The Apex Mobile landing spot is one of the important things that you must pay attention to so you can get a profitable position.
Apex Mobile is a game with the FPS Battle Royale genre with quite a lot of fans because it presents an intense and exciting playing experience.
Players can also choose Miscellaneous roles legends with existing skills and don't miss either cool guns which you can also choose to fight.
However, it's not just about legends or weapons when you play this game. There are other strategies that you need to pay attention to so that your team has the chance to win.
One of the strategies that must be considered is choosing a landing spot on Apex Mobile because the right choice can benefit your team.
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Apex Mobile Landing Spots
It is undeniable that choosing a landing spot on Apex Mobile can be a good start when starting the game.
Unfortunately, many players, especially beginners, tend to be random when choosing a spot that can cause a loss for the team.
Currently, Apex Mobile only has one folder of course, namely World's Edge which is ideal for close and medium range combat. In addition, this area also presents a lot loot what players can get.
Plus, World's Edge is the only map that has terrain ranging from lava to ice. The mobile version is similar to the original and offers players the same gaming experience.
For those of you who don't know where are the best spots to land on World's Edge, don't worry because we will invite you to get to know the best Apex Mobile landing spots.
Thermal Stations

The first spot that you can make as a landing site is the Thermal Station which is the largest area in Apex Mobile.
The Thermal Station is located in the southwest of the World Edge map with the lava around that area being unique.
With the presence of lava, it will be a little difficult for players to escape from the battle. However, don't worry, because this spot has a rope way that you can use to escape.
Still, lava in the Thermal Station is very dangerous because if you fall into the lava it will make your health condition decrease.
On the other hand, this landing spot is a favorite of players for looting because there is a large amount of loot.

The next location which is the favorite spot for players to land is Skyhook which is located in the northern part of the World Edge map.
The location design allows you to do mid-range combat, considering that the building in Skyhook has a lot of loot.
One interesting thing that is unique about this landing spot is that there is a feature that can fly you from one location to another
Apart from that, this place with many buildings also provides hiding spots that you can use to hide or ambush enemies.
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This location is the next Apex Mobile landing spot which is a favorite for players. Located in the middle of the World Edge map, this spot is the hottest battle area.
That's because the design of the Capitol City location can allow players to fight at close range and they can chase each other. It's no wonder that many players call Capitol City a hot drop.
Apart from that, this location also has a hiding place that you can use and a chest that appears. Not to forget, this area also provides a lot of loot.
Sorting Factory

The Sorting Factory located on the south side of World's Edge is not a very popular place. Therefore, this is one of the best Apex Mobile landing spots, especially for beginners because they can collect a lot of loot.
Because it's not very popular, Sorting Factory is a safe place for those of you who don't like aggressive fights. Apart from that, this area is also quite large which allows players to surprise the enemy.
The Trainyard

The next spot that you can make as a landing location when playing Apex Mobile is The Trainyard which is south of Capitol City.
The Trainyard is a favorite landing spot not only for players with mobile devices, but also for those who play on consoles and PCs.
This Spot has a structural design that allows players to naturally get protection from enemies.
Apart from being a favorite spot, another reason why players often come to The Trainyard is that they want to take a Train that has a lot of looting.
However, players are advised to remain vigilant while looting at this spot.
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The Epicenter

The next location that you can choose as a landing spot on Apex Mobile is The Epicenter which is located northeast of the World Edge map.
The Epicenter has turned into a hot drop area because lots of players have descended on this area in full force.
The design of the area that has a variety of terrain structures makes many players perform crazy and challenging actions.
For example, players can perform a combination of movements such as a slide-jump-shoot which makes it a must when in this area.
So, for those of you who want exciting and challenging battles, The Epicenter offers these things.
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So, those are the 6 best Apex Mobile landing spots that you can use as landing locations. Apart from being a favorite, this location is also a bone of contention for players looting.