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Revamped Hero Odette, Here's How to Use It!

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build Odette

At this time updates Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is patches 1.6.10 which is the biggest update given by Mobile Legend. Starting from the graphics, drastic changes to lobby or Matching upthe ones that are incredibly good, and some of the heroes that are hit revamp, which is like the hero Odette.

Revamp which means the overall change of the hero, such as character, skills, damage, and others. One of the heroes affected by the revamp is Odette or what we know as the princess of the swan on the ground Lane Of Down

Odette's story

Odette was born and lives in Swan Castle or Goose Castle which is located to the south Moniyan which is in a mountain. The castle by the lake looks like tiny spots of light shining brightly on the mountain when viewed from above Moniyan

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standing Swan Castle motivated by family Regina who fled from the royal capital due to family conflicts and headed for a lake high in the mountains and built a castle called Swan Castle. 

History records that when the thirteenth generation of Swan Castle was born, the swans who lived on the shores of the castle lake came to pay homage to the birth of the thirteenth generation daughter named Odette. 

Odette is a figure who likes to play by the lake while watching the swans playing and Odette also studies her family's hereditary magic, namely swan magic. Odette couldn't swim very well and would be embarrassed if anyone found out.

One day Odette was shocked by the presence of a man who was unconscious near the edge of the lake with a body full of wounds. The man named Lancelot was injured by an attack from several unknown wizards. 

Odette, who is a princess with a high sense of affection, she immediately takes care of Lancelot until he recovers. In the end, Odette and Lancelot fall in love with each other. 

Damage Per-skills Revamped Odette


Next is a row of Odette's skills from passive to skills 1, 2 and 3 (ultimate) as well as the per-skill damage, so let's look carefully at the following review of Odette's skills.

Passive: Lakeshore Ambience

After the usual attack is issued, then the next Skill will also be issued SoundWave that bounces between opponents, dealing 144-200 (+314) MagicDamage.

Skill 1: Avian Authority

Odette's first skill takes out a swan to attack the enemy, giving 500 (+ 943) MagicDamage and cause an effect slow  to them amounted to 30%. Lasts for 2 seconds. Cooldowns: 5,6 second / Mana Cost: 140 mana.

Skill 2: Blue Nova

Odette let go of a set Magic Energy Ball  forward, gives 400 (+314) MagicDamage to and cause effect Immobilize to them for 1.5 seconds.

Skill 3 (Ultimate): Swan Song

Odette jumps in the designated direction and collects energy, gives 320 (+566) MagicDamage to the opponent in the area every 0.5 seconds for 5 seconds and increases the speed and number of bounces from Lakeshore Ambience in that area. 

Odette causes effect slow on enemies around 90% for 2 seconds (decreases with time) after casting the skill and gain 1000 (+943) Shields when the skill is active. 

Recommendation Combo Skills Odette

Surely we are no strangers not to the name Combo Skills if you have discussed Mobile Legend, every hero has Combo Skills its separate because for each hero Combo Skills it is very important to kill the opponent's hero. 

By using Combo Skills the right one then the more likely it is to win the fight while being war. Odette as a hero with a mage role also has one Combo Skills.

Well here are Combo Skills which is suitable when using the hero Odette: skills two, then skills one, and the last skills 3 (ultimate), by using Combo Skills that has been explained is guaranteed that the target or the opponent's hero will be killed immediately. 

Item Recommendations and Odette Emblems

Items and Emblems also no less important in the Mobile Legend game, because para Users have to choose wisely Items and Emblems in order to be able to dominate the battle with every opponent's hero. 

Therefore, the following is a recommendation Items and Emblems that work for Odette: Arcane Boots, Ice Queen Wand, Lightning Truncheon, Genius Wand, Holy Crystal, and Divine Glaive. 

Then to dominate Items used, it is also necessary compatibility in use Emblems on Odette heroes like: Mage emblems with Talent Magic Worship, added with Agility levels 3 and Catastrophe level 3.

Recommended Lane Hero Odette

Patches it's only now that many players use heroes Mage as Mage Support who are in Midlane (Middle Line)accompany tank and cores. Therefore Odette is highly recommended to be at midlane together tank and also cores. 

Price Heroes Odette and How to Buy It

Hero Odette hasn't been sold using coins for a long time, but now it can be purchased using coins Fragments named brown Hero Fragments at 120 Hero Fragments.

The way to buy it is, when entering the Mobile Legend game, just go straight to it shop which is right below the profile then click on the one that says "Fragments" at the very bottom after that it will appear Premium Skins, Rare Skins, Heroes, and Ad Shop

To buy hero Odette, please go to Heroes and choose Odette and use 120 Hero Fragments to buy it, after that the Odette hero can be used at any time.

Now that's a review of Odette's hero who has beenrevamp on patches 1.6.10, I hope this is useful. Let's use it heroes Odette Revamp it's on a mission Road To Mythic in Lane Of Dawn!

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