Aloha Vicigers! If you are player Player Unknown's Battleground or what we often refer to as PUBG, you must be familiar when you hear the word AWM weapon. Yes, AWM is one of the deadliest weapons in the world games PUBG Mobile.
AWM weapons really benefit when we can use them to the fullest, usually pro player really like this weapon. Not surprisingly, many are afraid of this weapon.
But wait, if we can't master AWM properly, this weapon will only make it difficult for us to win the battle in the game.
This weapon is indeed very profitable but getting it can also be quite difficult and not as easy as it looks!
Get to Know More About AWM
Arctic Warfare Magnum is the abbreviation of AWM weapon. This weapon is manufactured by Accuracy International in England. AWM falls into the category snipers the best specialty in the world.
Even AWM weapons are often used in many wars. For example, the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq.
AWM is recommended for those of you who like to hide in the bushes whileprone and wait player others come and target their heads, because the AWN spec requires you to be in that position.
AWM is highly not recommended for those of you who like to enter enemy territory and bars attack the enemy, because timereload bullets fairly slow and needed skills to be able to aim the gun properly.
If the AWM is filled with bullets (.338 Lapua Magnum), AWM will weigh 6.9. If the AWM contains bullets (.300 Winchester Magnum), the AWM gun weighs 6.5 kg with bipod, magazines, and an empty stock. The AWM has a barrel length of 60 cm and a total length of 120 cm.
Big enough right? To trick the enemy so that this weapon is not too visible, players will usually hide in the bushes and if they are lucky, inside supply can find ghillie suit (grass clothes).
The effective and recommended distance to use AWM is 1.1 km – 1.4 km. Don't worry about your sight and aim, because AWM guns can be paired with scope 6x or 8x.
The bullet velocity for this AWM weapon is around 850 m/s. Oh yes, this weapon has various types of ammunition Magazine Box containing 10 items.
Those are some explanations about the weapons that are coveted by the people player battles ground this. If you are interested but can't adjust to skills you guys, you can practice a lot in practice mode, happy studying!
The reason AWM is a hard-to-find weapon
AWM is a special weapon made by Tencent because if you want to get it you have to take it supply which is lowered at each reduction safe zone on the game. Therefore, the AWM weapon is a special weapon and is difficult to obtain.
Apart from the number of bullets and weapons given, another reason AWM weapons are difficult to obtain is because of the weapons pro player also many who target this weapon. So that there is often a shootout around supply.
Usually para pro player it does not immediately take supply sent down, but they are waiting player others will take supply and make this weapon as bait.
They usually come and hide in high places and target player others who are his target and shoot him with the weapons they have, after he feels the situation is safe, he will run to take them supply the.
Why is AWM a weapon that is in great demand? What are the advantages?
The Advantages of AWM and the Reasons to Be a Favorite
We talked above about how contested AWM is. Even some player willing to wait and be patient to target this weapon.
In fact, this weapon was already famous for its high reputation as a giving weapon damage very big for the enemy. This weapon can instantly kill an enemy with just 1 shot, if we can aim it right at the target's head.
Therefore, we need good mastery of this weapon, after that we just have to hide in the safe zone and silently shoot bullets at the enemy. Guaranteed, the enemy will immediately run topsy-turvy to avoid your bullets.
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