For those of you who like to play games Mobile Legends often hear the term roaming or even you meet roamers who roam during the game. So, what does roaming ml mean?
Before discussing further, heroes who roam are called roamers. Well, usually heroes with role tanks are here.
They usually play in goldlane with Marksman and then rotate to other lanes to help their teammates.
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However, actually this roaming is not just going around the map, it turns out that there are several roles that need to be performed by roamers.
So, for beginners, this is one of the things that can make you curious, and how do you do roaming? Of course, this article will review the meaning of ML roaming that you can learn during the game.
Also read: This Is How You Become a True Roaming Tank Hero!
Roaming definition

The word roaming comes from the English word which means "roaming", which is taken from the word "roam". If we interpret it, this roaming has the meaning of moving to explore more broadly.
However, in the world of Mobile Legends, the term "roaming" has the meaning of being able to move in displacement or rotation from one place to another or from one line to another which can help teammates. Players can roam in this ML in all maps such as the lower, middle, upper maps and vice versa.
An example of this from Roaming is a hero who likes to move positions, for example jungle to lane. However, many say that this roaming is similar to a hero who has the ability to rotate compared to making moves.
It was mentioned above that this roaming or roamer is a calling for a great hero in his rotation, where the hero can rotate wherever he wants.
This one hero also has quite high mobility with very maximum speed, therefore this hero is very functional and is more needed to help his colleagues in quite precarious situations and must always pay attention to the condition of his colleagues guarding the tower.
Also read: Roam ML: Definition, Items Used, and Types
Roamer type

Actually there are some things you need to know about this roamer, including the types of roamers in Mobile Legends. What do you think?
Defense Roamers
This defense roamer is a defense roamer which relies on tank heroes by taking advantage of their high durability. Of course, this type of roamer will protect the core when there is a teamfight.
Of course, they need to have very good feeling and shout calling because they generally play a role when a team fight occurs, therefore the heroes that are quite suitable for this type are Jawhead, Akai and Khufra.
Healer Roamers
His role is to provide extra heal to his teammates, besides that he will also follow partners who are in enemy ganking such as junglers, marksmen, and junglers. For heroes that are suitable for this type, you can use Rafaela, Angela, Floryn, Estes.
Damage Roamers
Here it has the main function, which is to distract or outwit the enemy cores when farming, by doing poke damage so that the enemy cores will be left behind.
This type of hero must be agile and able to read or predict maps so that they can find out where the enemy is, the heroes commonly used for this type are Franco, Kupa, Natalia, Popol and Kagura.
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Roaming function

For those of you who want to become a roamer, you need to understand the duties first!
Examining the Bushes and Providing Information
Providing information obtained from the opposing team, of course, this is the task of a roamer. Apart from that, he must keep the core hero safe and not be kidnapped by the enemy by checking the bushes when using long range skills.
Protect and Assist the Team
The second task of a roamer is to be able to help his colleagues at critical times, a roamer must be able to predict conditions and always check the mini map if the team needs help. Do not ignore the map, because the enemy will overtake and destroy the base. Therefore, roamers must be ready under any circumstances.
Initiated In Team Fight
The initiative carried out by roamers is to rely on their crowd control to steal the Team Fight start line with the right timing. So from that, roamers must be good at figuring out wisely when they need to do it during combat and when they have to avoid battle.
Good at Attacking
As a roamer, of course, he must be the 'center' for his team, where he must be able to carry out attacks individually, but this is also likely to be backed up by other teammates.
Stop Enemy Mobility
The task of the last roamer is to become a 'guard' by blocking attacks from enemies. Of course this is one of the advantages of a roamer where he has quite a lot of durability so he can be relied on to protect his team.
Also read: How to Become an ML Roamer, Check Out the Following Tips!
Roaming Items

To support you while roaming, of course you need to use several items that can maximize your roaming, namely:
Direct Hits
Having this Dire Hit can increase damage from 7% to a maximum of 18%, this damage can reduce enemy HP and is very usable for heroes with high burst (Tank & Fighter).
This one item can increase attack speed, magic power, and physical power, where by relying on this item your team will surely be protected by you as a roamer because this is indeed the job of a roamer.
This Favor is suitable for helping in recovering or removing shields to provide protection to his team and yourself. Heal from Favor is 1200 HP and you can combine it with the battle spell Revitalize or Aegis.
For heroes who like to be lost, this conceal item is really suitable because it will work when exploring maps while hiding to avoid being read in the opponent's map.
Also read: Listen! The 7 Best Roamer Heroes according to VCGamers!
So, that's some information about what does ML roaming mean? Hopefully this information is enough for you, yes!
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