 against with MOBILE PHONE thin, they were guaranteed to be killed instantly even if they fled anywhere due to range ultimate broad.

So, if you use Brody, focus on "tagging" your opponent with abyss mark so damage Brody is getting sick.

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stack mobile legends skill cecilion

Heroes stacks The next Mobile Legends is Cecilion, who is just as popular as Aldous and Brody in terms of stack skills.

Source stack skills Cecilion is skills 1 which is a long range attack in a straight line. You can stack where Cecilion by looking at the icon above battle spells.

You will get as many as 2 stack each attack the target with skills 1 Cecilion, and you should count timings use skills this is because it would be a real drain wherehis

stack mobile legends cecilion skills

The uniqueness of skills 1 Cecilion is similar to skills 1 Brody, the damageit will hurt more if it hits the ultimate target. It will fit when heroes opponent uses minions as a barrier to Cecilion's attacks. Nevertheless, points stackthere are still only 2 of them.

If Cecilion was killed by the opponent, stack it will not be lost because of the function stack of Cecilion is add where maximum. It will come in handy when Cecilion uses ultimate-his.


stack mobile legends ruby skills

Heroes next one can stack skills is Ruby. In contrast to Aldous, Brody and Cecilion, abilities stack Ruby will add magic and physical defenseit 3 times and will increase according to Ruby's level.

The higher the Ruby level, the magic and physical defenseis also getting higher. As a result, Ruby will be hard to beat, especially with items defense other.

stack mobile legends ruby skills

Player who use Ruby this will usually carry items for lifesteal, because it will further optimize skills passive Ruby which indeed can lifesteal good with skills 1, 2 and ultimate-his.

If skills you combine the passive with stack Ruby (with the icon above battle spells), then Ruby will be hard to kill and will continue to steal MOBILE PHONE the target quickly and a lot.

No wonder Ruby was named as one heroes that sucks in mid and late game.

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stack mobile legends skill freya

Hero stacks Mobile Legends Freya has the ability to stack yellow dots which you can see below HP bar and wherewhose total is 6.

Dots or sacred orb it will light up when Freya attacks her opponent with basic attacks, skills 1 nor skills its 2.

function of stack Freya's is improving physical damage and attack speedher every second attack.

stack mobile legends freya skills

For example, you attack your opponent with basic attacks and collect 6 orb the. Next, you use skills 1 which is immediately followed by basic attacks. There will be improvements damage as well as Freya's attack speed for a few moments.

stacks This Freya made him as one heroes meta when it first appeared. Heroes who will get skins has recently beennerf by Moonton so stackit can only be used two times orb just.


stack mobile legends skill selena

Skill stacks Selena will be very useful for abyss modewhich you can activate via ultimate every mode.

HeroesStack Mobile Legends Selena will strengthen damage received by the target up to 450 plus 40% from magic power belonging to Selene. This amount will also double even more when you use it skills 1 and 2 Selena abyss mode.

stack mobile legends selena skill

How to use stack skills Selena is through skills Its 1 and 2 which it will mark its target with abyss mark like Brody. You also need to change mode periodically so that Selena can use this ability.

Simply put, collect stack form abyss mark via Selene mode normal, then attack the opponent with abyss mode or mode the 2nd for magic damage sicker.

There is no icon that you can see except when using an attack skills 1 and 2 and view manually tagged targets.

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stack mobile legends skill chang'e

Chang'e Si mage which could be support offensive this also has the same expertise as Selena in terms of performing stack skills in Mobile Legends.

The difference with Selena and Freya, every attack made by Chang'e will activate stack damage which you can collect up to 20 times. You can also see indicators stack Chang'e above the icon battle spells.

When you use Chang'e, you have to be diligent spam skills 1st and basic attacksso you can collect up to 20, then you can immediately use it ultimate Chang'e will add damageits as big as 40%.

stack mobile legends change skill

The total damage that Chang'e's target will receive can reach more than 800, not to mention you build Chang'e with magic items like Blood Wings or Holy Crystals.

Heroes Chang'e is also recently one mage which is again wary of in seasons 23 this is due to ability stackthe.


stack mobile legends skill alice

Hero stacks Mobile Legends Alice uses abilities stackher to add HP, mana, movement speed, subtraction Cooldown and additionally shields.

Alice is mage concurrently tankers which is also no less terrible than Ruby in terms of the ability to survive in the arena Land of Dawn.

When Ruby relies melee attack who has a far enough range and can attract her target, Alice has an advantage because she can stack up stack with attacks ranged-his.

stack mobile legends alice skills

skills 1 Alice will be skills that you have to use when you want to activate stackit, which you can see the icon on top of the icon battle spells.

When you are in a state of urgency and need a lot of protection without support, activate ultimate Alice who has been supported by skill stacksso that Alice can still face her opponent without being slaughtered.

That said, Alice and Ruby are two heroes Tough woman and troublesome inside matches. However, in seasons 23 this player more often use ruby especially in ranked matches because it is more agile and delicious combos-his.

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stack mobile legends skill miya

Next there is Miya, the beautiful archer who just got Valentine's skill revamp. Miya users must know exactly how to use it stack skills-his.

Utility stack skills Miya is a bonus attack speed and physical damage as much as 5% and 30 points as you can stack up to 5 times. You can see the indicators stack below HP bar and where Mia.

Just like Freya, you only need to hit the target with basic attacks, skills 1 or skills 2 Miya to be able to stack.

stack mobile legends miya skill

So you are more effective stack skills Mia, you can spam skills 1 Miya who adds her arrow shot into three branches. If you have full, you can inhibit the opponent's movement with skills its 2.

If you want even faster, ultimate Miya will make stackit's full right away and you can spam skills 1 while running away from the opponent.


stack mobile legends skill vexana

HeroesStack Even though this Mobile Legends is less popular, it can still kill movement heroes fight with skillset-his.

How to activate stack Vexana is actually very different from para heroes above, but you can bookmark heroes certain to be made into clone dolls when they were killed by Vexana.

By marking heroes through skills 1 and 2 Vexana, you can make a clone heroes certain that will have 70% status heroes the. When Vexana has reached the maximum level, he will be able to imitate 90% abilities heroes whom he had marked and killed.

stack mobile legends vexana skills

Imitations heroes it also has AoE damage which is visible from the dark purple colored aura around him, which will produce magic damage.

You can start confusing your opponent with attack combinations skills 1 and 2 Vexana, assisted by clone heroes that you killed with Vexana.

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That's the tenth heroes the one that can stack skills in Mobile Legends in their own way. The point is, you have to know first gameplay heroes that so you can stack skills with lancer ya Vicigers!

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