Hola Vicigers! Selena in Mobile Legends definitely no stranger to it heroes this one? Selena is one mage/assassin heroes which is feared by the opponent, especially at the time early game.
Selena has skills who can change it into two forms viz Abyssal Form as assassins and Elven Forms (normal form) acting as mage. This change took place in a relatively short time.
Selena has the advantage of having combos the deadly of these two forms. Besides that, you also have to understand how to use it skillsits in order combos it's getting worse.
Hero assassins it has high mobility. Especially heroes this has bonuses movement speed and also cooldown low of skills ultimate-his.
However, this hero has a weakness that is difficult to play. Especially for those who are new to playing it. Selena has low HP, so you have to use it skill combos to avoid constant death.
skills Selena

before using heroes first understand this skills that this hero has. skills selena passive. Can change into 2 forms freely using ultimate skill-his
skills 1. Divided into 2 namely (Abyssal Traps) and (Soul Eaters). Abyssal Traps would make Selena toss Abyssal Devils to the specified point. Then this hero will make that point look at folder.
So if your enemies touch that point it will reduce movement speed of 70% and gives 350(+150% total magic power). However, this hero can only summon three Abyssal Devils just.
Soul Eaters Selena can claw enemies, and deals 300 (+110% total magic power). Besides this scratch can give shields of 300 (+150% total magic power).
skills 2. Divided into 2 as well, namely (Abyssal Arrows) and (Garotte). Abyssal Arrows Selena will throw catfish. This catfish will give you 250 (+20% total magic power) to 500 (+40% total magic power). Besides that skills it can have an effect stun for 0.5 to 3 seconds.
Garotte Selena will do charge and give 150 (50% total magic power). skills this willreset when it hits Abyssal Traps.
skills 3. There are also 2 namely (Primal Darkness) and (Blessing of The Moon God). Primal Darkness Selena will change it to Abyssal Form. skills it can improve movement speedits 30%, Soul Eater cooldowns and Garotte will be-reset.
Blessing of The Moon God Selena can make him turn into Elven Forms. skills it can improve movement speedits 30%, Abyssal Trap cooldown and Abyssal Arrows will be-reset.
Emblems and Spells Selena

If you are going to use heroes this usemage/assassin emblems which have movement speed, magic pen, and magic worship to be able to maximize damage which will be given to the opponent.
You can actually use it too emblem support and focus on talents in movement speed, hybrid regen, and focusing mark.
For battle spellsyou can use it flicker if you want to get extra mobility and escape from enemies easily.
Besides that, you can use Flameshot to get damage which is higher or you can use Retributionin order to get exp and gold faster.

Build Items Selena
If you guys will be Mage Carry you can use build : demon boots-calamity scythe-star shard-holy crystal-divine glave-winter truncheon.
However, if you are going to be support you can use build : demon boots-lightning truncheon-clock of destiny-divine glave-holy crystal-winter truncheon.
When the enemy has heroes with HP regen tall like Esmeralda and Estes, you have to buy the Necklace of Durance item. This is done to improve magic power, lifesteal, and reduce cooldown.
Instant Kills Selena
To get instant kills you guys can use skill combos at the right time. You guys can use skills 1 (Abyssal Arrows) first, then continue skills 2 (Abyssal Traps) or it could be the other way around skills 2 first ago skills 1.
To determine which one you use first, look at its condition. If your enemy is far away then use it skills 1 first. But if you guys are in the bush use skills 2 first.
After that proceed to skills 3 (Primal Darkness) so that this hero turns into Abyssal Form. After changing use skills 1 (Soul Eaters). So here you can finish off your opponent with Garott skills 2 times. Finally change back to Elven form.
For those of you who are curious about what instant kills Selena, you can learn from the videos of para pro player. Besides that, you also immediately practice these tips. Good luck!
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