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Avoid Using This PUBG Mobile Lite Weapon During Close Range Combat, It's Dangerous!

PUBG Pro Player Weapons
Beryl M762. Source: PUBG

Equip weapons PUBG Mobile Lite best can increase your chances of winning the fight. Working together with an effective strategy, a complete inventory is essential for survival.

While some PUBG Mobile Lite weapons are suitable for short range combat, others are best used in medium or long range.

While long and medium range combat can be avoided, short range combat is not the case. You should focus on PUBG Mobile Lite weapons with high damage, high rate of fire when choosing weapons for short range combat.

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To choose the best PUBG Mobile Lite weapon, you must also have knowledge of PUBG Mobile Lite weapons that need to be avoided to win short-range combat.

PUBG Mobile Lite Weapons That Are Not Suitable for Close Combat


PUBG Lite weapons

The M16A4 is a burst-fire Assault Rifle (AR) found in the classic Varenga and Golden Woods map modes in PUBG Lite. Although the M16A4 has a base damage of 43, which is higher than the M416's 5.56mm ARs automatic and Scar L, it is due to the nature of the three burst-fire rounds that the M16A4 is useless in short range combat.

Popular in the Rambo movie, the M16A4 is very reliable in immobilizing enemies. The high firing rate and damage, as well as the far enough range, make this weapon targeted by players in long-range combat and not at close range.

Mini 14

PUBG Lite weapons

Mini 14 is an automatic sniper rifle or you could say it's a DMR in PUBG Mobile Lite. It uses 5.56 ammo and has a base damage of 47.

However, in close combat, PUBG Mobile Lite's weapons prove to be ineffective against SMGs and ARs as they have a much higher rate of fire due to the auto mode.

However, those of you who can tap their screen really fast can use this in medium and long range combat.


PUBG Lite weapons

SKS has a high base damage of 53 in PUBG Mobile Lite and is most suitable for long range combat. However, because of the high recoil and slow reloading, as well as being a DMR, SKS is very unsuitable for use in close combat.

Similar to the Mini 14, you will need to press the fire button fairly quickly, and aim more precisely to survive close combat successfully. Since such options are quite complicated, and usually beyond the average player, SKS is not feasible for PUBG Lite weapons at close range.

Other DMRs are still stronger than this weapon. This weapon is equipped with a built-in scope and has a lower sound compared to other DMR weapons, helping you get an early kill.

Sawed off

PUBG Lite weapons

The Sawed-Off Shotgun is the shotgun that is rarely used in PUBG Mobile Lite. When equipped, you can find it placed in the handgun category because it fits in the gun case.

This weapon uses 12 gauge ammunition and can only fire multiple rounds at a time, which is its main drawback.

In addition to the low rate of fire, because it is included in the pistol category, the damage it generates is very small. So, it is not suitable for use as a PUBG Lite weapon in close combat.

Sawed-off has far better performance than other shotguns currently available in PUBG Mobile. Sawed-off is only equipped with 2 bullet casings which can only reach very short distances and produce very low damage.

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PUBG Lite weapons

The R1895 is one of the most neglected weapons in PUBG Mobile Lite because of its underwhelming performance, even in short range combat.

Of all the pistols available in the game, and of all weapons overall, the R1895 has the lowest capacity and longest reload time making it unfit for use. Even though it uses 7.62mm ammunition, the damage it causes is almost insignificant.

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Those are some of the weapons that you should avoid when playing barbarians. Because when playing barbarians, close or short range combat is needed. The PUBG Mobile Lite weapons that we mentioned earlier are not suitable for you to use.

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