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Apart from AWM, the M24 weapon is also the mainstay of the players in PUBG!

senjata m24 pubg

Aloha Vicigers! Games PUBG (Player Unknown's Battleground) Mobile has a wide selection of weapons that players can use while on the battlefield. The types of weapons can be adjusted accordingly gameplay each player.

Choosing to use a Kar98K weapon or an M24 weapon becomes very indecisive for PUBG players (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds) Mobile positioned to be snipers. Snipers in games This becomes a long-range weapon with a greater ability to make enemies die.

Snipers in games PUBG Mobile has many names, namely AWM, M24, Kar98K, and Win94. Apart from AWM, M24 and Kar98K are players' favorite weapons games this. Both of these weapons are classified Bolt Action Sniper Rifle or BASR.

As the name suggests, this sniper class has advantages with a very long range. damage even higher than other weapons.

M24 gun

When compared to the AWM, the range of this weapon is less far. This weapon has a firing range of 790 m/s. For the size of the weapon snipers, the shooting range of this weapon is very far.

Therefore, this weapon is not suitable for use as a close to medium range weapon because this weapon is difficult to control for its stability. As a function, this weapon is used for long-distance combat.

attachment slots weapon snipers this one is exactly the same as the AWM weapon. Fill in each slotsIt can also be filled with stuffing slots on AWM weapons.

Players can fill Muzzle slots with Suppressors in order to muffle the sound that comes out and reduce the sparks that are produced when this weapon is fired.

Scopes players can also use it to maximize the use of this weapon. Scopes 4x and 8x are suitable scopes. However, if the player plays on Sanhok folder, enough scope Only 4x and 6x are used.

Comparison damage with Kar98K

Can be seen from the side damage, both of these weapons have damage different even though both are just as painful. Kar98K Gun, damage generated can reach 72 damage, while the M24 weapon, damage The output is 86 damage.

If the enemy does not use armor or a protective helmet, Kar98K can provide damage only reached 187 damage, whereas the M24 gun can deliver damage up to 197 damage.

From comparison damage above, it is clear that the M24 weapon is far superior to the Kar98K. But because the existence of the M24 weapon is classified as very rare, using the Kar98K weapon can be a solution.

Though damage produced by the Kar98K weapon is far less than the M24, the Kar98K is quite painful when used to kill enemies from a long distance.

However, if you are looting and find and have the opportunity to choose between Kar98K and M24 weapons, players can only choose M24.

M24 Weapon Locations

The M24 weapon has now become one of the weapons snipers favorite of PUBG players Mobile. Not only does it give very painful damage when shooting enemies, the sensation when using it is extraordinary.

Because the existence of this M24 weapon is relatively rare, PUBG players Mobile really trying to find this weapon, especially in Map Erangel. Here are the best locations to find the M24 in Map Erangel 2.0.


Players speculated that this location was not a good place to commit looting. However, for M24 seekers, Rozhok is a must-try. Warehouse or warehouse is an area where this weapon is often found.

Mylta Power

Mylta Power bears the title of place loot best. This place is a treasure trove of weapons for PUBG players Mobile. Unfortunately, the exact location where the M24 is does not exist. Search every corner of Mylta Power for players to find.


This place is a place pro-player get off the plane and is the location to find the M24 weapon at Map Erangel which is very dangerous. The most intense place in the early minutes of the match was Pochinki.

If the player hasn't pro or have mediocre skills, Pochinki is not recommended as a place to look for M24. Because the possibility of dying in this place is very high.

That's some information about M24, damage comparison with Kar98K, and which are the best locations to find M24 weapons that you can try.

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