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The 5 Best Teams To Fight Ruin Serpent Genshin Impact

To beat Ruin Serpent Genshin Impact, you need the right team. Well, VCGamers has the best recommendations for you.

Players must hate the Ruin Serpent Genshin Impact, so it's good to see a good team that can deal with and beat him in the Spiral Abyss. 

Ruin Serpent Genshin Impact isn't difficult to deal with, so it won't be too restrictive in terms of team competition. Beating the Ruin Serpent Genshin Impact isn't difficult on its own.

But it can be really annoying when the player is under the time limit, and this dastardly boss keeps running away during fights. Therefore, high DPS is a must-have to complete it in Spiral Abyss.

Team To Defeat Ruin Serpent Genshin Impact

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Content end-game Genshin Impact's hardest part is Spiral Abyss, a dungeon with 12 floors that resets every 45 days. Clearing these floors is the easiest way for players to get those precious primogems. 

However, Ruin Serpent Genshin Impact is extremely difficult, with properties changing with every reset, requiring a solid team to beat consistently. In this article, VCGamers will present the 5 best teams to beat Ruin Serpent Genshin Impact.

Heizou + Xingqiu + Fischl + Beidou

ruin serpent genshin impact

The Heizou + Xingqiu + Fischl + Beidou team is very F2P friendly, as it does not include any 5 star characters. All 4-star characters in it are easy to get, especially since Heizou was featured in the recent reruns of Kazuha and Klee.

It's not the strongest team to fall into, but its ability to defeat Spiral Abyss' hated Ruin Serpent Genshin Impact in barely two minutes makes it worth mentioning.

Sucrose could come in as a substitute for Heizou for players who fail to draw him (or miss replays). Or, you can replace Beidou with Lisa.

Genshin Impact players who want a stronger team that has some 5-star characters on their second team should check out the upcoming team.

Hu Tao + Zhongli + Fischl + Beidou

ruin serpent genshin impact
Hu Tao

This team is a variation of the previous team, except for the features of Hu Tao and Zhongli. These two 5 star characters complement each other perfectly. Zhongli's defensive utility helps support Hu Tao's high-risk, high-value playing style, making this team more than capable of quickly defeating the Ruin Serpent.

It also focuses on Element Overload Reactions, which is not difficult to do, thanks to the easy Electro applications from Beidou and Fischl.

The Hu Tao vaporize comp with Zhongli has always been one of the best teams ever made in Genshin, combining the insane damage from Hu Tao with Zhongli's protection.

Hu Tao's vaporize combo with Xingqiu allows players to consistently deal massive damage, especially when their HP is lower than 50 percent.

Ganyu + Kazuha + Xiangling + Bennett

ruin serpent genshin impact

There are lots of videos showing Ganyu solo completing Spiral Abyss Genshin Impact 2.8, but not everyone can do it effectively.

However, putting Ganyu in a decent team is much more achievable, which is what this team is highlighting. It will be very similar to the upcoming team in this article, except this particular team is focused on Ganyu rather than the full National Team.

Starting with the following Elemental Bursts in this order makes defeating the Spiral Abyss's Ruin Serpent quite simple in Genshin Impact 2.8.

Kazuha will be the main support/de-buffer with the Venerer set, grouping enemies and reducing their elemental resistance. His elemental mastery boost gives the team extra damage. Bennett is the main healer and prop of the team with his Burst.

The team's damage mainly comes from Pyronado Xiangling's spam and Xingqiu's rain sword, which triggers Vaporize repeatedly. Ganyu was there to buff the rest of the team and allow them to spam. Bennett is the main healer + team support with heal and ATK buffs.


ruin serpent genshin impact

When in doubt, just use Kazuha to easily defeat Spiral Abyss. Likewise, the National Team had been strong for a very long time now, so it was no surprise that Kazuha, Bennett, Xingqiu, and Xiangling all put together well.

These four characters are regularly among the most used in Spiral Abyss, and this particular team is safe to use.

Three of the Genshin Impact team members are 4-star characters and easy to get. The only tricky part was getting to Kazuha, but the replay just happened in Genshin Impact 2.8.

That said, it's a very F2P-friendly team that most anyone can use to take down this hated foe in about two minutes.

Also read: Note! Don't Do This While Using Kazuha Genshin

Ayaka + Shenhe + Kazuha + Kokomi

ruin serpent genshin impact

This particular team comp isn't F2P friendly, but readers can check out an impressive speedrunning video of a player completely destroying the Ruin Serpent genshin impact. It's somewhat cathartic, though it requires four certain 5-star characters to pull off effectively.

Ayaka and Shenhe work wonderfully together, especially since the last character helps increase the previous character's insane damage output.

Kokomi is a great healer if the going gets tough for the player and can also apply Hydro very well to any permafreeze shenanigans on the floor before encounters with the Ruin Serpent.

Kazuha is amazing for most teams in Genshin Impact. And not surprisingly, he works phenomenally here.

Also read: The 5 Best Genshin Impact Heroes for 2.7 Spiral Abyss

Lots of mains Ayaka has also launched for Shenhe, and Kazuha's latest banner makes it somewhat reasonable to achieve. In this team, Kokomi can be replaced by another Hydro user like Mona.

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