BKB or Black King Bar is one of the items in Dota 2 that is overpowered (OP) because it can block the opponent's skills. But, did you know that there are a number of skills from various Dota 2 heroes that can penetrate BKB?
Want to know what these skills are? Here is the explanation!
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What is Black King Bar (BKB) in Dota 2?

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Black King Bar (BKB) is an active item that you can buy at the Base Shop. This item looks like a yellow mask at first glance, but it's actually the top. Overall, the BKB is stick-shaped.
To get it, you can combine three items:
- Ogre Ax (1,000 golds)
- Mithril Hammer (1,600 golds)
- Black King Bar's Recipe (1,450 golds)
After getting it, this item gives +10 Strength and +24 status bonuses Attack Damage. As an active item, BKB can issue named abilities Avatars.
Avatars is an ability that can give your hero Spell Immunity for a certain duration (9/8/7/6 seconds) and make it look bigger 30%.
The more you use it, the shorter the duration with the lowest time is 6 seconds. This item has 90 second cooldown and need which costs 50.
BKB Function: Hero Does Not Translucent Opponent's Skill
Anyone can buy a Black King Bar, both Carry, Midlaner, and Support. But naturally, BKB is used by damage dealers or initiators.
With BKB, they become immune from most of the enemy's active attacks or items. For example, Crystal Maiden's Freezing Field, Lion's Finger of Death, even Chaos Meteor Invoker.
Apart from making their skills not work, they have to attack with basic attacks. Immunity from spells doesn't mean immunity from basic attacks, right?
But, if you want to be immune from normal attacks, you can buy Ghost Scepter.
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Heroes and Skills That Translucent Even Using BKB

The author above mentions “…immunity to most attacks…“. So, there are still a number of skills that can penetrate BKB's defenses.
The author has summarized dozens of heroes along with skills that can penetrate BKB. Curious what it contains? The following is a row of skills that can be penetrated even when using BKB:
Ax: Berseking Call and Culling Blade (Ultimate).
Beastmaster: Primal Roar (Ultimate).
Bristleback: Quill Spray and Hairball (Aghanim's Scepter).
Clockwerk: Hookshot (Ultimate).
Dawnbreaker: Starbreaker.
Doom: Doom (Ultimate).

Earth Spirit: Magnetize (Ultimate).
Earthshakers: Echo Slam.
Elder Titans: Earth Splitter (Ultimate).
Huskar: Life Break (Ultimate).
Legion Commander: Duel (Ultimate).
Lifestealer: Infest (Aghanim's Scepter).
Magnus: Reverse Polarity (Ultimate).
Mars: God's Rebuke.
Phoenix: Supernova (Ultimate).
Primal Beast: Pulverize (Talent Level 25).
Pudge: Meat Hook and Dismember (Ultimate).
Slardar: Corrosive Haze (Ultimate)
Spirit Breaker: Nether Strike (Ultimate).
Treant Protector: Overgrowth (Ultimate).
Tusk: Walrus Punch and Walrus Kick (Aghanim's Scepter).
Bloodseeker: Rupture (Ultimate).
Bounty Hunter: Track (Ultimate).
Clinkz: Burning Barrage and Searing Arrow.
Drow Ranger: Multishot and Marksmanship (Ultimate).

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Ember Spirit: Sleight of Fist.
Faceless Void: Chronosphere (Ultimate).
Juggernaut: Blade Fury (Aghanim's Shard), Omnislash (Ultimate), and Swiftslash (Aghanim's Scepter).
Monkey King: Wukong's Command (Ultimate).
Morphling: Morph (Ultimate).
NYX Assassins: Vendetta (Ultimate).
Pangolier: Swashbuckle.
Phantom Assassin: Stifling Dagger, Phantom Strike, Coup de Grace (Ultimate), Fan of Knives (Aghanim's Shard).
Razor: Static Link, Eye of the Storm (Ultimate).
Riki: Blink Strike, Tricks of the Trade.
Specters: Spectral Dagger.
Troll Warlord: Whirling Ax (Talent Level 25).
Ursa: Fury Swipes.
Vengeful Spirit: Magic Missile (Talent Level 25), Nether Swap (Ultimate).
Venomancer: Poison Nova (Ultimate).
Viper: Viper Strike (Ultimate).
Ancient Apparition: (Ultimate).
Bane: Fiend's Grip (Ultimate).

Batrider: Flaming Lasso (Ultimate).
Death Prophet: Exorcism (Ultimate).
Enigma: Midnight Pulse, Black Hole (Ultimate).

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Grimstroke: Soulbind (Ultimate).
Invoker: Sun Strikes and Cataclysm (Aghanim's Scepter).
Leshrac: Diabolic Edict.
Lina: Laguna Blade (Talent Level 25).
Puck: Dream Coil (Talent Level 25).

Queen of Pain: Sonic Wave (Ultimate).
Rubick: Spell Steal (Ultimate).
Shadow Demon: Demonic Purge (Ultimate).
Shadow Shaman: Mass Serpent Ward (Ultimate).
Skywrath Mage: Arcane Bolt (Talent Level 25).
Void Spirit: Astral Step (Ultimate).
Warlock: Chaotic Offering (Ultimate).
Windranger: Focus Fire (Ultimate).
Wintern Wyvern: Winter's Curse (Ultimate).
Witch Doctor: Death Ward (Ultimate), Voodoo Switcheroo (Aghanim's Shard).
Conclusion: Get to Know the Right Heroes and Skills!

Nothing is completely safe in this game. Valve makes this game as balanced as possible for you to play.
You have to know the hero and his skills to know what items are suitable against him. Don't let you buy the Black King Bar (BKB), but the enemy's skills can penetrate you.
That's a list of skills from heroes that can be penetrated even if you use the Black King Bar (BKB). Hopefully this article can add to your insight about heroes and their skills.
Enjoy playing~
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