Season 31 Mobile Legends There are only a few days left, have you still not reached the desired tier? By using the sickest marksman hero 2024, you can definitely win the match and get the tier you want.
What are the sickest marksman heroes that Vicigers can play this season? Just read this article until the end to get information on the marksman hero and his worst build.
Also read: 10 Worst Jungler Heroes 2024 in the Land of Dawn
7 Sickest Marksman Heroes in Mobile Legend 2024

We need to know, even though the hero mentioned below is the sickest one, that doesn't mean the other heroes not mentioned are not good at all. The following list of heroes are the sickest heroes that are not too difficult for you to play.
For further information, just look at the explanation of the list of heroes and their sickest builds below:

This hero, who has the nickname "Tank Killing Hero", is included in the ranks of the sickest marksman heroes in 2024. After last season, Karrie received consecutive buffs, now he is slowly Karrie has entered meta.
Karrie's advantage is her true damage attacks which will hurt even more when she encounters a thick-blooded enemy. This marksman is very easy to play, because the skill set is quite simple.
Karrie has painful damage from very fast attack speed attacks. Apart from that, this hero is also suitable for combining with defense items.
The following are recommendations for Karrie's build to face enemies with thick blood that you must try:


Claude is a marksman hero in Mobile Legends who still dominates from the past until now.
Unfortunately, this hero requires a lot of skill and flying hours to be able to do calculations correctly.
This hero is the right choice to carry the team. Armed with the skill set that Claude has, it is much easier for him to win Lanning phase than other heroes.
When Claude is ready and enters the mid to late game phase, Claude's basic attacks will become even more painful. The skill that this hero relies on most is the ultimate Blazing Duet.
If Claude's stack reaches five, that is the right moment to activate the ultimate. Apart from that, Claude also has two effective skills to use to escape from pursuing enemies.
You need to be alert when you meet them Lesley in goldlane because Claude's ultimate skill can be canceled easily using Lesley's two skills.
To perform optimally using Claude in Land of Dawan, use the following recommended builds from pro players:


Wanwan is the marksman hero in the sickest and most difficult category in 2024. Even though it's very difficult for you to use Wanwan, it's certain that you will always be invited to chat again.
This marksman hero has very good mobility, thanks to his agility it is very difficult to lock attacks on this hero. Apart from that, Wanwan is the best counter for junglers on foot.
Strong jungler heroes that we can counter with Wanwan include Balmond, Barats and other heroes.
But be careful when you meet Explane heroes like Poveus and Minsitar because they are the best counters for marksman Wanwan.
Apart from that, heroes like Lolita, Lancelot and Hayabusa is also Wanwan's natural counter. But there's nothing wrong if you're already good at it, then use Wanwan using the following build:


Bruno is the sickest marksman hero in 2024 that you can use to win the match. This marksman hero will become even more OP when the Haa's Claw item is ready. Especially if one of your teammates uses a mobile health center roamer like Florint, Estes or Rafaela.
The factor that makes Bruno this season even more OP is the change in the effect of the Haas' Claw item. Bruno relies on his one skill to kill his opponents. Apart from that, he also has a stack that can be collected up to ten.
When his stack reaches ten, the more critical damage he deals becomes. Not to mention Bruno's two skills which function flexibly.
Bruno's two Flying Tackle skills can be useful for escaping as well as providing a stun effect on enemies. Last but not least, Bruno has an ultimate skill called Wave of The World.
With this skill, Bruno can shoot energy balls that can destroy physical defenses and have a knockback effect on opponents.
Play Bruno using the following build items and emblem combinations to win the match:


Even though in the January 2024 patch update, Brody received a nerf from Moonton. This does not have a significant effect on gameplay Brody.
Brody is among the marksman heroes in Mobile Legends who have been powerful since the early game. Brody's one skill allows him to attack and leave marks on the enemy.
Brody's one skill is also very effective for clearing minions. Apart from that, Brody's two skills can also provide a stun effect for 0.8 seconds and leave one stack and mark.
It doesn't stop there, Brody's mainstay in the fight in the Land of Dawn is his ultimate skill. Brody's ultimate skill is burst damage and area damage, this allows Brody to hit enemy heroes who are within his reach.
Apart from that, if an enemy hero runs away, he will be marked by Brody 4 times. So Brody's ultimate skill will still hit the opponent with that mark.
Play Brody using the following build emblem so you can play the sickest version of Brody:


Melissa is still a marksman hero who can be relied on when Vicigers play in ranked mode. Armed with high attack speed and critical damage, he can collect gold lanes quickly.
Apart from that, Melissa's ultimate skill also has its own uniqueness where she can create a barrier that cannot be penetrated by any hero skill unless the ultimate is exhausted.
The following are Melissa's recommended build items to fill in to make her the strongest in the Land of Dawn:

The last sick marksman hero who cannot be underestimated is Hanabi. After getting the revamp, now Hanabi's skills really support her in winning the match.
Like marksman heroes in general, Hanabi also relies on skill basic attacks to overthrow his opponents. However, what is unique about Hanabi after the revamp is her only skill, namely Ninjutsu Equinox.
Armed with this skill, Hanabi will get +20% Movement Speed and Shield for 5 seconds. When the shield effect is active, Hanabi becomes immune to attacks that have a Crowd Control effect.
The advantage that Hanabi currently has is that she is not easily hit by enemy attacks.
Not to mention Hanabi's second skill which can increase damage while reducing enemy movement speed and the ultimate skill which causes an Immobilize effect for 0.8 seconds.
You can play Hanabi by using the following pro player recommended build to look stunning in the Land of Dawn:

Also read: The Most Sick Mage Hero in Mobile Legends Season 31
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