Sayu is a 4-star Anemo Claymore user hero that can be played and can be Vicigers build as Support or Healer in Genshin Impact. Sayu Genshin Impact is a ninja from Shuumatsuban who struggles to grow taller.
Sayu believes that sleep can aid her growth, which is why she prefers to use her ninja techniques to hide and "lazy around."
Sayu herself is available as an additional hero in Tapestry of Golden Flames Banner since August 10, 2021. The banner also features Inazuma's other new character, Yoimiya.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Sayu Genshin Impact

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Even though Sayu is a pretty good hero, of course Sayu has her own strengths and weaknesses as a hero. Here are Sayu's strengths and weaknesses:
- Elemental Burst can heal and deal Anemo DMG.
- Swirl reactions canrestore HP when Sayu is active.
- Passive skill that allows players to sneak up on some wild animals.
- An Elemental Skill that might take some getting used to.
- If it wasn't for C1, Elemental Burst's effects were limited.
Apart from that, Sayu also had a Stats comparison when she reached level 20 and level 80.
At level 20, Sayu has a total of 2553 HP, attack by 76, and Defense of 160. Meanwhile, when Sayu had reached level 80, Sayu had a total of 11003 HP, attack by 227, and Defense of 693.
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How to Get Sayu Genshin Impact

Sayu was the featured 4-star hero in Ayaka's Rerun Banner, The Heron's Court, from April 19 until further notice due to a delayed Version 2.7.
The other 4 star characters featured alongside him are Razor, and Rosaria. Sayu is also available at normal price on all Standard Banners.
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Weapons Suitable for Build Sayu Genshin Impact

Sayu proved to be able to do heal and deliver damage anemo uses his Burst Skill, this build takes advantage of Anemo's ability to debug enemies as well as being able to stand as a healer for the team. VCGamers will provide recommendations for weapons that are suitable for Sayu:
The selection of Sayu weapons can be adjusted according to needs stat what do Vicigers feel needs to be added for Sayu build.
Recommended 5 star weapons for Sayu Genshin Impact are Skyward Pride or Wolf's Gravestone.
When Sayu uses Skyward Pride, Sayu can increase all DMG she deals by 8%.
After using Elemental Burst, Normal, or Charged Attack, when hit, can create vacuum blades which deals 80% ATK as DMG to opponents along its path. This can last for 20s or 8 pieces vacuum.
Then, when Sayu uses the Wolf's Gravestone weapon, Sayu gets Anemo's DMG bonus of 15%.
Using this weapon, Sayu can also increase Swirl DMG by 60% and reduce the opponent's Elemental RES to elements inserted into Swirl by 40% for 10 seconds.
Furthermore, if Vicigers haven't gotten a 5-star weapon, Vicigers can replace it with a 4-star weapon such as Luxurious Sea-Lord, Katsuragikiri Nagamasa, Favonius Greatsword, Prototype Archaic, and Rainslasher.
All of these weapons reserves have their advantages and disadvantages.
Next, the talent priority that must be built is Yoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash. With this talent, Sayu curls up into a Fuufu Windwheel that rolls and crashes into opponents at high speed and deals Anemo DMG.
When the duration ends, he will release the Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick and deal AoE Anemo DMG.
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Artifacts Suitable for Genshin Impact's Sayu Builds
It's incomplete if you only membuild weapons, therefore Vicigers also had to memorizebuild Glazed Artifact. Here VCGamers will provide recommendations for Sayu Artifacts.
The 5 star artifacts suitable for Sayu were the Viridescent Venerer and the Ocean-Hued clam.
By using 2 piece sets Viridescent Venerer Anemo DMG Sayu increases to 15%.
And if you use a 4 piece set, you can increase the DMG Spread by 60%. Depending on Element, reduces RES of enemies hit by Swirl by 40%. Lasts for 10 seconds.
Meanwhile, if Sayu uses Ocean-Hued Clam, Sayu can get a healing bonus of 15%.
Not only that, when a hero uses this artifact set it heals party members, 1 Foam will appear. It will accumulate healed HP for 3 seconds, then explode and deal 90% of healed HP as DMG to nearby enemies.
Maximum healing accumulation is 30,000 HP, including over-healing. The thing to remember is that there is only 1 active Foam, but it remains even if the players switch it. CD Foam is 3.5 seconds.
Then if Vicigers hasn't got the two Artifacts, Vicigers can use an alternative, namely Noblesse Oblige.
Using the Noblesse Oblige Artifact, Sayu's Elemental Burst DMG increases to 20%.
And if Sayu uses Elemental Burst, it can increase the ATK of all party members by 20% for 12 seconds. This effect cannot be stacked.
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Hero recommendation for Sayu

Not only weapons and artifacts are needed, other heroes are also needed for Sayu. VCGamers will recommend any suitable Hero to accompany Sayu.
For Main DPS there are Diluc, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Klee, Tartaglia, Noelle, and Yanfei.
For Sub DPS there are Albedo, Mona, Traveler (Electro), Kaeya, Rosaria, Xiangling, and Xingqiu.
And for Support there are Jean, Qiqi, Zhongli, Barbara, Bennett, Diona, and Xinyan.
Constellation Recommendations for Sayu

Furthermore, VCGamers would like to recommend Constellation for Sayu.
The following Constellations are suitable for Sayu.
Constellation 1 For Flexible Burst
With Constellation 1: Multi-Task no Jutsu it can be a very flexible burst for Sayu because she will simultaneously damage her opponent and heal her team at the same time.
Constellation 2 to Remove Split Scaling
With her Constellation 6, Sayu would benefit more from each point of her Elemental Mastery. This will also give him an upgrade damage which is amazing and also an improvement healing which is good for his team and will make him stronger and easier to beatbuild.