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Saber Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends, Carry the Team to Victory!

Hero Counter Saber

In this article, we will discuss about Saber gameplay tips on Mobile Legends. With this Saber gameplay, you can carry your team until you get victory.

This one hero is very feared in Mobile Legends because of his excellent mobility in the team. Do not underestimate the presence of Saber in the enemy team or your own team.

Hero Saber is very usable and unstoppable when it enters the late game stage. Triple Sweep which is the only skill can provide 120 to 240 physical attacks to enemy heroes. All heroes who face Saber will not be able to fight him in the late game, except for the tank hero.

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Unfortunately, not all players know Saber's gameplay in Mobile Legends. So use it very carelessly. Using the appropriate Saber gameplay will make it easier for you to get victory with the team.

So, to find out about Saber's gameplay in Mobile Legends, you need to watch this page until the end. Don't miss even one line, bro!

Saber Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends 

Saber is one of the strongest assassin heroes in Mobile Legends. However, a player must need a good understanding of the map to kill enemies in every game. According to the gameplay, we can divide it into three phases, namely a perfect game plan for early game, mid game and late game.

Early Game

Hero Core Mobile Legends

In the early game, if Saber is equipped with Retribution, you must take the Purple buff. After that, you should choose Lithowander to increase Retribution faster.

After taking Lithowander, you should also proceed to go and get the Red Buff. By that time, you should be able to barely reach level 4.

Then it is advisable to turn to the gold lane and help the team's marksman or carry before proceeding to take the turtle. However, if you are equipped with Execute, it is recommended to go to the gold lane for fast farming. Combo skill before reaching Lvl 4 is using skill 2 and skill 1.

Mid Game


After reaching Lvl 4, it is recommended that you choose a turtle. If you can't pick it up yourself, you'll have to enlist the help of a tank or other teammate.

It's important to note that after unlocking Saber's ultimate skill, it's pretty easy to kill an enemy with one shot using a deadly combo. The deadly combo is Skill 1 + Skill 3 + Skill 2.

When you use this combo, to get an enemy kill in one shot, you need to allow skill 1 to damage the enemy several times to maximize Saber's passive skill. You can follow him with his ultimate, then dive out using skill 2.

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Late Game

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In this late game, Saber hero users will find it increasingly difficult to enter into teamfights when the enemy is ganking in the turret area.

If you use Saber in the late game it is not suitable for ganking and is more suitable for you to ambush enemies. This is because his ult can only lock one enemy hero and this makes Saber very risky for the enemies around him.

Therefore, it is more advisable for you to wait for a tank or fighter to start a teamfight before you ambush the enemy. Regardless of such a situation, it was very important to obtain Immortality items to increase the chances of surviving longer.

Saber, like other assassin heroes in Mobile Legends, is weak against high CC heroes. Having a Spell like Purify is very good against Saber's one-shot combo.

At the same time, he is generally strong against marksman, mage, and other low HP heroes. Saber can form a strong team with the heroes Estes, Angela, and Nana.

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Those were some Saber gameplay tips in Mobile Legends so you can carry a team up to Vactory. Don't let you become a burden on the team, because you don't know the gameplay of Saber yet.

You need to be vigilant are heroes with high CC. Because this hero can overwhelm Saber. So, when you are alone dealing with a high CC hero, try asking the tank heroes in your team to help you.

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