Roblox Murder Mystery 2 is one of the popular games on Roblox. Well, there are five of the best knives that you can use. So, don't miss this article bro!
The knife in Roblox Murder Mystery 2 is used by the killer as a melee weapon. The tool is used to immediately kill the target or victim by throwing or using a knife.
Apart from knives, certain weapons like Candy, Battle Ax, Pixel, Spider, Clockwork and others are also called melee weapons in the game.
In Roblox Murder Mystery 2, rare knives are hard to come by. Rare blades are harder to get from boxes than Uncommon and Common weapons, although they are not as powerful as Legendary and Godly weapons.
Uncommon Weapons are one level below Rare Weapons and Legendary Weapons are one level above Rare Weapons.
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The Best Knives in Roblox Murder Mystery 2
Knives are a weapon for assassins in the game, and there are plenty of them in Roblox Murder Mystery 2. These knives are ranked via a tiers list. While some knives are easy to come by, rare ones can cost a lot of money to use.
Players can find different types of knives over time, either by trading, opening boxes, or buying. The value of each knife varies depending on its rarity.
This article is the right place for readers to learn about the best knives in Roblox Murder Mystery 2.
The knife in Roblox Murder Mystery 2: Hallowscythe

The Hallowscythe is an ancient blade that can be obtained for 80,000 Candies by purchasing the last tier of the Halloween 2020 Event. Since the event has concluded, it is now only available through trade.
The weapon appears to be part spear and part sickle. It has a long, thin handle, and the upper blunt end of the blade has a beak tip. Black, gray, and orange make up the knife's color palette.
The hilt, the top of the blade, the edge of the ax, and the center are all black, and the part that holds the blade together is gray. The other half of the sickle and axe, as well as the tip and top of the blade, are orange.
Elderwood Scythe

Initially, Elderwood Scythe Roblox Murder Mystery 2 can be obtained by purchasing the last tier of the Main Event Halloween Event 2019 and completing the Traveler Challenge which requires players to spend 80,000 candies. However, since the event has been completed, it can only be obtained through trading now.
The Elderwood Scythe looks like an old tree. The sickle blade was purple and black with several purple lines resembling a purple leaf, and the hilt was crooked and tattered like a tree stump.
Icebreaker is an ancient blade that can be originally obtained by purchasing the last tier of the Main Event with 70,000 Snow Tokens during the Christmas 2020 Event.
However, it is currently only available through trading. It is the second ancient weapon that is not a scythe, with the Logchopper being the first.
Icebreaker resembles the Battle Axe, but bigger. The grip is slender, long, and purple in color, with a pointed ice knob at the bottom.
His ax resembles a labrys, with two blades covered in ice. It features a ghostly face in the center that has silver horns, ice blue eyes, a black and slender nose, and sharp metal teeth.
Candy is a divine knife in Roblox Murder Mystery 2 that can be obtained by unwrapping it from the 2015 Christmas Knife Box during the 2015 Christmas Event. Since the event has concluded, it is now only available through trade.
The candy has red and white stripes, similar to a traditional candy cane. It is decorated with a crimson ribbon in the middle. Candy's design is based on the ROBLOX accessory Candy Cane.
Chroma Fang
The Chroma Fang is a Chroma knife that can be obtained by disassembling or trading it from Knife Box 2.
It has a spider attached to the hilt of the blade that, along with the rest of the blade, changes color. This was Chroma's opinion of his fangs. It, like all other Chroma Weapons, can change color.
Deathshard, Chroma Deathshard, Gingerblade, Chroma Gingerblade, and Winter's Edge all share a throw animation similar to Chroma Fang and Fang. The approximate value of this rare divine weapon is 225 seers and 250 (highest).
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How to Play the Roblox Murder Mystery 2 Game

Roblox Murder Mystery 2 is a game Roblox skill-based, as it relies heavily on the assassin's positioning and discretion.
If a player is neither a cop nor a killer, they should stay close to the cops, whoever they are. There isn't much for players to do other than try to escape the killer, which means they need to be near someone who can kill the killer or grab a gun if the sheriff is dead.
Players need to develop knife avoidance skills as well. Any player could be the killer, so players shouldn't put their trust in the police unless they really are sure.
If the player is a cop, being in the right place at the right time is very important, but being aware of what's going on around you is also important. Players must keep an eye on what's going on in the surrounding area, or they might be caught off guard. Only the police can stop the killer.
The most difficult role in the game is assassin, and if players have that role, they must be very cunning and deceptive.
If multiple people witness them killing someone, the police will be alerted, making it more difficult for players to sneak up on the victim. The most important mission is to kill the cops, because they are the only people who can stop the killers in the game.
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