Hi gamers! Currently MPL Indonesia and Bank Mandiri have nominated 5 pro player rising star MPL ID Seasons 8. Rising Star by Mandiri is one of the awards to appreciate player newcomer who has never been a nominee in MPL Indonesia awards.
Starting from August 13 – October 24 2021, MPL will be held Seasons 8 which will bring together 8 esport teams famous in Indonesia. The team includes RRQ Hoshi, Alter Ego, EVOS Legends, ONIC Esports, Rebellion Genflix, Geek Fam, Bigetron Alpha, and Aura Fire.
This time MLBB is collaborating with Bank Mandiri as official bank partners which will provide special offers with various special benefits for Bank Mandiri customers during MPL Seasons 8 it goes on.
Bank Mandiri also offers a bonus of 500 diamonds by opening a savings account now and also activating Livin By Mandiri automatically on line in MPL Seasons 8.
Now it doesn't feel like MPL Seasons 8 is already in the final round. In total there have been 49 matches until week 7 MPL Seasons 8 this. As for 5 pro player rising star MPL ID Seasons 8 by This standalone is as follows:

Jisaa this is one pro player rising star MPL ID Seasons 8 by Independent who is also part of the Genflix Rebellion team signed on for a replacement jungler Previously, Sugar was downgraded to MDL. Jisaa entered MPL ID Seasons 8 is on week the 3rd. This jisaa includes players who easily adapt to other Rebellion Genflix players.

Hanz is one pro player rising star MPL ID Seasons 8 by Mandiri, who is also part of the Geek Fam ID team, is the same as Jisaa. Hanz comes in to replace jungler the main one being Babywww which was previously promoted from MDL.
Hanz's game results were quite impressive because he was able to perform well and also managed to occupy the top ten positions average kills.
Hanz successfully fought Rebellion Genflix at week 2 to be exact on the third day. He's in position jungler and able to be the foundation of the team's attack. Hanz as a user hyper fighters also looks to maximize his opportunity well so that he can win the match.

This variety is a part of Aura Fire. Increased the appearance of Aura Fire being able to pass to playoffs this can not be separated from the appearance of Variety. Performance as jungler This youth was able to bring Aura Fire to playoffs.
Ability to use assassin heroes this is almost on par with greats like Ferkic and Albert. Usually this variety uses hero assassins like Ling or Hayabusa.
With high trust and high determination, Variety is predicted to be one of the big players in the future.

Nino, who is part of the Alter Ego team, managed to look amazing so he could bring Alter Ego to win win streak on leg first.
Nino actually just got promoted to MPL from MDL last season. Nino also managed to steal line up main offlaner from the Alter Ego team.
Nino has good mechanical ability. In addition, he is also equipped hero pool broad. Nino plays in position goldlane. Often Nino gets the right momentum to change the game of his team who are under pressure.
For example when he used Lunox against Aura. Nino was able to change the position of his team which was under pressure to turn into a victory.
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B1rul is a part of Rebellion Genflix. The Genflix Rebellion Team is a new team at MPL Indonesia. Even so, it turned out that his performance was not too disappointing in MPL ID Seasons 8 this.
With the experience that B1rul had in the past when he joined a big team, namely ONIC Esport, he managed to present his best performances.
Next season B1rul will be even more dangerous than this season with Rebellion Genflix.
Come on support pro player your champion. You can vote rising star by Mandiri by opening link below to vote or support your favorite player! https://id-mpl.com/vote
After entering the link, all you have to do is click on one of the players rising star your favourite. Then complete form available, and finally just click the VOTE button. Per person it is a maximum of 1 time vote just ok.
Also Read: Successfully Breaking Win Streak Alter Ego, Who Else If Not Bigetron Alpha!