Set of ML Support Emblems You Should Know

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Using a Support hero must also be supported with the correct build. So, you have to know what the arrangement and list of ML support emblems are in Land Of Dawn.

Multiple players Mobile Legends currently benefiting from hero support. Even Estes as a hero support role has always been a forbidden customer. If you want to play hero support, you must use the ML support emblem.

Emblem ML support has many talents that Vicigers friends can adjust from tanks to speed for faster rotations. This emblem also provides a high cooldown reduction effect, making it suitable for use on hero support.

When used, this ML emblem is very fast in terms of talent selection. You can customize it according to the hero used or your own playing style.

This ML support mobile legends emblem can be used on very thick tanks or on Mage heroes from a distance. This mobile legend talent offers many choices, from tanks or MVSP to faster rotations. You need to know how to use the ML support emblem on mobile legends

Set of ML Support Emblems

What kind of ML support emblem layout should you use when using hero support? Check out our summary below.

Tier 1: Spam Skills

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Support emblems

At the first level of this ML support emblem are mastery, vitality and agility. The effect of these three talents is a reduction in cooldown, HP and movement speed. You can adjust the use of these talents according to the hero used.

For those of you who like to use lane or stomach support, using Mastery is perfect for spamming skills. But if you want to turn around and help other jobs more quickly, Agility is better. Or you can use a combination of two emblems, but that's not the best.

If you use a strong support hero like Minotaur, using Vitality is the right choice. So that the hero you use will get fatter and harder to kill him.

Level 2: Teamfight strength

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The choice of talent on the second level support symbol can also be adjusted according to the type of hero you use. At this second level, you can use talent, namely Gift, Recovery and Crush.

If Vicigers friends use hero support that gives healing effects, use gift talents as recovery. Gifts can add to the healing effect of teammates while healing themselves. Recovery is ideal for strengthening your playing path.

Using Rapture is less effective if using a support hero with a cover or repair type. This talent is perfect for you to play as a poke belly, which is usually in the center bar.

The second level of emblem support has a huge impact because scaling is based on percentages. Especially if you add a Level 1 talent effect, the support heroes you use will be more effective for the team.

Gifts that provide healing effects such as support or recovery or self-regeneration to make him more stable at work. For other talents, Rupture is not that great because it provides penetration as support, but it works when you play belly poke.

This powerful choice has great impact as the high scaling percentage means more robust support and impact on teamwork and combat. In addition to a strong level 1, team support will be of great use.

Also read: 3 Painful Johnson Emblem Builds in 2022, Auto Savage Continues!

Level 3: Support With Insane Damage

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The use of the third talent from the supported ML emblems is perfect for dealing non-ridiculous damage. Talent targeting tags can identify enemies in your attacks, and these tags will deal more damage to all teams with that tag.

The effect of the Focusing Mark talent is very effective in ganking or team fighting. Because this effect will be felt by your colleagues too.

Avarice's talent is also very strong for friends of Vicigers to be afraid of losing gold from opponents. Especially if you are a lane or support roamer, choosing this talent is the right choice. The effect of this talent is that it can bring in more gold when attacking opponents.

Choosing Pull Yourself Together is also not a bad choice because the support effect is so strong that it often dies and is weak. With this talent, your cool down and respawn time will be reduced by 15 percent.

Level 3 support is especially advantageous as all talents are very strong and don't play above it. From here, you can focus more on support.

With the Focusing Mark you can mark the enemy with your attack, this mark will deal greater damage to the entire team that is focused on the enemy.

This effect is very strong when you do ganking. With this talent, you get more gold every time you attack enemy heroes. This trajectory effect is strong because the support always contains opposing heroes.

Pull Yourself Together also has a strong impact on fans who often die or become weak. With this talent, CDR and recovery time will be reduced by 15 percent. With that Vicigers friends will be very active in the game.

Also read: Listen! Natalia's Emblem for Kidnapping Opposing Heroes in 2022!

Above is a diagram of the least profitable ML support emblems for 2022 that you can use to play Mobile Legends. You just have to adjust it to the supporting hero used to maximize its effect. It can come in handy.

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