Simple Way to View Old Tweets on X

User X sometimes wants to look back at their digital footprint on this platform by looking at old Tweets that were posted in the past.
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Home Page X. Source: Medium

Simple Way to View Old Tweets on X

Maybe you are curious about how to see old tweets that you have previously posted on Twitter. X or Twitter.

In X itself, there is actually a feature that can view your old tweets or posts, both posts and mentions to other people.

Maybe this feature is actually quite useful for those of you who want to search for someone's Tweets or your own Tweets in the past.

Instead of being confused, you should do the following to see old Tweets or posts on Elon Musk's platform!

Also read:

Tweet on X

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Twitter logo and X. Source: Forbes

Twitter is a social media created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone and Evan Williams in March 2006 in the United States and released in July 2006.

Since April 25, 2022, Twitter has been acquired by Elon Musk who bought it for $44 Billion and changed its name to 'X‘.

Since X is now in the hands of Elon Musk, this has had quite an impact on its users to the point that there are some changes to the platform.

Users who use X are looking for the most updated news, doing business and interacting with mutuals (friends/followers on X).

Launch, Tweets on X have now changed their name to 'Post', which is a message containing text, photos, GIFs or videos.

A tweet or post has a character limit of up to 280 characters, but you can still extend it by creating a thread or unlimited consecutive posts.

If you don't want to create a thread, you can also create a tweet of up to 25,000 characters per post and edit the post by doing X Premium.

The tweet will appear on your home page and your mutuals and will also appear on your home profile where everyone can see it.

You can make Tweets easy for other users to find by using Hashtags or Tags (#) related to the words or phrases being discussed.

You can also mention someone in the Tweet by including the username X user in your Tweet.

From the Tweets you have uploaded, other users can also interact by 'liking', giving comments, retweeting and quoting your tweets.

Also read: Easy Ways to Use the Video Call Feature on Twitter

Tweet Types

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Home Page X

Actually, Tweets or posts on platform X have various types. Here are some types of Tweets, namely:


This type of tweet is a tweet or post that mentions another user X's username, starting with the '@' or 'at' symbol. For example, "Hello @X, can you fix my account?".

The mention will appear on your homepage and mutuals, your profile page and the mention tab of the user mentioned earlier.

Well, the mention can actually be seen by anyone as long as your account is not private, and anyone can reply to it other than the user mentioned.


This reply tweet is actually almost the same as a mention, so what makes this reply tweet different is that you don't mention them directly through the tweet but you reply to their tweet.

So, a reply tweet is a post that is replied to by a user in response to another user's Tweet or post, either a mention or a tweet.

This will appear on your homepage, your mutuals and on the sender's profile page which can be seen by anyone, if the account is public.

For those of you who reply to someone's tweet and want to see the reply, you can visit the 'Mention' page on your X account.

If the user who replies to your tweet uses a private account, their reply is likely not visible to other users, unless they are mutually in touch.


The term Repost in X, used to be called Retweet. So, Repost is a user action to repost a Tweet.

Most users who repost Tweets aim to share the post with their mutuals. You can also repost your own Tweets or other users' Tweets.

In the past, users would type the word “RT” to retweet it. But the phrase “RT” now indicates that they are quoting rather than reposting.

The retweet is seen as a post written by the original owner or user, but the difference is the person who reposted it.

If you see a Tweet that isn't from your mutual, it's likely that your mutual reposted it so that their tweet appears on your feed.


Before reposting, there will be two options, namely "Repost" or "Quote" which still refers to the post to be shared.

Unlike reposts that can only share posts. However, with 'Quote', you can comment or mention other users.

This quote is used by users because they feel they can relate or provide criticism regarding the post which will later be seen by all your mutuals.

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How to View Old Tweets

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Homepage X. Source: Crain New York Business

Maybe for those of you who want to see old tweets because you are trying to reminisce about the cringe-worthy past on your X account.

It would be good to see which Tweets you will see by doing the easy way below, namely as follows:

Profile X

The easiest way you can do to see your old tweets, you can visit your profile page on account X by following the steps below:

  1. Open the X application via your PC or smartphone;
  2. If you are not logged in, log in to account X first;
  3. Once on the X home page, select the 'Profile' menu on the left;
  4. Then you scroll down until you find your old tweet;
  5. Done.

But it's important to remember, you can only scroll to a limited extent and may only see about 300 tweets.

However, if you have up to thousands of tweets, it is recommended not to use this method because it will be quite tiring.

Advanced Search

If you want to use this 'Advanced Search' feature, you can only access it via PC because this feature is not available on smartphones.

  1. Open the X application via PC;
  2. If you are not logged in, log in to account X first;
  3. After that, open the 'Explore' page;
  4. You have to search for Tweets first by typing the 'keywords to search for';
  5. Click 'Enter';
  6. After that, click on the 'Three Lines' in the right corner;
  7. Click on the 'Advanced Search' option or;
  8. Fill in the columns there specifically, such as Keywords, Hashtags, Language, User X to be searched, Mentions, Replies to Date range.
    • In the 'Word' section, you must fill in:
      • The word to be searched for.
      • Exact Phrase or specific/detailed keywords.
      • Other or backup keywords.
      • Keywords unless or not mentioned.
      • Hashtags.
      • The language used.
    • In the 'Account' section, you must fill in:
      • Username X.
      • A reply tweet from that user to another user.
      • Mentioning other users in their tweets.
    • In the 'Filter' section, it is actually optional and you can slide the toggle or check it:
      • Want to see Reply Tweets.
        • Including reply tweets and original posts.
        • Shows only reply tweets.
      • Link.
        • Including posts with Links.
    • In the Engagement section, it is actually optional but you can also fill it in like this:
      • Minimum Tweet reply.
      • Minimum Likes.
      • Minimal Repost.
    • In the 'Date' section, you can fill in the time range of the tweets you want to search for.
      • Fill in the date such as 'Date – Month – Year'.
      • Until what date such as 'Date – Month – Year'.
  9. Done and later all posts will appear based on the selected date period.

Time Range in Search Bar

In addition to using Advanced Search, you can also search for old tweets by using the Time Range in the Search Bar which can be done on a smartphone or PC.

  1. Open the X application via your PC;
  2. If you are not logged in, log in to account X first;
  3. After that, open the 'Explore' page;
  4. In the search bar, type the search format: 'from:username to search since: yyyy-mm-dd until:yyyy-mm-dd. Example: 'from:X since:2022-04-07 until:2022-05-07';
  5. Press 'Enter' to search for it;
  6. Wait a moment;
  7. Done.

Download Data in Settings

In addition to using 'Advanced Search' or using the time range in the Search Bar, you can also download your X account data via account settings to view old tweets, namely:

  1. Open the X application via your PC;
  2. If you are not logged in, log in to account X first;
  3. After logging in, select the 'Settings and Privacy' menu;
  4. Click the 'Your Account' menu;
  5. Click the 'Download an Archive of Your Data' menu;
  6. Enter your 'X account password';
  7. Later, two options will appear, namely 'Request Your Archive' in 'X' and 'Periscope';
  8. Select the 'X' option if your account is not connected to Periscope;
  9. Later, X will send a link to the email address used on your X account containing your tweet;
  10. After getting the email address, select 'Download' which will redirect to a new Tab X;
  11. Select 'Download Data';
  12. Done and later the file will be in ZIP format which must be extracted first.

Also note that the downloaded file is dominated by JavaScript files. To see your old tweets, select the file named 'tweet.js'.

Later, the file will display your old tweets on social media X up to now.


Finally, you can use a third-party site to view your old tweets on X. You can use Twilert to view them.

  1. Open Google Chrome on your Android or PC and Safari for iOS users;
  2. Search and find Twilert' or visit;
  3. Click the 'Login' menu in the top right corner using account X;
  4. Select the start date such as 'Month-Day and Year' to be selected. Example: Sept 1, 2024;
  5. Select the end date to be selected. Example: Oct 1, 2024;
  6. Click 'Filter' and wait for it to finish;
  7. Done.
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