Mathilda, the Swift Bloom is the newest hero that has been released in Mobile Legends. He is the first hero to have two roles at once, Assassin and Support. So, what is Mathilda's skill like in Mobile Mobile Legends? Check the full review below.
Mathilda Skills
Mathilda's skills are divided into passive, skill 1, skill 2 and ultimate skill. The following is a complete explanation of Mathilda's skills.
Passive – Ancestral Guidance

Mathilda's skills are very different from other heroes in Mobile Legends. Mathilda gains Ancestral Guidance on the move. A full charge grants him his next Basic Attack bonus.
He will give 150 Magic Damage multiplied by his Total Physical Attack and 80 percent of his Total Magic Power. He will also get a 50 percent increase in Movement Speed which decreases in 2.5 seconds.
His passive skills make him difficult to deal with during the laning phase as he can attack you for bonus damage. In most cases, he can poke you to reduce your HP, and this is perfect for a hit-and-run tactic.
Fighting him during the laning phase is not good, as you will likely return to base for a quick regen.
Skill 1 – Power of Ancestors

Mathilda's first skill is Power of Ancestors. Where this skill can emit from him that allows him to summon a blob that surrounds him for 3 seconds. As her move range increases, she will pull up to 4 more blobs.
Cast this skill again or after reaching the time limit, the blob will attack the nearest enemy. Each wisp deals 300 Magic Damage which increases by 20 per skill level plus 50 percent of his Total Magic Power. When a blob attacks the same target, the next damage is reduced by 80 percent.
Along with Ancestral Guidance, once he uses the Power of Ancestors against his lane rivals, he will deal significant damage to his targets.
He is very deadly when he manages to fight one enemy. All Wisps will attack the enemy and take out most of their HP.
Skill 2 – Windforce

Mathilda lunges at the target area and creates a field that surrounds it as soon as she lands. Team heroes in the field will gain the Wind Force skill which they can use to wink at Mathilda.
When a team uses the Wind Force skill, for 1.5 seconds both of them will gain 30 percent Movement Speed per skill level.
When the team leaves the field for 2 seconds, they will lose the Wind Force skill. What's more, when an enemy hero makes a move, all other enemies will be unable to use the same skill for a short time.
Wind Force is a blind skill that allows Mathilda to get close to her target. Using it together with the Power of Ancestors will result in Mathilda dealing enormous burst damage.
In team fights, this skill is a great movement buff for his teammates as he gives enemies in the area he lands blind to him. In high rank games, this can be used to secure kills, vision, and an escape tool for unwanted clashes.
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Ultimate Skill – Lightness

Mathilda targets heroes with soul marks that deal 160/180/200 Magic Damage per level times +40 percent TMP. After marking her target, Mathilda has 3 seconds in which she can recast her skills.
Doing so will make it spin around the target for up to 3 seconds. When he whizzes, he will summon a blob that will rush at the nearest enemy. Blobs deal 40/45/50 per time skill level +20 percent Total Magic Power Magic Damage.
After casting Lightness or after the 3 second time limit expires, he will rush towards the target and repel the enemy.
Enemies will receive 640/720/800 Magic Damage per level from the time of Ultimate +80 Total Magic Power. Furthermore, Mathilda gains Control Immunity and 60 percent Damage Reduction when Lightness is in effect.
This single target skill gives him the ability to destroy targets with enormous magic damage. Using Lightness with the Power of Ancestors is especially lethal on enemies because he can mark them. In other cases, he can use Lightness to secure the kill.
During team fights, Lightness also deals decent damage to enemies. Mathilda's acquired Control Immunity makes her dangerous as she flies with her Wisps attacking everything in sight.
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In short, Mathilda's skills evoke her support and assassin roles well. Power of Ancestors is a strong DPS poke skill, while Wind Force is a closer gap mechanism and a good escape. Lightness is excellent at initiating and securing single target kills.