Mamoswine is the newest Pokemon to join the battle in Pokemon Unite, find the best build for this Pokemon to defend your target area and give some damage to the enemy.
Just a few weeks after Blastoise joined Pokemon Unite, another Defender has arrived in the game. This will add some much needed variety to the current in-game Defender meta.
The new character won't end soon as Sylveon will be coming to Pokemon Unite in the next update.
Mamoswine is listed as a medium difficulty Pokemon, so it's a bit more complex than other Defenders like the slow but very tanky Snorlax. Find out how to best use Mamoswine in Pokemon Unite below.
Want to Become a Mamoswine Pro Player? Check Out Mamoswine's Best Builds!
Best Mamoswine Build – Pokemon Unite

You will need some time to evolve when choosing Mamoswine. This is because you start as Swinub before evolving to Piloswine at level 6 and finally Mamoswine at level 10.
Unique Ability
Thick Fat – Every time Mamoswine deals damage, Defense and Sp. Def increases for a short time (up to three times). When using Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, or Ice Fang, the next basic attack becomes a Boosted Attack. Additionally, if any of these moves creates an area of effect freeze within an ally's Target zone, it will reduce the scoring speed of the opposing Pokemon within that target zone.
Basic Attack – Becomes an enhanced attack with every third strike, dealing damage to opponents and stunning them.
Levels 1/3

Ice Shards – 7s Cooldown – Throws three blocks of ice, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon and reducing their movement speed for a short time. If an opposing Pokémon is hit by all three chunks, it will be frozen.
Tackles – 8 second cooldown – Rushes in the specified direction, dealing damage and throwing the enemy Pokémon it hits.
We would recommend choosing Tackle as your first Mamoswine move in Pokemon Unite. This is because it will help you farm wild Pokemon faster in the early game.
Level 8

HorHigh Horsepower – 8 second cooldown – Makes the user rush, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon they hit and pushing them away. The user then stamps its foot, dealing damage to the opposing Pokémon and rendering them unable to act for a short time. This kick deals increased damage to the frozen opposing Pokémon.
Upgrade: Increases reckless rush speed and length of time against Pokémon left incapacitated.
Earthquake – 7.5s Cooldown – Makes the user jump in a designated direction and then land forcefully, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in an area of effect and pulling them towards the user.
Upgrades: Reduces the movement speed of an opposing Pokémon for a short time when this move hits and increases the attractiveness of the move.
For the final step, we'll choose High Horsepower. This is because it gives Mamoswine some much needed mobility that you can use in both attack and defense.
However, Earthquake is also a good choice if you're purely looking for crowd control although it does take a while to activate.
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Level 10

Unite Move – Mammoth Mash – Makes the user jump to a specified location and become invulnerable to obstacles. The user then repeatedly stomps the ground, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon in an area of effect and reducing their movement speed for a short time with each stomp. The final move throws the opposing Pokémon in an area of effect
Mammoth Mash might not deal a ton of damage, but it's a great move to interrupt any rushing endgame in your destination zone. Make sure to use it on a group of enemies to get the most out of it.
Best Mamoswine Item – Pokemon Unite
This is a stored item that you will want to use to make Mamoswine as strong as possible in Pokemon Unite.
Hold Items
- Buddy Barriers – Unite Move gives Shield to the user and his ally with the lowest HP, equal to a percentage of each other's max HP.
- Focus Band – When the Pokemon drops to low HP, then every second for three seconds, it recovers 8% of the lost HP.
- Weakness Policy – Increases a Pokemon's Attack for a short time of at least (2/2.5/3)% when a Pokemon takes damage. This increase is greater the more damage received
Battle Items
We recommend using Full Heal so that Mamoswine can survive in battle longer or Eject Button to get out of a difficult situation.
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Mamoswine Strategy in Pokemon Unite
- Mamoswine is a very versatile Defender. Feel free to use moves like High Horsepower to chase down weak enemies and push them back.
- Coordinate with your teammates to use crowd control moves at the right time. Slowing your opponent can be devastating when your allies prepare their powerful attacks.
- Take the time to learn all of Mamoswine's moves in Pokemon Unite. Mamoswine isn't the most complicated character, but you have to learn situations where his moves are strongest.
- Pair Mamoswine with Alolan Ninetails if you want to get really annoying. you will be able to freeze and slow enemies constantly!