Minecraft worlds have unlimited randomization. However, there is a seed feature that you can use in Minecraft full of Diamonds on the PS4 platform.
This time, VCGamers will discuss various Minecraft seed codes PS4 which you can use to get Diamond complete with coordinates.
If you want to get Diamonds early in the game, then the seeds below can be very helpful. Before that, let's see an explanation of the seeds in the Minecraft game below!
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What Are Minecraft Seeds?

Minecraft has a seed feature that players can use to determine the world you want to create. According to MOBILE PHONE, Minecraft seeds are a group of numbers that define a specific world for you to create.
In conclusion, you can enter the world with specific land, resources, and places according to the seeds. As we know, entering a new world will contain everything in that world randomly.
If you use seeds, then you will know the location of resources or other places specifically because a seed is the result of a world that is obtained by other players.
Therefore, you can use the Minecraft seed code to get benefits such as getting Diamonds where it was found before.
Many players want to get Diamond faster at the start of the game when they are just creating a new world. Therefore, let's take a look at the list of Minecraft PS4 seed codes full of Diamonds below!
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List of Minecraft PS4 Seeds with Diamonds

Seeds are the code for a world that you can create when you want to start a new world. The following are some seeds that you can use to get Diamonds, based on the website The NerdStash.
The first seeds that you can use are: -156227665. With this seed, you can spawn around a very large cave. These seeds are perfect if you want to find Diamonds and other resources like Iron, Gold, Coal, etc AncientCity.
Second, you can use the following seeds: -142417893778538514 to find enough diamonds. These seeds were discovered by a Reddit user named u/KyngKMC. You can go to the coordinates -210, -54, 258 and -221 -44 251 to get the Diamond.
The third seed is: -3111369940559244400. Found by u/Proxima_Centauri_C, you can get Diamond if you go to coordinates -1898, -59, 968. Apart from that, you can find Emerald Ore, Stronghold, and also Ancient City.
Lastly, there are seeds that you can use from Beebom. These seeds are -322003417 and owns the Pillager Outpost in Lava Ravine. If you are careful, you can get the Diamond in the outpost.
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How to Use Seeds

If you want to try the seeds above, you can use them when you want to create a new world. Following are the steps for using the seeds code:
- Open Minecraft.
- Select Single Player.
- Select Create A New World.
- Open the Options menu.
- Select More Options.
- Scroll down and there is a column to fill in the Seed.
- Copy and Paste the Seed you want to use.
- Create a New World.
- Done.
After following above steps, you will enjoy world according to the seed code that you entered. If you want to get Diamond, follow the available coordinates.
Thus the discussion regarding the Minecraft seed code on PS4, I hope this is useful!
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